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Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma
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★ Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma

In the early 1960s just before the environmental movement took off zoologist Rachel Carson wrote a book saying that pesticides were killing wild birds and were potentially harmful to humans.  The book became an international best-seller – Silent Spring.  What the Green Movement Got Wrong, Channel 4 2010


One pesticide in particular became the target: DDT.  It was dangerously sprayed outside indiscriminately.  But used inside in small quantities it was very effective against malaria.  Environmentalists campaigned for governments around the world to ban it.  What nobody realised at the time was the unintended consequences that might have.  ibid.



Pesticides came about after the First World War.  Some brainy petrochemical money maker said, ‘Hey, that mustard gas worked great on people, maybe we could dilute it down and spray it on our crops to deal with pests.’  Woody Harrelson



The Rockefeller Foundation was first set up in 1904 and called the General Education Fund.  An organization called the Rockefeller Foundation, ostensibly to supplement the General Education Fund, was formed in 1910 and through long finagling and lots of Rockefeller money got the New York legislature to issue a charter on May 14, 1913.


It is therefore not surprising that the House of Rockefeller has had its own ‘nominees’ planted in all Federal agencies that have to do with health.  So the stage was set for the ‘education’ of the American public, with a view to turning it into a population of drug and medico dependents, with the early help of the parents and the schools, then with direct advertising and, last but not least, the influence the advertising revenues had on the media-makers.


A compilation of the magazine Advertising Age showed that as far back as 1948 the larger companies in America spent for advertising the sum total of $1,104,224,374, when the dollar was still worth a dollar and not half a zloty.  Of this staggering sum the interlocking Rockefeller-Morgan interests (gone over entirely to Rockefeller after Morgan's death) controlled about 80 percent, and utilized it to manipulate public information on health and drug matters – then and even more recklessly now.  Hans Ruesch, ‘The Truth About the Rockefeller Drug Empire’  



Agricultural bio-technology will find a supporter within the White House next year, regardless of which candidate wins the election in November.  Monsanto in-house newsletter 6th October 2000



Organophosphates: ‘The farm workers were pretty alarmed.’  Mark Thomas Comedy Product s6e1, worker, Channel 4 2002      


Organophosphates were actually developed by the Nazis … cheap food thanks to the Nazis!  ibid. 



Tonight’s show is all about how we are about to subsidize some of the richest corporations on the planet so that they could be able to dump their crap on some of the poorest most vulnerable people on the Earth and call it charity … Drug dumping: this is about the  dumping of useless drugs and pharmaceuticals in third world countries, usually in a crisis.  Mark Thomas Comedy Product s6e3     


‘We were sent silicon breast implants.’   ibid.  Malawi health service



The companies who make up the pharmaceutical industry are among the most the largest corporations in the world … These companies have come to be known as Big Pharma.  Amy Goodman, ‘Big Bucks, Big Pharma’


Big Pharma has pushed its way into the traditional doctor/patient relationship.  ibid. 


Are these new drugs really more effective than the drugs already on the market?  ibid.


One million children under eighteen take anti-depressants.’  ibid.  news report  


How companies simply promote new conditions in order to repackage old drugs.  ibid.


Prozac and Serafem are exactly the same thing.’  ibid.  commentator


‘They don’t require the drugs be compared to each other.’  ibid. 



It’s the power that’s in the WTO that we have to deal with ultimately.  We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom, Ron Paul, 2005


Pharmaceuticals have become the dope of modern man.  ibid.


The fear machine is well oiled by petro-American dollars and a near worldwide monopoly in healthcare.  ibid.


The federal government is actually considering classifying most vitamins and other supplements as drugs.  ibid.


Codex Alimentarius threatens to silence the opposition for ever.  ibid.


The FDA refuse to answer any questions about Codex, dietary supplements or even labelling for this documentary.  ibid.



In the first few weeks of her pregnancy his mother … took five sleeping tablets.  The tablets were called Distaval  they contained the drug thalidomide.  Kevin was born without arms and legs, he has no shoulders or hips and severe internal damage.  There are over 700 Thalidomide children in this country … Distillers have always denied negligence.  World in Action: Thalidomide, ITV 1963  



Last month the university of San Francisco made an alarming discovery: that 93% of Americans tested had traces of the chemical called Glyphosate in their urine … the main ingredient in Monsanto’s flagship product Round Up, a pesticide sprayed all over almost every acre of food ground.  Abby Martin, The Empire Files: Monsanto, America’s Monster, Youtube 2016


Monsanto Town: ‘created to be a sewer’.  Today, it’s a toxic wasteland.  ibid. 


Industrial chemicals called PCBs … Monsanto is also responsible for irradiating American citizens … on pregnant women and their unborn babies.  ibid.


Monsanto produced plane-loads of one of the world’s first pesticides: DDT.  ibid.


The military’s top producer of a deadly chemical weapon known as Agent Orange.  ibid. 


The new chapter … Aspartame … a growing health controversy … Rumsfeld joined Reagan’s administration.  ibid.    


Every administration has worked closely with Monsanto … Obama has been one of the most pro-Monsanto presidents so far.  ibid.  



‘In the end it was the worst thing I could ever have done.’  The Drug Trial: Emergency at the Hospital, BBC 2017      


In 2006 eight men signed up to test a new drug.  It had been successfully tested on monkeys, but never on humans.  Doctors faced a medical mystery.  The outcome would change how medical trials were conducted throughout Europe.  ibid.


‘£2,000 for three days’ work.’  ibid.


‘The headache got progressively worse … in waves.’  ibid.  Infusion #1    


‘Shivering with cold … horrendous.  Everybody was failing.’  ibid.  other victim  


‘Screaming in pain, fainting …’  ibid.    


The NHS doctors advise the Parelex team to administer fluids, antihistamine and a treatment dose of hydrocortisone.  ibid.  


The men begin to be transferred to Northwick Park Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.  ibid.


‘The men all had multiple organ failure.  Someone said it looks as though one man might die and that I might be charged with manslaughter.  I felt completely out of control.’  ibid.  doctor


‘This was treated as a crime scene.’  ibid.  Gerald Heddell, Director of Inspection MHRA  



Roundup herbicide: It doesn’t say biodegradable any more … Not harmful to humans, animals or their environment.  Copyright Monsanto, made in Belgium.  The World According to Monsanto, 2008


On its website Monsanto positions itself as an agricultural company that aims to help farmers produce healthier food … Its leading product is Roundup ... Also the world leader in biotechnology.  ibid.


It was one of the largest chemical companies of the 20th century.  ibid.


Agent Orange, aspartame, bovine growth hormone, PCBs …  ibid.


Washington Post 2002: Monsanto Hid Decades of Pollution.  ibid.


Roundup’s toxicity was hidden to protect the development of GMOs.  ibid.


‘Monsanto did not deny they made the offer of one to two million …’  ibid.  Dr Shiv Chopra, Health Canada



Great British Institutions: ICI: a company producing massive amounts of ozone-destroying chemicals in Europe, the largest British employer operating in South Africa, and the UK’s biggest licensed dumper of waste into the north sea.  ICI: world problems, expensive solutions, big profits.  Spitting Image s8e1, ITV 1990 



Did pregnancy test pills prescribed by doctors damage babies in the womb?  We’ve found new evidence to suggest they did.  And the details about that were covered up.  We’ve discovered records that the manufacturers hoped would never come to light.  And we’ve pieced together a case that adds up to one of the Pharmaceutical industry’s biggest ever scandals.  Primodos: The Secret Drug Scandal, Sky Atlantic 2017 


The dosage within was thirteen times the strength of a morning-after pill and forty times that of a normal contraceptive.  ibid.


In 1978 the Sunday Times asked why it had taken so long to remove it from the market.  ibid.  


Many of the Primodos children have grown up and are still campaigning for truth.  ibid.


Found to have a five-to-one risk of their babies developing malformations in the womb.  ibid.