Woman states Scott Peterson is her boyfriend, has been dating for a number of months. American Murder: Laci Peterson II: I Wasn’t a Mistress, rozzers’ message
Some of the volunteers saying they feel betrayed by Scott’s actions. ibid. TV journalist
Her torso had washed up … I had to keep myself composed. American Murder: Laci Peterson III: Nothing Can Change the Truth, woman
Scott’s behaviours are what told us that this is a planned premeditated homicide. ibid.
27-year-old Laci Peterson vanishes without a trace ... missing since Christmas Eve. Detectives expand the search for any potential suspects. An American Murder Mystery: Scott Peterson I, 2018
‘She’s 8 months pregnant. We want to find her.’ ibid. rozzer
The media seizes upon the story. ibid.
Man Or Monster? Vote Innocent Or Guilty: ‘A billboard asking if Scott Peterson is a man or a monster, and you have to call into a radio show.’ An American Murder Mystery: Scott Peterson II
[Sister-in-law]: Scott and Laci’s wedding was quite the event. Face to Face with Scott Peterson I: Where is Laci Peterson? Sky Crime 2025
I believe my brother-in-law Scott was wrongfully convicted of that murder. He’s been in prison since April 2003. ibid.
The deeper you get into this case, the more questions you have. ibid. director
Reexamining The Scott Peterson Case: Innocence Project Looking At Evidence That Could Exonerate Peterson. ibid. CBS Morning news banner
A lot of people are invested in thinking Scott Peterson is guilty. But if you get into the details it’s much more complicated. ibid. comment
It is a circumstantial evidence case. ibid. researcher
The National Enquirer somehow got hold of a photo of Scott and Amber together. ibid.
People complained that they didn’t feel as if investigators were taking them seriously or even responding to their tips. ibid. Ted
The police I believed were already focused on Scott. ibid. investigator
There were so many instances of evidence that didn’t fit the detectives’ theory. ibid. comment
[Investigator]: Witnesses saw Laci alive after Scott left. Face to Face with Scott Peterson II: The People v Scott Peterson
The missing woman’s perfect marriage may not have been so perfect. ibid. TV news
I thought that the police would soon come to the realisation they’d made a mistake. ibid. Scott
He [Scott’s lawyer] over-promised and under-delivered. ibid. Aphrodite Jones
The Judge in the Scott Peterson trial sentenced him to death. Iibid. TV news
There are a slew of eye-witnesses who saw Laci Peterson walking her dog in and around the neighbourhood. ibid. comment
[rozzer]: When you add them up it’s pretty damned strong. Face to Face with Scott Peterson III: Investigations, Appeals & Lingering Questions
I have questions about the case that have always bugged me. ibid. Ted
A conspiracy of circumstances that led to a verdict. ibid. comment
It’s possible Lacy confronted the burglars. ibid.
There’s no forensic evidence. There’s nothing to tie him to the murder. ibid.
Three or four witnesses who saw the same van across from the Petersons’. ibid.
December 25th a fire came in for a vehicle fire in an alleyway … There was a mattress in back of the van … It looked like blood to me … There’s human blood on that item. ibid. original fire investigator in situ possitive test
We want some DNA tests done. So we’re filing for that. ibid. Scott
The jury didn’t hear evidence of the burglary. ibid.
We seen a girl. And she was pregnant. And she was in a van. We were worred about her. ibid. witness
They [rozzers] put more effort into discrediting the Laci sightings. ibid. comment
Half of America knew where this man was on Christmas Eve. If someone else committed this crime, where they would deposit the bodies is in San Francisco Bay. ibid. legal dude
Judge denies nearly all DNA testing requests from Scott Peterson’s defense. ibid.
Frankly, it’s a horrible system for someone in Mr Peterson’s position. ibid. appeal brief