‘This was not a one-off incident. We see this escalation of sexualised behaviour building up.’ Killer at the Crime Scene s3e9, prosecutor, Channel 5 2023
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, 1st February 2019: 21-year-old Libby [Squire] is studying philosophy in Hull; her parents are calling her. Libby’s friends call the police. 12 hours later Libby is still missing. ibid.
In Hull police raid the address of a man last seen on CCTV with missing student Libby Squire. ibid.
2019: A freezing night in the student city of Hull and a young woman disappears. Had Libby Squire been snatched at random? Killer Britain with Dermot Murnaghan s4e3: Pawel Relowicz, CI 2022
His [Pawel Relowicz] DNA and fingerprints were not on police databases. ibid. CCTV
The inquiry turned to the man seen in the CCTV footage. ibid.
Police traced the silver hatchback to Hull resident 24-year-old Pawel Relowicz. He had no criminal record and had never been on the police’s radar. ibid.
In Hull a young female student is missing. Her disappearance triggers a city-wide search. When Missing Turns to Murder s3e2, Netflix 2024
The detectives scour local CCTV for any trace of Libby. ibid.
Police can now identify this man: Pawel Relowicz. ibid. comment
Matched the DNA profile of Pawel Relowitcz. ibid.
RENFROE, RYAN: Killer Kids TV -
South-eastern Indiana: 17-year-old Ryan Renfroe grew up in the area … Ryan’s mother kicked him out leaving him to cope with his personal demons alone. Killer Kids s2e8: The Runner & Natural Born Killers, LMN 2013
17-year-old Ryan Renfroe had confessed to the horrific murder of two elderly family friends [Gregg and Marguerite Gough] who had given him a home. ibid.
New Florence, June 2017: First responders thought he [Ben Renick] may have been killed by one of his snakes … It would take years for the cold-blooded killer to be brought to justice. Victim to Verdict with Ted Rowlands s1e6: The Snake Farm Murder, Amazon 2024
Shot 8 times in the back and in the head. ibid.
Investigators say they were suspicious since Day One. ibid.
When Ben died she was having an affair and apparently it wasn’t the first. ibid.
‘Lynlee recruited an old boyfriend, Michael Humphrey, to shoot Ben.’ ibid.
‘More distrubing details would emerge.’ ibid.
RESENDIZ, ANGEL MATURINO: Crime Stories TV - Killer Trials TV - The Mark of a Killer TV - World’s Most Evil Killers TV - Catching Killers TV -
2nd May 1999: in a small town in Texas police officers logged one of the worst crime scenes in local memory. A clergyman and his wife had been bludgeoned to death in their bed. Crime Stories: Angel Resendiz Ramirez: The Railcar Killer
Accused of being one of America’s most terrifying serial killers – the man who became known as the Railroad Killer. Killer Trials s1e1: The Railroad Killer, ID 2012
Is this man insane or a cold calculating killer? ibid.
A highly mobile serial killer. ibid.
Resendiz is linked to six murders in Texas, two in Illinois and one in Kentucky. ibid.
He is executed by lethal injection. ibid.
As we’re linking him to more crimes, he’s continuing to kill people. The Mark of a Killer s1e6: An Appetite for Murder, rozzer, 2019
17 December 1998 West University Place, Texas: The killer took tins of cookies and Christmas items with him when he left. ibid. author
Weimar, Texas, local pastor Norman Sirnic and his wife don’t show up for Sunday services … ‘and in the bed were the bodies of the pastor and his wife’ … ‘bludgeoned to death with a twelve-pound sledgehammer.’ ibid. rozzers
Police have now connected Resendiz to four murders … authorities make a major breakthrough … ‘proximity to railway tracks’ … ibid.
December 1998: A man slipped undetected into the home of 39-year-old Claudia Benton. By the time he fled the scene the mother of two had been brutally beaten, sexually assaulted and fatally stabbed. The killer was a man known as Angel Resendiz, who had been illegally boarding trains across the US border from Mexico for over 20 years. He would go on to kill at least 9 people but the authorities couldn’t find him anywhere. Capturing the phantom killer would be one of the FBI’s toughest cases to crack. World’s Most Evil Killers: Angel Maturino Resendiz, Sky Crime 2020
I crawl in through the window. I have this feeling of dread. Everything is quiet. Eerily quiet. I walk in to where her bedroom is and I see this body that has been covered by this blanket on the floor. There is some leakage. She has been beaten to death. It was a shock. Catching Killers s3e1: End of the Line: The Railroad Killer, rozzer, Netflix 2023
Clear pristine palm prints. ibid.
Then it hit me, it had to be the train. ibid.
RESILES, DAYONTE: Who Killed Jill Halliburton Su? TV -
A quiet murder mystery in a gated community. Jill Halliburton Su found dead in her bathtub. Who Killed Jill Halliburton Su? I news, Sky Crime 2023
The suspect is 20 years old [Dayonte ‘Moochie’ Resiles] … Police say he has a history of breaking into high-end homes. ibid.
DNA popped up at the scene. ibid. prosecutor
Nothing was taken. Nothing. ibid. defence
The police question the son. And they question the father … ibid. journalist
We have a black young man in jail for a crime that the husband said he saw a video tape was a white guy – he clearly states it. ibid. defence
The lab [Broward DNA] is in danger of losing its accreditation … The crime lab was misinterpreting DNA evidence. ibid. news
July 2016: Datonte has been in jail for almost two years.
Escaped: It’s now been more than fourteen hours since the murder suspect managed to make a mad dash from that hearing … ibid.
Inmate Escapes Broward Court. Who Killed Jill Halliburton Su? II TV news banner
Run, Moochie, Run. ibid. rap song
I’m too young to be feeling this old. ibid. Moochie
We look forward to the day when prosecution begins. Who Killed Jill Halliburton Su? III, rozzer
This whole incident has been one impossible after another. ibid. defence investigator
When the camera gets shut off, would have sent still pictures of the last motion to his [husband] email. Who Killed Jill Halliburton Su? IV, defence dude
He [husband] was not protective of the son. ibid.
The new DNA test results come back a few days later. ibid.