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★ Paedophile & Paedophilia (II)

Within a year [of the Bafta] his reputation would be ruined forever.  Rolf Harris: Hiding in Plain Sight II, caption    


She had to go up against extremely powerful opposition.  And truth won out.  ibid.  critic   


In November 2012 Operation Yewtree questions Harris.  He’s interviewed twice during the investigation.  ibid.  caption  


He came across as massively arrogant.  ibid.  rozzer      


Rolf Harris could only be prosecuted for alleged assaults in the UK.  Six other women gave supporting evidence of assaults abroad.  ibid.    


In May 2017, after serving three years, Rolf Harris is released from prison.  ibid.   



Twenty thousand letters a week.  Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story, Jimmy re Jim’ll Fix It, Netflix 2022


For over 50 years a nation watched him.  But no-one saw the truth.  ibid.  caption      


A man of the people: terrible terrible things happened because of that.  ibid.  critic


He wasn’t emotional about anything.  ibid.  BBC employee    


One of Jimmy Savile’s bases is his local hospital, Leeds General Infirmary.  ibid.  caption


It’s made me realise there are two people in there.  ibid.  old boy      


The people who work for me call me the Godfather.  ibid.  Jimmy  


I am not constrained pretty much by anything.  ibid.      



When Jimmy Savile’s crimes were eventually uncovered they shocked the nation.  Between 1955 and 2009 he committed hundreds of sexual offences, mainly against children.  Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story II, captions


I didn’t realise the whole world had to change before the truth could come out.  ibid.  victim  


They are actually triumphant with getting away with it.  ibid.  specialist     


They live almost a parallel life.  They try to fuck with your head as well.  ibid.


The police find three more with allegations which corroborate the first.  He is invited to an interview under caution.  ibid.  caption 


Over the following days we’re told to stop working on the story.  ibid.  journalist re BBC  


A BBC investigation concluded the decision to drop Marion Jones’s story was ‘flawed’.  ibid.  caption  



That she was involved in procuring women.  The whole thing’s ridiculous.  Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich, Epstein’s evidence, Netflix 2022


The inevitable question is, When is Ghislaine going to be arrested?  ibid.  man


On the scale of shark, she is probably a great white shark.  ibid.  former friend      


She had no boundaries.  ibid.  


And then she says she picks up three girls a day for Jeffrey.  ibid.  Ghislaine’s biographer 



Ephesians 5:22: Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.  Keep Sweet: Pray & Obey I, Netflix 2022


When I was 14 they forced me to marry my cousin.  I asked Warren, begged him.  ibid.  victim


Warren Jeffs is the leader of a secretive religion called the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Church of Latter-Day Saints.  ibid.  News


We didn’t go to movies, we didn’t go to game parks…  ibid.  victim    


We were told that our prophet Rulon Jeffs would never die.  ibid.


Rulon Jeffs was 85 when I married him.  And I was 19.  ibid.   


They didn’t let us work, they didn’t let us go to school …  ibid.  


Keep sweet no matter what is the road to perfection.  ibid.  prophet  


You couldn’t get close to Warren.  He had this holier than thou attitude.  ibid.  brother


Anything that had an outside influence was purged.  ibid.  victim  


We needed to be more perfect.  We need to be more obedient.  And it was never enough.  We were never good enough.  ibid.   


Rulon Jeffs: All of his wives.  65 of them.  ibid.


Warren Jeffs … The man who could take them into heaven.  So the stakes for them are eternal … He manipulated their beliefs and turned it into money and power and sex.  And they ended up following him right off the cliff.  ibid.



Who marries your mom?  Keep Sweet: Pray & Obey II, victim     


Warren Jeffs was kicking young boys out of the FDLS.  Literally leaving them homeless.  They were just trying to survive on the streets.  ibid.


Nobody owned their own homes.  They were all owned by the church.  ibid.  investigator      


There are now growing concerns for those children in this polygamist town.  ibid.  TV news   


I felt like the world was caving in on me.  And I was so scared.  ibid.  


They know that if they’re leaving, they’re leaving their family.  And that’s really hard to do.  ibid.  man  



Warren knows they’re coming for him eventually … He dropped off the face of the earth.  Keep Sweet: Pray & Obey III, investigator  


We’re in a benevolent dictatorship, he called it.  ibid.  Victim


Large families being taken apart like children’s toys.  ibid.  TV news  


Yearning for Zion Ranch, El Dorado, Texas: It became his grooming ground for underage brides.  ibid.   


Warren had gone on the lam and we didn’t know where he was … He was out living it up.  ibid.  



Farewell, forever, ye who are worthy for Zion.  For I will not be there.  Keep Sweet: Pray & Obey IV, Warren on prison dog-n-bone to brother


Please don’t do this.  I don’t know what you’re doing.  ibid.  victim on stand    


At that moment I felt this intense release of emotion and energy.  ibid.  victim   


September 2007: He was up for about ten years.  Better than nothing.  ibid.  Mike Watkiss


We went ahead and did a welfare check on this girl.  We went out to the ranch.  ibid.  welfare arrive  


There were three-four-five-hundred kids out there.  And suddenly Texas had a tiger by its tail.  ibid.  law  


Oh that princess production voice! … Just keep sweet.  ibid.  victim    


No underage brides?  It was absolutely infuriating.  ibid.


In the execution of this sort of over the top very aggressive police action, suddenly it pits heavily armed SWAT-dressed teams against prairie-dressed moms and their little kids.  The optics are not good.  ibid.  Mike Watkiss     


We found some winding stairs … another inner room … and we discovered a bed in there ... and it was very white.  ibid.  rozzer  


Now the world can finally see how sick and devious this guy was.  Warren Jeffs is a monster.  ibid.


I heard the voices of some of the sister wives there while Warren raped this little girl.  ibid.  Victim


Warren Jeffs facing a new trial on sex crime charges.  ibid.  


They played that tape in front of those jurors.  ibid.  Mike Watkiss       


At the punishment phase of the trial … Warren was involved in conducting the marriages of 67 underage girls to FDLS men.  And Warren had himself 78 wives; 24 of those wives were underage.  ibid.