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Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma
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★ Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma

In 2008 Rimonabant was withdrawn from sale.  ibid.  



Apart from the risk of losing millions of dollars, Hearst and DuPont had something else in common: they were both funded by one of the most powerful bankers of the time: Andrew Mellon … the owner of Gulf Oil.  Marijuana True History, 2010 


Nor should we forget the young pharmaceutical industry which was financed by two other powerful bankers: John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie.  These people were conducting an all-out campaign to eliminate the accepted natural herbal treatments including cannabis from the pharmacopoeia while trying to replace them with drugs created in the laboratory.  Furthermore, Rockefeller was also the owner of Standard Oil.  ibid.  


The petrochemical industry had won its battle ... Most importantly our slavery to oil.  ibid.



Don’t tell my parents that I work in the pharmaceutical industry. They think I am working in a brothel.  Gerhard Kocher



By 1993 an estimated six million Americans are taking Prozac.  The 90s: The Decade That Connected Us s1e3, National Geographic 2014



Perhaps most disturbing is the suggestion that ADHD is nothing more than the invention of pharmaceutical companies who have used clinical trials to create a disease that can be treated with their drugs.  Mail on Sunday article 27th November 2007, ‘The Scandal of Kiddy Coke’



In my opinion, we are the rats of the pharmaceutical and chemical companies that liberally spread their synthetic chemicals worldwide, with no-one fully understanding the long-term adverse effects – especially the complex interactions from injecting and intermixing thousands of toxic chemicals in the plant and animal kingdoms sustaining our planet.  Victoria Inness-Brown



The takeover of the medical industry was accomplished by the take-over of the medical schools.  Well the people we’re talking about – Rockefeller and Carnegie in particular – came to the picture and said, We will put up money ... They skewed the whole thing in the direction of pharmaceutical drugs.  G Edward Griffin, World Without Cancer



Anything that comes from Nature can’t be patented.  G Edward Griffin



Pills and sex can be a lucrative combination.   But sometimes drug companies are not the first people to see that.  In the UK one third of all women of reproductive age take the contraceptive pill.  Worldwide, a hundred million rely on it.  But it almost never reached the market.  In the 1950s research into contraception was illegal in many parts of the world.  And where it was legal, pharmaceutical firms feared a moral backlash.  Despite this, independent researchers did discover how to synthetically create female hormones ... The result was a social revolution.  Professor Tim Dyson



It can be said without a doubt that the overhaul of health legislation undertaken by the European Commission and Parliament in recent years has disregarded the preference of citizens for the use of nutrients and herbs for purposes of prevention and healing.  Recent directives revising the laws of medicines and introducing new rules for food supplements and herbs turned out to be strongly in favour of pharmaceutical control.  As a result, many natural remedies and nutritional supplements available today may risk becoming illegal.  Consumers would face additional dangers if those products were to be pushed into a black market economy.  Certainly a European-level referendum or similar consultation of public sentiment would tend to balance the power of lobbies with the wishes and ideas of the people.  Sepp Hasslberger, La Leva Di Archimede



Swine Flu vaccinations are an example of a huge mistake thats going to be made, and is in the process of being made now.  First of all, its a big lie.  You know it has an incredibly low death rate.  The death rate is higher from the injections, from the jabs, than it is from actually the swine flu itself ... They want to scare you into taking this jab.  They try to tell you its harmless, but embedded in each of these jabs is a very dangerous neuro-toxin – Mercury.  Whod want to inject Mercury into your body, your bloodstream?  Scott Tips, ‘Health Freedom, The European Union and Codex Alimentarius’



The aluminium industry and fluoridation: fluoride defenders will say there’s two stories: there’s the industrial story and there’s the dental story, and ne’er the twain shall meet.  It’s not true.  Christopher Bryson, – The Fluoride Deception, short 2004


The very first suggestion that fluoride be added to public water supplies was made by a researcher, Gerald Cox, at the Mellon Institute in Pittsburgh.  ibid.


Right at the very source of the stream you find the aluminium industry.  ibid.


The Mellon Institute was a leading defender of asbestos for the asbestos industry.  ibid.  


Dr Harold Hodge for most of the Cold War was the leading scientific defender of the safety of low doses of fluoride and the beneficial effects of water fluoridation ... Harold Hodge we now know was a co-orchestrator of the human radiation experiments.  ibid.


If water fluoridation was found to be harmful then the US bomb program as well as many other fluoride-polluting industries would have been open to massive litigation.  ibid.


The Kettering Laboratory: selling us lead, selling us fluoride.  ibid.


The Role of Fluoride in Public Health: The Soundness of Fluoridation of Communal Water Supplies: A Selected Bibliography – the Kettering Institute.  ibid.


Buried Science, Buried Workers.  ibid.


Within days of learning that her study was accepted for publication, Dr [Phyllis] Mullenix was fired from the Forsyth Dental Center.  She has received no grants since that time to continue her research.  ibid.


66% of US water supplies are currently fluoridated with industrial waste.  ibid.


Since 1999 over 60 US communities have rejected fluoridation proposals.  ibid.



Over fifty years ago the drug Thalidomide shocked the world.  For ten years a battle for compensation was fought against one of Britain’s largest corporations.  One man stood up against this injustice [David Mason]: but this man would see those he was fighting for turning against him.  And many attempted to silence his story.  But his actions set in motion a change of events that changed the lives of every Thalidomide child in this country.  Thalidomide – The Fifty Year Fight, BBC 2014


Between 1959 and 1963 hundreds of babies across Britain were being born severely damaged by Thalidomide.  ibid.


Over one hundred and eighty million tablets had been sold in over forty-six countries.  This was a global tragedy.  ibid.


Distillers refused to accept liability for the tragedy.  ibid.


Murdoch had secretly funded this national guerrilla [poster] campaign.  ibid.



Weve had a long wrangle with the pharmaceutical industry about parallel imports, and what we were saying is we want to make medicines and drugs as affordable as a possible to what is largely a poor population.  Thabo Mbeki



On the face of it the fall of Governor Spitzer was just another sex scandal.  Was it a private matter or a public reckoning?  And what of the timing?  A few months after his resignation the reckless banker Spitzer … bought the economic system close to failure.  Storyville:  Client 9 – The Call Girl and the Governor, BBC 2011


He uncovered fraud in the pharmaceutical industry where pill-makers hid the damage done by their drugs.  ibid.



Food prices would soar in biofuels switch, says Unilever.  The Times online article Carl Mortishead 7th August 2006



Rapeseed biofuel ‘produces more greenhouse gas than oil or petrol’.  The Times online article 22nd September 2002



Converting land for biofuel worsens global warming: study.  Associated Press article 7th February 2008



149 persons in California alone have now become ill with hundreds of more cases suspected in four other Western states and Canada from eating water melons contaminated with the pesticide.  News report



In the town of McFarland there have been twelve cases of cancer among children.  Six of those children have died.  There’s a growing suspicion that it’s connected with the spraying of chemicals.  BBC News  



EPA rule loophole allows pesticide testing on kids.  SFGate online citing article Andrew Schneider 15th September 2005 Baltimore Sun



The poison travels from link to link of the food chain and soon the birds at the lake margins become its victims.  And the following spring is silent of Robin song.  Rachael Carson, Silent Spring


A Who's Who of pesticides is therefore of concern to us all.  If we are going to live so intimately with these chemicals eating and drinking them, taking them into the very marrow of our bones – we had better know something about their nature and their power.  ibid.



Danger of pesticides – the debt to Rachel Carson.  Dr Kenneth Mellanby, article



Government scientists accused her of reckless misinterpretation of scientific facts.  And in a sinister echo of the McCarthy era a politician simply branded her a communist.  The intensity of the attacks on Rachel Carson were compared directly to the assault on Charles Darwin when he published On the Origin of Species.  Andrew Marr, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, BBC 2009