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Paedophile & Paedophilia (II)
  P2 Lodge  ·  Pacifism & Pacifist  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (I)  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (II)  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (III)  ·  Pagans & Paganism  ·  Pain  ·  Paint & Painting  ·  Pakistan & Pakistanis  ·  Palace  ·  Palestine & Palestinians  ·  Panama & Panamanians  ·  Pandemic  ·  Panspermia  ·  Paper  ·  Papua New Guinea & New Guinea  ·  Parables  ·  Paradise  ·  Paraguay & Paraguayans  ·  Parallel Universe  ·  Paranoia & Paranoid  ·  Parents  ·  Paris  ·  Parkinson's Disease  ·  Parks & Parklands  ·  Parliament  ·  Parrot  ·  Particle Accelerator  ·  Particles  ·  Partner  ·  Party (Celebration)  ·  Passion  ·  Past  ·  Patience & Patient  ·  Patriot & Patriotism  ·  Paul & Thecla (Bible)  ·  Pay & Payment  ·  PCP  ·  Peace  ·  Pearl Harbor  ·  Pen  ·  Penguin  ·  Penis  ·  Pennsylvania  ·  Pension  ·  Pentagon  ·  Pentecostal  ·  People  ·  Perfect & Perfection  ·  Perfume  ·  Persecute & Persecution  ·  Persia & Persians  ·  Persistence & Perseverance  ·  Personality  ·  Persuade & Persuasion  ·  Peru & Moche  ·  Pervert & Peversion  ·  Pessimism & Pessimist  ·  Pesticides  ·  Peter (Bible)  ·  Petrol & Gasoline  ·  Pets  ·  Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma  ·  Philadelphia  ·  Philanthropy  ·  Philippines  ·  Philistines  ·  Philosopher's Stone  ·  Philosophy  ·  Phobos  ·  Phoenix  ·  Photograph & Photography  ·  Photons  ·  Physics  ·  Piano  ·  Picture  ·  Pig  ·  Pilate, Pontius (Bible)  ·  Pilgrim & Pilgrimage  ·  Pills  ·  Pirate & Piracy  ·  Pittsburgh  ·  Place  ·  Plagiarism  ·  Plagues  ·  Plan & Planning  ·  Planet  ·  Plants  ·  Plasma  ·  Plastic  ·  Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery  ·  Play (Fun)  ·  Plays (Theatre) I  ·  Plays (Theatre) II  ·  Pleasure  ·  Pluto  ·  Poet & Poetry  ·  Poison  ·  Poker  ·  Poland & Polish  ·  Polar Bear  ·  Police (I)  ·  Police (II)  ·  Policy  ·  Polite & Politeness  ·  Political Parties  ·  Politics & Politicians (I)  ·  Politics & Politicians (II)  ·  Politics & Politicians (III)  ·  Poll Tax  ·  Pollution  ·  Poltergeist  ·  Polygamy  ·  Pompeii  ·  Ponzi Schemes  ·  Pool  ·  Poor  ·  Pop Music (I)  ·  Pop Music (II)  ·  Pope  ·  Population  ·  Porcelain  ·  Pornography  ·  Portugal & Portuguese  ·  Possession  ·  Possible & Possibility  ·  Post & Mail  ·  Postcard  ·  Poster  ·  Pottery  ·  Poverty (I)  ·  Poverty (II)  ·  Power (I)  ·  Power (II)  ·  Practice & Practise  ·  Praise  ·  Prayer  ·  Preach & Preacher  ·  Pregnancy & Pregnant  ·  Prejudice  ·  Premonition  ·  Present  ·  President  ·  Presley, Elvis  ·  Press  ·  Price  ·  Pride  ·  Priest  ·  Primates  ·  Prime Minister  ·  Prince & Princess  ·  Principles  ·  Print & Printing & Publish  ·  Prison & Prisoner (I)  ·  Prison & Prisoner (II)  ·  Private & Privacy  ·  Privatisation  ·  Privilege  ·  Privy Council  ·  Probable & Probability  ·  Problem  ·  Producer & Production  ·  Professional  ·  Profit  ·  Progress  ·  Prohibition  ·  Promise  ·  Proof  ·  Propaganda  ·  Property  ·  Prophet & Prophecy  ·  Prosperity  ·  Prostitute & Prostitution  ·  Protection  ·  Protest (I)  ·  Protest (II)  ·  Protestant & Protestantism  ·  Protons  ·  Proverbs  ·  Psalms  ·  Psychedelia & Psychedelics  ·  Psychiatry  ·  Psychic  ·  Psychology  ·  Pub & Bar & Tavern  ·  Public  ·  Public Relations  ·  Public Sector  ·  Puerto Rico  ·  Pulsars  ·  Punctuation  ·  Punishment  ·  Punk  ·  Pupil  ·  Puritan & Puritanism  ·  Purpose  ·  Putin, Vladimir  ·  Pyramids  

★ Paedophile & Paedophilia (II)

Among the 16 removed children, there is one [Simona] who never accused her parents.  Alessia had contacted her via Facebook but she never replied.  However, I had spoken to her mother Daniela.  And her story struck me very much because she had never been involved in any of the trials and yet she had never been able to get her daughter back home.  Veleno: The Town of Lost Children V  


Police officers secretly recorded conversations between psychologists and children at a centre in Bibbiano called Centro La Cura which is run by the Hansel and Gretel Study Centre.  ibid. 



For decades they were icons.  Their work was loved by millions.  But behind the fame and glamour they were monsters hiding in plain sight.  Celebrities who were so powerful they felt untouchable.  National Treasure, National Disgrace, captions, Channel 5 2022


Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris, Gary Glitter and Jimmy Savile: four superstars symbolising British entertainment in the ’60s and ’70s, protected by a shield of fame and celebrity when no-one questioned them.  ibid.  


19 cases of sexual abuse carried out during recordings of Top of the Pops.  ibid.   


Operation Yewtree uncovered 214 offences committed by Savile across the country between 1955 and 2009.  However, the police were inundated with accusations relating to other celebrities who were still alive.  ibid.  


Despite initially protesting his innocence, faced with all the evidence, Hall changed his plea.  Stuart Hall was sentenced to 15 months in prison after pleading guilty to multiple offences against ten young girls dating back to the 1960s.  A sentence later doubled by the Court of Appeal.  ibid.    



Mobile, Alabama: Missing Teen: The Search for Brittney.  Monster in the Shadows I: The Missing, local news banner, Sky Crime 2022


Bittney Wood has been missing since 2012.  Brittney Wood’s case was investigated by both Mobile and Baldwin Country Police departments.  Neither police department participate in this film.  ibid.  captions


The uncle had committed suicide.  ibid.  James Gordon, reporter


Police uncover incestuous child sex ring in Alabama after teen girl’s disappearance.  ibid.  news headline



It was deemed that Brittney was not with her phone in Grand Bay and that the phone automatically repeats text before the battery was taken out of the phone.  Monster in the Shadows II: The Family, caption


Sex-abuse investigation nets fifth family member of missing teen Brittney Wood.  ibid.  news headline  


The boys were often victimised as well by men and women in the family and other individuals.  ibid.  lawyer



Sheriff’s official on multiple family members of Brittney Wood arrested: ‘I can’t even think of a word to describe this family.’  Monster in the Shadows III: The Accused



It’s a story that begins at the end.  A story of the crimes and coverups behind the fake persona.  The story of those who knew.  And the story of those who could not tell.  Jimmy Savile: The People Who Knew, DiscoveryPlus 2021   


‘I did blow the whistle on Jimmy Savile many years ago.  I received a message to keep my mouth shut.’  ibid.  victim  


1960s: Aged 37, Savile’s crimes and those who knew about them were to escalate dramatically.  He is chosen to launch a huge new BBC show: Top of the Pops.  ibid.  


One person who dared to speak out was Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols.  ibid.


By now a huge multi-institution coverup existed over Savile’s abuse.  ibid.



29 December 2021 5.12 p.m.: ‘Ghislaine Maxwell just got convicted of five of six of the serious counts against her, including the most serious counts  sex trafficking of a minor.’  Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster I: Queen Bee, court reporter, Channel 4 2022


And she says to me, ‘They are nothing.  They are trash.’  ibid.  colleague


She got away scot free.  Ghislaine’s lifestyle was lavish.  It was the best of everything.  ibid.   



And by chance he had a partner  Ghislaine  who was a basket case … He moulded her into being complicit.  Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster II: Hidden in Plain Sight, witness


I remember a little girl walking downstairs crying.  She was wearing a uniform.  And I thought, What happened?  And Ghislaine said, She didn’t get the job.  Some people aren’t cut out for modelling.   ibid.  door-keeper  


In 1998 Epstein purchased a private island in the Caribbean.


Prince Andrew was there  he came a few times.  ibid.  Island butler  



This sexual pyramid scheme really had Ghislaine Maxwell at the top.  Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster III: The Reckoning, rozzer  


The Miami Herald uncovered the close relationship between the federal government and Epstein.  It also revealed the vast scale of Epstein’s abuse of underage victims.  ibid.  caption


She’s evil and she’s dangerous.  ibid.  witness



1981 on the day of the royal wedding an eight-year-old boy goes missing and disappears off the streets of London in broad daylight.  Seven months later his partial remains are found.  In the Footsteps of Killers s2e2: Vishal Mehrotra


‘The abuse from certain teachers was shocking.’  ibid.  schoolfriend


‘They followed so many leads that they ended up going nowhere.’  ibid.  journalist  


Fairgrounds, travelling showmen were an important line of enquiry.  Goodwood races might be another lead.  And there’s even a witness who saw suspicious activity by the copse.  ibid.     


Catweasel: That man is Leslie Bailey, who is a notorious predatory paedophile.  ibid.    


Seen on the tube with an Asian boy.  ibid.


The leader of this group of men was Sydney Cooke.  Hissing Sid, he was known as … an evil man.  ibid.  witness  


Do you think Cooke has killed more victims?  ibid.



In 1948 a book was published that sparked the sexual revolution.  Unnoticed within it were the details of the sexual abuse of several hundred children.  Who were these children?  Who were their abusers?  And how did the world’s most famous sex scientist come to use the details of these sexual assaults as evidence of children’s sexuality?  Secret History s6e11: Kinsey’s Paedophiles, Channel 4 1998


Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male took the world by storm.  ibid.



Ballinderry Upper, 18 miles west of Belfast: ‘We are dealing with a travelling sexual predator.’  The Child Snatcher: Manhunt, rozzer, Channel 5 I, ITV 2023


Saturday, 14th July 1990, Slow, Scotland: ‘A man was mowing his lawn.  When he looked up he saw a neighbour’s girl walk past … He saw a van.  And this man had stopped his van; she disappeared into thin air.  The van disappeared.  He felt that something was seriously wrong.  He raised the alarm.  The police office comes down straight away … All of the sudden coming south is the same van … The policeman he was talking to ran in front of the van and stopped it.  The policeman opened the van … A bundle of rags moving … He released the child, and it was his own daughter.’  ibid.  reporter


Nine years earlier, Balliderry Upper … ‘Her [Jennifer’s] body was found in the lake.  A full-scale murder hunt has got under way … ’  ibid.  news      


Portobello, Edinburgh, 1983: ‘Caroline Hogg, aged five, goes missing.’  ibid.  rozzer  


Morley West Yorkshire, 1986: ‘A child had gone missing  Sarah Jane Harper was 10.’  ibid.  


‘The single biggest serial-linked murder investigation since the arrest of Peter Sutcliffe.’  ibid.  



‘Robert Black appeared at the high court in Edinburgh in August 1998 within a month of his arrest.  He was tried and convicted.  He plead guilty for the offence at Stow.  He was sentenced to a mandatory life sentence.’  The Child Snatcher: Manhunt II, rozzer



According to The New York Times she met Jeffrey Epstein at a party sometime in the early ’90s.  From then on they were in each other’s live for better or worse.  Mostly worse.  True Crime Recaps: Ghislaine Maxwell Latest: Newly Released Documents Reveal Twisted Filthy Rich Lifestyle, Youtube 11.33, 2020


She was the one who made the whole thing possible and she knew it.  ibid.



Jeffrey Epstein seems like one of those rich perverts who didn’t notice the help.  But they saw, they heard, and now they’re talking.  True Crime Recaps: Jeffrey Epstein, Youtube 17.55, 2020 


The Lolita Express: that’s what those in the know called Epstein’s infamous Boeing 727.  ibid.  


Prince Andrew was a regular guest at Epstein’s Palm Beach House of Sin.  ibid.  



The highlights or should we say high-lies from Ghislaine Maxwell’s 2016 deposition.  Virginia Roberts Giuffre was suing her for calling her a liar when she dared to file charges against her and Epstein in 2015.  It took four long years of legal battles for the transcript of that deposition to be released.  True Crime Recaps: Sex, Lies & Deposition: Ghislaine’s Testimony About Jeffrey Epstein, Youtube 18.13, 2021


‘I totally resent and find it disgusting that you use the word recruit.’  ibid.  Maxwell  


How much was Epstein paying Ghislaine? … Somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 a year … She did admit there were other perks.  ibid.


Virginia [Roberts Giuffre] said she had dinner with Bill Clinton, Epstein, Ghislaine and two other underage girls on Epstein’s private island.  ibid.    


That big redacted name is Clinton’s.  ibid.