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★ Polygamy

Polygamy: see Marriage & Forced Marriage & Wedding & Mormons & Cults & Cults: FLDS & Islam & Crime & Slavery

Red Dwarf TV - Ben Stewart - John Gay - Raid on Texas Cult TV - Christopher Hitchens TV - John Sweeney TV - Steve Benson - Kenny Thompson - Runtu - Lawrence Foster - William McLellin - Eliza Webb - Chauncey Webb - Benjamin Johnson - Orson Pratt - Richard Bushman - Troy - Jon Krakauer - Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony - I Escaped a Cult TV - Escaping Evil TV - Benjamin Winchester - Joseph Smith - W W Phelps - Mary Elizabeth Rollings Lightner - Helen Mar Kimball - William Law - mrwright - Angus M Cannon - Hyrum Smith - Arza Evans - Newell & Avery - Todd Compton - Ettie V Smith - Brigham Young - Ann Eliza Young - Courtney #19 - D Michael Quinn - Stanley B Kimball - Heber C Kimball - Orson Pratt - John Taylor - George A Smith - Joseph Fielding Smith - Lorenzo R Snow - W G Mills - George Q Cannon - Richard von Wagoner - Thelma Geer - Elissa Wall - James R Spencer - Bob McCue - Mary Mackert - Heber Grant Ivans - Randy Jordan - Charles Penrose - Jake Garn - Nightingale - Deconstructor - Dallin H Oaks - Harold B Lee - Maxine Hanks - Helen Radkey - Infymus - Mitt Romney - Gordon B Hinckley - M Russell Ballard - Deseret News - Cults: Dangerous Devotion TV - Man With 121 Children and 24 Wives TV - Dr Strangelove 1963 - David Attenborough TV - Brady Udall - Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Meet the Polygamists TV - Genesis 32:22 - Koran 4:3 - Book of Mormon Jacob 2:24&27 - Doctrine & Covenants 78:11 - Doctrine & Covenants 132:1&38&39&63 - Book of Mormon Jacob 2:24&27 - Doctrine & Covenants 132:1&38&39&63 - One Man Six Wives & 29 Children TV - Cheryl Vaught - Escaping Polygamy TV - The Fifth Estate: Polygamy in Canada: An Open Secret TV - 20 20 Breaking Polygamy: Secrets of the Sect TV - Prophet’s Prey 2015 - Warren Jeffs: Prophet of Evil TV - Cults & Extreme Belief TV - Inside Dubai: Playground for the Rich TV - Keep Sweet: Pray & Obey TV -         




As soon as I find the right small group of girls – the seven or eight women who are right for me – my wandering days are over, Buddy.  Red Dwarf s2e6: Parallel Universe, Cat, BBC 1988



One of Himmlers ideas concerned polygamy.  The only way which he could breed the master-race ever faster was by instituting the practice. Ben Stewart, Esoteric Agenda, 2008



One wife is too much for most husbands to bear,

But two at a time there’s no mortal can bear.  John Gay, Beggar's Opera II ii



The group [FLDS] split from Mormonism in the late nineteenth century over the issue of polygamy.  Mormons renounced the practice; Fundamentalists believe the most wives a man takes the closer he gets to God.  FLDS members tend to live in isolated compounds.  Raid on Texas Cult



Until 1979 you couldn’t be black and be a deacon or an elder of the Mormon Church ... It was an officially racist organisation ... The Mormons had to be told they were un-American when they practised polygamy.  Christopher Hitchens, interview Fox News



The Mormons don’t talk about their polygamous past.  John Sweeney, This World: The Mormon Candidate, BBC 2012


Despite the Church’s efforts, polygamy keeps coming back – a boomerang from history.  ibid.



Like Warren Jeffs, Joseph Smith engaged in sex with underage girls (despite what robo-Mos dependent on FAIR propaganda peddling may wish to believe – and as proven by Mormon history itself).


Smith’s Well-Earned Reputation for Being a Sex-Obsessed, Self-Possessed Philanderer –


As a baseline (and as known in Mormon circles of his day), Smith was legendary for his sexual attraction to women.


In fact, the official LDS publication History of the Church (vol 5 p53) acknowledged the lore of Smith's attraction to females, as described in The Wasp, a LDS newspaper published in Nauvoo, Illinois:


... Smith’s moves to seduce other men’s wives were so brazen and notorious that they led one distraught husband – Orson Pratt – to attempt suicide in Nauvoo on 15 July 1842 ...


Smith’s first known sexual affair was with a teenager named Fanny Alger, who was living with Smith and his first wife Emma in their Kirtland Ohio home.  Fanny was also Smith’s first confirmed plural wife.  Smith ‘came to know [her]’ in Kirtland during early 1833 when she, at the age of 16, stayed at his home as a housemaid.  Described as ‘a very nice and comely young woman’, according to Benjamin Johnson, Fanny lived with the Smith family from 1833 to 1836.


Fanny eventually became the target of Smiths sexual advances, with Smith’s predatory behavior soon becoming the talk of the town ...


As part of Smith’s brimming quiver of teenager brides, in May 1843, in Smiths Nauvoo store, he married an underage 14-year-old female named Helen Mar Kimball.  Helen’s father, Heber C Kimball, officiated the wedding of his underage daughter to Smith.


Helen was the youngest of Smith’s brides – and according to Helen, he had sex with her.


Helen wrote about how her marriage to Smith was orchestrated by her father:


‘Having a great desire to be connected with the Prophet, Joseph, he (my father) offered me to him; this I afterwards learned from the Prophet’s own mouth.  My father had but one Ewe Lamb, but willingly laid her upon the altar: how cruel this seemed to my mother whose heartstrings were already stretched until they were ready to snap asunder, for she had already taken Sarah Noon to wife and she thought she had made sufficient sacrifice but the Lord required more.'


Smith pressured Helen to marry him, giving her only 24 hours to give him an answer.  Steve Benson, board post 17th March 2012, ‘History Not Mystery: Joseph Smith Was a Pedophile (as confirmed by even Mormon sources)’



Indeed, below are the sordid details of Smith’s pathological pursuit of Mary Elizabeth Rollins – an obsessive skirt chase that began when she was a 12-year-old girl and climaxed 11 years later when he finally captured her for his unholy harem.


Smith Tells 12-Year-Old Mary Elizabeth that God Has Commanded Him in a Vision to Marry Her and that a Sword-Bearing Angel Threatened to Kill Him if She Didn’t Obey (Sound Familiar?) ...


Mary Elizabeth Rollins claimed that Joseph had a private conversation with her in 1831; she was 12 years old.


She said Joseph ‘told me about his great vision concerning me.  He said I was the first woman God commanded him to take as a plural wife.’  [letter from Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner to Emeline B Wells, summer 1905, LDS Archives]


Although she did not become a plural wife of Joseph’s until a number of years later, that early conversation planted a seed that Mary Elizabeth long remembered.  Steve Benson, board post 19th March 2012, ‘Sicko Pedophile Joseph Smith Pressured Girls as Young as 12 Years of Age to Marry Him With Claims of Angels of Death, Manipulation Thru Guilt Trips and Promises of Salvation’



There once was a prophet of god

who was born with a passionate rod

he asked the almighty

if it was alrighty

to have sex with more than one broad.  Kenny Thompson aka Shaunteez (The Salamander Society Best Original Mormonia Lyric 2000)



Why did Joseph Smith cross the road?  To get to the other bride.  Runtu, board post 7th September 2012 ‘Mormon Jokes’



The age of consent in Nauvoo
Was eighteen years, it is true
But if you were bad
They’d just get your dad
To trade exaltation for you.  Substrate, board post 16th March 2006 



In no area were Joseph Smith’s manic qualities more evident than in his efforts to introduce and practice polygamy during the last three years of his life.  The point at which Joseph Smith began systematically to introduce polygamy to his closest associates has strong suggestions of mania ... His subsequent surge of activity with the sixteen or more women with whom he appears to have sustained sexual relations as plural wives ... is even more suggestive of the hypersexuality that often accompanies manic periods.  Dr Lawrence Foster, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, 1993



Again I told her [Emma] I heard that one night she missed Joseph and Fanny Alger.  She went to the barn and saw him and Fanny in the barn together alone.  She looked through the crack and saw the transaction!  She told me this story too was verily true.  William McLellin 



It was with a shocked surprise that the people heard that sister Emma had turned Fanny out of the house in the night ...  [Emma] certainly must have had some very good reason for her action.  By degrees it became whispered about that Joseph’s love for his adopted daughter was by no means a paternal affection, and his wife, discovering the fact, at once took measures to place the girl beyond his reach.  Eliza Webb, future wife of Brigham Young



Emma was furious, and drove the girl, who was unable to conceal the consequences of her celestial relation with the prophet, out of her house.  Chauncey Webb



I was afterwards told by Warren Parrish that he himself & Oliver Cowdery did know that Joseph had Fanny Alger as a wife for they were spied upon and found together.  Benjamin Johnson, Smiths personal secretary & church patriarch 



His brother, Hyrum, said to me, ‘Now, Brother Benjamin, you know that Brother Joseph would not sanction this if it was not from the Lord.  The Lord revealed this to Brother Joseph long ago, and he put it off until the Angel of the Lord came to him with a drawn sword and told him that he would be slain if he did not go forth and fulfil the law.’  He told my sister to have no fears, and he there and then sealed my sister, Almira, to the Prophet.  Benjamin F Johnson



In October of 1841, Zina received a written message from Joseph Smith that an angel from God had appeared to him with a drawn sword and told Joseph that he would lose ‘his position and his life’ if he did not establish polygamy and marry Zina.  Thus, Zina, after sincere prayer, finally acquiesced to marry the prophet Joseph Smith on 27th October 1841, despite the fact that she was seven months pregnant with Henry Jacob’s child.  X-Man, board post 30th October 2006, ‘Consider the Sad Story of Early Mormon Convert, Henry Jacobs, and How Polygamy Affected His Life’