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★ Paedophile & Paedophilia (II)

Paedophile & Paedophilia (II): see Paedophile (I) & (III) & Pervert & Children & Abuse & Domestic Violence & Scandal & Violence & Crime & Rape & Catholicism & Cults

[Caution is advised of a distressing subject matter.  Quotations are taken from public sources for example BBC documentaries]



Cunk & Other People TV - The Unbelievable Story of Carl Beech TV - Outcry TV - Max Clifford: The Fall of a Tabloid King TV - In the Footsteps of Killers TV - Ghislaine Maxwell: Epstein’s Shadow TV - Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein? TV - Abducted in Plain Sight 2017 - The Keepers 2017 - Surviving R Kelly 2019 - Dark Net 2016 - Child Killer: Murder in Michigan TV - The Fifth Estate: Paedophilia in the Jehovah’s Witness Church TV - Dispatches: The Prince & the Paedophile TV - Prince Andrew & the Epstein Scandal TV - At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal TV - The Church’s Darkest Secret TV - The McMartin Family Trials TV - Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich TV - Faking It: Tears of a Crime TV - Allen v Farrow TV - Football’s Darkest Secret TV - 20 20 Breaking Polygamy TV - Prophet’s Prey TV - Warren Jeffs: Prophet of Evil TV - Cults & Extreme Belief TV - The Clown & The Candyman TV - Savile: Portrait of a Predator TV - Chasing Ghislaine TV - Veleno: The Town of Lost Children TV - National Treasure, National Disgrace TV - Monster in the Shadows TV - Jimmy Savile: The People Who Knew TV - Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster TV - In the Footsteps of Killers TV - Secret History TV - The Child Snatcher: Manhunt TV - True Crime Recaps 2021 - Rolf Harris: Hiding in Plain Sight TV - Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story TV - Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich TV - Keep Sweet: Pray & Obey TV - 




Jeffrey Epstein was this billionaire who was into sex with trafficked under-age girls, and he had lots of powerful friends like Donald Trump and Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew.  Anyway, this year Epstein died in a freak neck-tie accident while one of his prison guards was blinking for too long.  And his friendship with Prince Andrew was on everyone’s minds again.  Cunk & Other People II on 2019, BBC



‘For eight years I endured it as a child and as a teen.’  The Unbelievable Story of Carl Beech, ‘Me’ a poem by Carl Beech, BBC 2020


‘Electrocution and drowning were some of their tools, when I was bad and broke their rules.’  ibid.


In 2014 Carl Beech, a seemingly unremarkable man from Gloucester, perhaps better known by his pseudonym Nick, claimed he had been the victim of a VIP paedophile ring in the 1970s and 80s.  So who was Carl Beech, and why did he choose to go public with this extraordinary story?  ibid.  


In 2012 Beech told Yorkshire Police he had been sexually abused by his step-father, by Jimmy Savile, and by some other men he called The Group.  After a brief investigation, Wiltshire Police dismissed Beech’s allegations but not before Beech had submitted a compensation claim for the abuse he had suffered.  Two years later he began writing about his abuse online.  ibid.    


Beech named twelve men he said had abused and raped him … High-ranking members of the military … Politicians and members of the establishment … another was Sir Edward Heath.  ibid.   


A month later doubts about the story began to emerge in the press.  ibid.   


‘He’d been filming covertly schoolboys.’  ibid.  Tom Wilkinson, journalist   



I’m supposed to tell the truth but I can’t tell it.  With Greg it happened.  Outcry I, child under interview, Sky Documentaries 2020


One of the best football players I’ve been around … just a superior athlete.  ibid.  coach


They’re lying.  Why would I do this to a kid?  ibid.  Greg


Leander player faces child sex charges.  ibid.  Austin American-Statesman headline  


New molestation charge for ex-football player.  ibid.  headline


It is worse than murder.  The least you can get is 25 years without parole.  ibid.  Greg


False accusations are created by adults and carried by children.  ibid.  defense to jury


Following the conviction it became a story of the steadfast support this man got from his girlfriend, from his friends, from perfect strangers that thought, This case doesn’t seem right.  ibid.  Bryan Mays, anchor KVUE      


They got it wrong.  ibid.  Greg



20 July 2014 (four days after Kelley’s conviction): Thank you for your support to help fight for Greg Kelly and get him released from jail … We are disgusted with this justice system, and it has become a game to certain people … Not to have justice done but to increase their credentials … We are a righteous fight for justice and we will not stop.  Outcry II, Jake Brydon, advocate’s video appeal   


Kelley verdict elicits protests.  ibid.  news article Jonathan Adams


You really have to look at how the child was interviewed, not just at what the child is saying.  ibid.  expert  


Dailey (rozzer) decides he doesn’t like that.  So Dailey did something extraordinarily wrong, stupid, and against all type of policy.  With his gun prominently in display, he marches in and begins to interrogate a scared little four-year-old boy as if he is an adult man.  ibid.  defense dude     


He [best friend] was very jealous [of Greg]… He wanted his girlfriend and he wanted his life.  ibid.  re Greg’s ‘best friend’     


They moved the date: that’s exactly what they did with Greg … They moved the date several times.  ibid.  defense dude  


There’s no investigation in this case.  It’s stunning.  ibid.    



Jonathan McCarty [best friend] is a person of interest in this case.  Outcry III, news   


Brief: Detective Dailey, what would you say is the ultimate goal of a police investigation in a criminal case?


Dailey: Successful prosecution.  ibid.


Brief: I believe you stated at trial you believed the children is that correct  [Correct]  and therefore you didn’t feel there was an additional investigation to be done?


Dailey: Correct.  ibid.     


The seeds are planted when Dailey tells the father  we think Greg Kelley molested your child.  ibid.   


There’s no reason to suspect anything’s happened to this child … The second child did not come forward: the second child’s outcry was orchestrated by Detective Dailey.  ibid.  defense


We’ve been on this journey to figure out what the truth is here and it has proved difficult at every turn.  ibid.  Innocence Project


Was I aware there was a resemblance? – Jonathan McCarty and Greg Kelley – Yes I was.  ibid.  trial prosecutor at appeal  


Now we are learning new information from the Texas Ranger’s investigation that keeps him as an active suspect in this child sex assault investigation.  ibid.  KVUE Austin News 


Sabotage and spitefulness.  ibid.  Greg’s brief re disinformation campaign



Now the focus is on an attorney who defended him in 2014.  Outcry IV, news 


His prior lawyer becomes his worst enemy.  ibid.  observer    


They [Jonathan McCarty/Greg Kelley] looked like twins to me.  ibid.


Breaking News: Former high school football star Greg Kelley out on bond.  It’s the first time he’s seen freedom in three years. ibid.  news    


When I was incarcerated I received an outpouring of love from this community … Incompetence … Change is required.  ibid.  Greg  


He has met his burden … The Court recommends … actual innocence be GRANTED … conviction be set aside …  In her ruling Judge King said that his attorney at his first trial was ineffective.  ibid.  news of ruling setting aside verdict


‘Catastrophic Failure’: Justice system failed in Kelley case,  DA says.  ibid.  Statesman        



This was a drive-by character assassination.  Outcry V ***** brief  


I met Jonathan when I was 15 and he raped me two weeks before I turned 16, and that was maybe within a month of two of Greg being officially convicted.  ibid.  victim


Patricia Cummings [Greg’s original lawyer] and her then lawyer Gary Udashen along with her other two lawyers are working together with the SPA to deny Greg the very thing that they publicly said they wanted to see enacted into law.  ibid.   


I didn’t know the law.  I didn’t study.  I didn’t know my rights.  I was trusting people with my life I had no idea were working against me.  ibid.    



When he was at his peak, he was one of the most powerful men in Fleet Street.  Max Clifford: The Fall of a Tabloid King, Channel 4 2021


Max Clifford has been charged with eleven counts of indecent assault between 1966 and 1985.  ibid.  television news  


I think Max loved power.  It made him feel good.  It made him feel he’d got somewhere in life.  And he really liked being in the centre of things.  ibid.  Angela Levin, biographer  


I learnt earlier on that it was important to have as much control as possible.  ibid.  Clifford to Levin