MCDONALD, ANTHONY: Murder: Suspect Number One TV -
An axe attack on a woman in a shopping precinct triggers a huge manhunt. Murder: Suspect Number One, Channel 5 2025
The attacker has fled the scene and more calls are coming into control. ibid.
‘I think I’ve killed an ex-partner and the police are looking for me.’ ibid. call to rozzer
‘He’s an Anthony Martin McDonald.’ ibid. rozzer
MCDONALD, JESSE: Body in the Bathroom: The Murder of Noami Hersi TV -
17 March 2018: The Metropolitan police are investigating reports of an attack. The man on the phone is 25-year-old Jesse McDonald. He has been living at a hotel in west London for 9 months. Police need to establish where Jesse is and if someone has been seriously hurt or worse. Body in the Bathroom: The Murder of Naomi Hersi, Channel 5 2019
‘We’ve got a body in the bathroom’ … The crime scene is cordoned off and the cause of death confirmed … A 36-year-old Somalian male called Hersi Hersi. ibid.
Jesse’s claims that Naomi spiked his drink with a date-rape drug are disputed … ‘McDonald claimed that he had acted in self-defence and that Naomi had attempted to throttle him.’ ibid.
September 24th 2021 6:52 a.m. Nassau County, Florida: [TV News]: We have live coverage as the manhunt continues the search for this man accused of shooting a Nassau County deputy. Life & Death Row s4e2: Cop Killer
Seven hours earlier, police officer Joshua Myers was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop. The shooter [Patrick McDowell] is quickly identified as a local man who served in the US Marine Corps. ibid. caption
He [McDowell] was self-medicating for the PDSD. ibid. defense brief
He was living a lifestyle of criminality. ibid. rozzer
Over the next 5 days 50 witnesses are called to testify to McDowell’s good character. ibid. caption
Basically, he’s going to ask for death. ibid.
MCDOWELL, STEVE: Meet, Marry, Murder TV -
14,000 feet in the air and Steve McDowell has arranged a special gift for his wife Crystal. Just a few years later and the high flyer goes missing in a hurricane. Detectives suspect foul play. The glamorous real estate agent was last seen leaving her lover’s house and heading to her former husband’s place. Meet, Marry, Murder s1e25, Netflix 2022
MCFALL, WILLIAM & STEPHEN UNWIN: Freed to Kill Again: The Murder of Quyen TV - Murdered By s2e5: The Murder of Quyen TV - Britain’s Most Evil Killers TV -
15th August 2017: the charred remains of a mother of two are found in a burnt-out car in Tyne & Wear. Prior to her death she had been subjected to hours of torture and sexual assault. A trail of evidence leads detectives to two men both with terrifying criminal pasts. Freed to Kill Again: The Murder of Quyen, Channel 5 2019
At Belfast Crown Court, William McFall was given a life sentence for the murder of Martha Gilmore. ibid.
‘For the murder of Mr Greenwell, Stephen Unwin was given a life sentence.’ ibid. rozzer
While in prison, Unwin & McFall nurtured a friendship which lasted several years. Both men served around fourteen years for their sentences. ibid.
15th August 2017: The charred remains of a mother of two [Quyen Nguyen] are found in a burnt-out car in Tyne & Wear. Prior to her death she had been subjected to hours of torture and sexual assault. A trail of evidence leads detectives to two men: both with terrifying criminal pasts. Murdered By s2e6: Freed to Kill Agains: The Murder of Quyen
Both men are taken into custody and claim that they didn’t leave the house that night. ibid.
At Belfast Crown Court William McFall was given a life sentence for the murder of Martha Gilmore. ibid.
‘Unwin and McFall met whilst in prison.’ ibid. Ruth Bundey, solicitor
McFall was released on licence in 2010 and Unwin two years later in 2012. ibid.
In the early morning hours of 15th August 2017 the Tyne & Wear Fire and Rescue Service responded to a 999 call reporting a car on fire. Inside the car the body of 28-year-old mother of two Quyen Nguyen from Vietnam. Her killers were 50-year-old William McFall and 39-year-old Stephen Unwin, two convicted murderers. The killers had met in prison where they struck up a deadly friendship. In her final hour their victim suffered unimaginable pain and cruelty. Britain’s Most Evil Killers s7e8: Stephen Unwin & William McFall, Sky Crime 2023
McFall battered the frail old woman [Martha Gilmore] three times on the back of the head. McFall was arrested within hours of the murder after police discovered fingerprints on Martha’s front door which matched those held on file for William McFall. ibid.
Unwin set fire to several parts of the house including John’s [Greenwell, 72] body. He stole a television set and a VHS recorder. ibid.
MCFARLAND, RICHARD: Texnews online - Crime Stories: A Deadly Disappearance TV -
San Antonio (AP) – The husband of a woman whose charred remains were found outside San Antonio this week was charged with murder Friday.
Prosecutors said that it was unlikely that the charge against Richard McFarland would be upgraded to capital murder despite the gruesomeness of Susan McFarland’s death.
‘This was in fact a murder,’ said Michael Bernard, Bexar County’s top assistant prosecutor. ‘We don’t have the evidence to indicate that it was a capital murder.
McFarland, 45, of suburban Terrell Hills was arraigned late Friday afternoon at the Bexar County Jail. His bond for the murder count was set at $500,000.
He was already in custody in lieu of a $450,000 bond on a variety of lesser charges linked to his wife’s disappearance in late November. Texnews online article T A Badger 18th January 2003
At the station the frantic husband gave the police all he could about his wife. Crime Stories: A Deadly Disappearance, 2012
Inside the garage investigators found gas canisters, charcoal, paper towels and cleaning fluid – all the supplies necessary to get rid of evidence of foul play. ibid.
MCFEETURE, HOLLY: True Crime With Aphrodite Jones TV - WTAM online -
A family man in the prime of life sidelined by pain. A strange and sudden death? Does the answer lie in the stars? True Crime with Aphrodite Jones s4e12: The Cleveland Conundrum, CI 2014
Ethylene Glyco: the major component of antifreeze. ibid.
Holly is asked point blank if she had anything to do with Matthew’s death. ibid.
She is sentenced to life in prison. ibid.
Cleveland – Sentencing was held Wednesday morning for the Cleveland woman convicted of the antifreeze murder of her boyfriend.
35-year Holly McFeeture was given life in prison with parole eligibility in 34 years for spiking Matthew Podolak’s iced tea with antifreeze in 2006.
The Old Brooklyn woman was engaged to Podolak with whom she had two children. The defense called just two witnesses before the jury received the case. WTAM online article 28th August 2013
MCGILL, GRAHAM: Britain’s Most Evil Killers TV - Murder Case: The Hunt for Mary McLaughlin's Killer TV -
In September 1984, 58-year-old Mary McLaughlin was walking home after a night out at her local pub. The stranger was 22-year-old Graham McGill, a convicted sex offender who was on temporary release from prison. Once inside Mary’s flat, McGill brutally murdered the popular grandmother. Britain’s Most Evil Killers s9e4: Graham McGill, Sky Crime 2024
DNA evidence left behind at the scene would expose McGill … 37 years down the line. ibid.
In September 1984, 58-year-old Mary McLaughlin was murdered in Glasgow. Mary’s death triggered a huge police investigation. 30 years later, due to advances in DNA testing, the case was reinvestigated. Murder Case: The Hunt for Mary McLaughlin’s Killer, BBC 2025
For 30 years the objects from Mary’s flat were kept in storage. ibid.
Mary was known to have fallen out with quiet a few of her relatives. ibid.
We get a DNA hit from our unknown profile on the cigarette end. It identifies a person named Graham McGill. ibid. forensics lady
DNA matching Graham McGill on the knots within the ligature. ibid.
MCGINNIS, VIRGINIA & BJ: True Crime Recaps 2022 -
Deanna Wild fell to her death from a 400-foot cliff overlooking Seal Beech in California, True Crime Recaps: Shocking Scammer Finally Caught! Virginia McGinnis Case, Youtube 9.21, 2022
When Virginia [McGinnis] and her husband were questioned their answered sounded plausible; they didn’t see or hear a thing. ibid.
Virginia had a long history with fire … The people around her also seemed to fall victim to tragic accidents … Virginia happened to have an insurance policy on her daughter which she quickly laid claim to. Two years later her second husband, Sylvester Reardon, died … She moved in with her mother and the house they lived in burnt down twice … Her mother died of a heart attack; Virginia collected the payout … 1987: Deanna Wild [tenant] died; she had an insurance policy for her too. ibid.
In 1987, two years later, he [BJ McGinnis] and his wife were changed with murder. ibid.