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Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma
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★ Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma

And of course to make sure that theres a big market for Ritalin, then what you do is encourage the food companies to put as much Aspartame into the food as they possibly can; especially in food thats targeted at young children ... Get them on the Kiddy Coke.  I mean, Ritalin is like cocaine.  I mean, the medical profession, the medical scientists, dont even really understand how this works.  Because Ritalin is a stimulant.  But actually in a youth it has the opposite effect ... The British government by the way spent £28 million last year on Ritalin.  In America 10% of all children of school age are prescribed Ritalin ... And of course the whole idea here is that Ritalin is the kindergarten for Prozac.  One of the best-selling drugs in the world.  ibid.


Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry in 1984 by a guy name John Braithwaite.  And do you know what, when I heard about this book, I thought I’ve got to get this book.  And as I was trying to find it, I was told that actually the Pharmaceutical companies had brought up every copy of this book! [laughter].  And it was really difficult to get hold of a copy.  And do you know what, a few days later – the way these things do – I stumbled across somebody who’d got an unreturned library book.  And I paid £54 for it!  But if you try and buy one of these, they’re often over £100.  But it’s a superb analysis of the bullshit that goes on in the pharmaceutical industry.  And this is 25 years ago now.  And John Braithwaite couldn’t understand why it was that when he interviewed the senior executives of the pharmaceutical industry they all seemed like, you know, nice family men.  But as soon as they got round the boardroom table, it was like Jekyll and Hyde ... This is what the corporate world does ... The way it sucks you in, of course, is the rewards are enormous.  And in 2002 the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in the world – their profits were greater than the profitability of the other 490 companies in the Fortune 500 put together.  And the Chief Executive of Pfizer, his compensation package for that year was $74 million.  Life’s tough, huh.  This is a different world.  So for Big Pharma – I mean there is absolute no doubt about this – their agenda is that from the moment of conception to the moment of death – and they’ll prolong it as long as they possibly can – you are a revenue stream.  ibid.  



Their long-term objective is to effectively eradicate all organic farming, so that all farming is controlled by the likes of Monsanto and Carlyle ... Big Pharma says ... you need to take these pharmaceuticals ... forced vaccinations in many [US] states now ... Totally reliant on pharmaceutical companies, so who wins out?  The pharmaceutical companies.  Ian R Crane, Codex Alimentarius Scam, interview BBC



Codex is the political equivalent of the current toxicology manuals because it endorses and promotes for international trade and consumption in the whole wide world everything from pesticides to irradiation, genetically engineered foods and synthetic analogues for drugs and nutrients, in preference to bio-compatible natural substances.  John Braithwaite, Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry 


Data fabrication is so widespread that it is called ‘making’ in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, ‘graphiting’ or ‘dry labelling’ in the United States.  ibid.


Pharmaceutical companies face great temptations to mislead health authorities about the safety of their products.  It is a make or break industry – many companies get virtually all their profits from just two or three therapeutic winners.  Most of the data that the Australian Drug Evaluation Committee relies upon in deciding questions of safety and efficacy is data from other countries, particularly the US.  Inquiries into scientific fraud in the US have shown there is a substantial problem of fraud in safety testing of drugs in the US, just as has been documented in Japan.  ibid.   



The children now are signing what is called an assent form, not a consent form, but a passive consent form saying that they will be involved.  They have all kinds of incentives to join ... Teen Screen is to ask them a number of questions ... Those questions then go into being analysed, and a diagnosis is made from those questions.  Parents who have found out about this are suing; they are now very upset with the school systems.  Joyce Riley, interview One Nation Under Siege


In this country now were seeing drugs cradle to grave.  In fact its not just in America, its other countries also.  Children as young as two years of age are being put on certain types of drugs to decrease the amount of their aggressive tendencies ... The drugs are being used all the way through the adult period of life into the geriatric.  ibid.



Under the new freedom commission mentally unstable people must be medicated on a compulsory basis with lethal and untested but very profitable psychiatric medications.  Dr Rima Laibow



The New Freedom Commission is a federal program to mandate the bogus screening and compulsory medication of children from infancy through eighteen years of age in this country through the use of completely inappropriate screening techniques.  Any child who deviates from the prescribed feeling and thought pattern that is allowed to them will be compulsorily medicated, even over the objection of their parents, with dangerous, unproven and untested psychiatric medications to control their thoughts, their behaviours and to impede their emotional development.  This is a federally mandated program.  Dr Rima Laibow, cited One Nation Under Siege



Sales Pitch: Drugs firms use perks to push pills – Companies ply doctors to write prescriptions.  USA Today, article Dan Vergano



I got involved because in February in Austria Baxter contaminated seventy-two kilos of vaccine material with the live Bird Flu virus and nearly triggered a pandemic ... It could not have been accidental that seventy-two kilos of vaccine material were contaminated like that – it must have been deliberate.  The World Health Organisation supplied the live Bird Flu virus that nearly triggered a pandemic.  And there was very little coverage in the media ... I decided as a last resort to file criminal charges over the incident here in Austria to try to initiate an investigation ... If people had taken this vaccine material they would have been got the Bird Flu from the vaccine.  This would have triggered a pandemic.  Baxter on the other hand had the contract already sealed to supply the Bird Flu vaccine.  Then a few weeks after this incident the Swine Flu suddenly appeared in Mexico, and Baxter and WHO started declaring Pandemic Six.  Jane Burgermeister, journalist & author



Big Brother is on the march.  A plan to subject all children to mental health screening is underway, and the pharmaceuticals are gearing up for bigger sales of psychotropic drugs.  Phyllis Schlafly



Pharmaceuticals have become an increasingly important part of modern medicine, and our seniors shouldn't have to worry about whether they can afford the medicines they need to stay healthy and maintain their independence.  Michael K Simpson



Every night I watch the nightly news.  It’s funded by the pharmaceutical companies.  Virtually every ad is a drug ad.  They get their say every night on the nightly news through advertising.  Michael Moore  



Money has transformed every watchdog, every independent authority.  Medical doctors are increasingly gulled by the lobbying of pharmaceutical salesmen.  Thomas Frank



The pharmaceutical industry likes to depict itself as a research-based industry, as the source of innovative drugs.  Nothing could be further from the truth.   This is their incredible PR and their nerve.  Marcia Angell



Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness.  Science fiction.  It is already happening to some extent in our own society.  Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs.  In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual’s internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.  Theodore Kaczynski



But you can count the dead bodies from alcohol, tobacco, and legal pharmaceuticals by the millions.  Jack Herer



The drug industry has been the most profitable industry by far year after year.  Drug companies need profits to conduct research, but how much is enough, when most profits go to marketing, promotions and the development of unneeded me-too drugs?  Dr Jay S Cohen 



In the last five years in the UK alone eight drugs have been withdrawn from the market by the regulators.  Horizon: Pill Poppers, BBC 2010


Jo is still battling her addiction.  The drug she craves is the Codeine in extra-strength painkillers.  ibid.


This is Liam.  Aged five he was disruptive, hyperactive, and unable to focus ... Now, five years later, Liam’s life has been transformed.  His new-found ability to concentrate is largely due to a drug called Methylphenidate.  Best known to most of us as a brand name: Ritalin ... These drugs were originally designed fifty years ago for the treatment of adults with depression.  ibid.


ADHD is believed to be caused by an imbalance of key chemical messengers in the areas of the brain that control attention and memory.  Ritalin appears to make these messengers more effective, helping to restore attention.  Like all drugs, Ritalin comes with a cost.  ibid.


Thalidomide was the great drugs disaster of the post-war era.  Given to expectant mothers with morning sickness in the late 1950s it was not long before its devastating side-effect became clear.  It was withdrawn in 1961, and brought with it new trials procedures that were supposed to prevent anything like it happening again.  But they haven’t.  ibid.



By the 1970s it was clear that pesticides were devastating wildlife by crippling reproductive ability and wrecking nervous systems.  And we were at the top of the food chain.  Dr Susan Jebb: Horizon: A Diet Guide, BBC 2010


Many pesticides were banned in the 1970s.  ibid. 



Today there are more than 350 pesticides approved for use by conventional farmers ... The latest results show that about 40% of food does have traces of pesticide but less than 3% are found to contravene safety levels.  The question is then, How do we know that the agreed level is safe?  Horizon: Professor Regans Supermarket Secrets, BBC 2007



Fenfluramines were sold in America … Potentially a nightmare.  Jacques Peretti, The Men Who Made Us Thin II, BBC 2013


GlaxoSmithKline Health Care Fraud GSK: ‘The US government is calling it the biggest case of health care fraud in American history.’  ibid.  tv news