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★ Premonition

Premonition: see Future & Dream & Extra-Sensory Perception & Psychic & Prophecy & Imagination & Head & Brain & Mind & Psychology & M K Ultra

William Shakespeare - Sarah - Arthur C Clarke TV - Karen Butler - Lesley Brennan - Sarah Rand - David Booth - Pam Booth - Lorna Middleton - Doreen Jacklin - Strange But True? TV - Weird or What? TV - Independent online - Cassandra Eason - Unsolved Mysteries TV -




Tuvok’s premonitions were real: you are from the future.  Star Trek: Voyager s6e23: Fury, Janeway to Kes



Beware the ides of March.  William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar I ii 19



I felt it in my heart that something would happen to him, and I should see him no more.  Sarah, Abraham Lincoln’s mother-in-law



I’ve never had a premonition, and they’re quite common.  And a very good example occurred to a good friend of mine many years ago here in Sri Lanka.  He was in charge of a brickworks here in the jungle, and one day when he leaving for his office, the foreman came up to him and said, ‘Please, Master.  Drive carefully.  Something bad is going to happen; so my friend drove carefully.’  And nothing bad happened.  However, when he got to his office there was a message, ‘Please return at once’.  When he got back to the work-site he found that the foreman, the man who had just warned him, was dead.  Killed in a freak accident.  They had been blasting a quarry almost a mile away; a stone had been hurled this unprecedented distance, passed between a small gap in the roof, hit him on the head and killed him instantly.  So he had seen an omen; what he did not see was he had forecast his own death.  Arthur C Clarke’s World of Strange Powers, ITV 1985


Peter Fairley collected premonitions of the Aberfan disaster.  ibid.



What can we make of claims that some animals have extraordinary, even supernatural skills?  These include mathematical horses, dogs that can diagnose illnesses, and domestic pets with the navigational know-how to track down their owners over miles of unfamiliar countryside.  Arthur C Clarke’s Mysterious Universe, ITV 1994



They were really dreadful winds.  Very very strong ... I could see trees and branches crashing down ... Oh, the poor people.  Karen Butler, post-mistress, evening of 11th November 1969 premonition for hurricane mid-January



And then I heard them mention the name Flixborough near Grimsby.  Well with that I listened a bit closer to it.  And they said there’d been this terrible explosion at Flixborough.  There’d been a number of people injured.  A number of people killed.  Lesley Brennan, televised interview, premonition of fire at Flixborough Humberside chemical plant June 1st 1974



A gun.  It had to do with shots all over the place.  I felt it might actually be an assassination attempt or a shot to the President.  Sarah Rand premonition, 6th January 1981, found to have been made twenty-four hours after event



I looked up in the sky and there’s an American Airlines jet ... It wasn’t making the sound that it should ... Turns over on its back, and then goes straight down on the ground ... Every night.  Davis Booth, Chicago, 25th May 1979; 273 passengers died in jet crash



He woke up one morning and he was in tears.  Very nervous.  Very upset.  Pam Booth



My earthquake headache is a sharp pain which comes across the forehead, either to the right or left or left to right.  Lorna Middleton



She came down and said, Oh Mum, I’ve had an awful dream.  The Artimis sank with three men on board.  Doreen Jacklin



To the police, Chris Robinson was no ordinary member of the public.  For six years Regional Crime Squad Detective Chief Inspector Alex Hall was allocated to be his police contact.  Alex Hall remembers that Chris was very insistent an attack was imminent.  Strange But True? s1e1, ITV 1994 



This year lottery player Isabella Hughes claimed her numbers came to her in a dream.  She won two and a quarter million pounds.  Strange But True? 



Cincinnati, Ohio 1979: David Booth is the office manager of a car rental agency … An extreme nightmare: ‘he had this dream of an aeroplane taking off and the engine falling off and the plane crashing in flames killing everyone … The next night he had the same dream again’ … It continues night after night … Finally, David decides to warn the authorities … Again and again, each night more vivid than the last … David’s nightmare becomes a tragedy.  Weird or What? s3e7: Premonitions, Discovery 2012 


May 17th 1980 Cascade Mountains, Washington State: aspiring nature photograph Steve Terrill is on his first assignment … He notices something is wrong with his son … ‘It was something that felt evil’ … ‘A gut instinct times a million’ … Mount St Helens erupts … Spirit Lake is gone … The area where Steve and his son first set up camp has been utterly destroyed.  ibid. 



A year ago, a chap called Adrian Hayward asked Paddy Power for a price on Liverpool’s Xabi Alonso scoring a goal during the forthcoming season from inside his own half.  He was offered 125-1 and his £200 was turned into £25,000 when Alonso duly scored from improbable range against Luton in the third round of the FA Cup.


‘I watch Liverpool a lot and had seen Alonso try it before,’ he later reported.  ‘Also, I’d had a dream about it and just couldn’t get it out of my head.’  Independent online article 19th August 2006



Jack looked up from his cornflakes and said, ‘Mummy, Daddy’s gone rolly-boys on his bike but he’s OK.’  Cassandra Eason, 1988, former teacher & psychiatrist, televised interview; husband had crashed from motorbike, oil on road, but was relatively unscathed



With an army of searchers at work, no-one counted on a soft-spoken cowboy called Randy Spears to ride to the rescue ... He saw a silhouette of a Sierra peak located fifty miles from his ranch.  He just knew with absolute certainty that he would find Millie on the mountain’s southern slope ... ‘I saw Randy coming up on the mule.  And it was spectacular’.  Unsolved Mysteries, rescue of Millie McGregor