[Murder Cases here are usually filed in the name of the perpetrator, or the lead perpetrator. If the case remains unsolved or with several killers, the case may be filed in the name of the victim]
Gaskins, Pee Wee p1 - Gaudenzi, Lawrence, p1 - Gaul, William p1 - Gavare, Angelika p1 - Gaye, Marvin murder p1 - Gebhardt, Franklin & William Moore p1 - Geen, Ben p1 - Geiger, Joe p1 - Gein, Ed p1 - Gelber, Nancy p2 - Gellatly, Doug p2 - Gelman, Maksim p2 - Genestin, Andre p2 - Genovese, Vito p2 - George, Andrew p3 - Georges, Guy p3 - Gerardot, Jennair p3 - Getch, Robin et al p3 - Ghey, Brianna murder p3 - Ghorbani-Zarin, Arash murder p3 - Giancana, Sam p3 - Gibbs, Barry p4 - Gibbs, Renwick p4 - Gifford-Hull, Mike p5 - Gigante, Vincent the Chin p5 - Gilbert, Kristen p5 - Gilbert, Ray p5 - Giles, Bernard p6 - Gilfoyle, Eddie p6 - Gillis, Sean Vincent p6 - Gilmore, Gary p7 - Gilmour, Raymond p7 - Gilroy, David p7 - Gilyard, Lorenzo p7 -
GASKINS, PEE WEE: Born to Kill? Pee Wee Gaskins TV - Pee Wee Gaskins - Reform School report - David Wilson TV - Helen Morrison - True Crime Recaps 2022 - World's Most Evil Killers TV -
Five foot four: Pee Wee Gaskins would earn himself the title The Meanest Man In America. A serial killer who if he is to be believed, was responsible for over a hundred sickening and cruel murders. A man who wouldn’t stop killing even on Death Row. So what made Pee Wee the man he was, and was he born to kill? Born to Kill? Pee Wee Gaskins
The discovery of the six bodies was just the beginning of a shocking tale that would lead to claims that Gaskins was the most prolific serial killer in US history. ibid.
In 1982 he would plan a murder that was thought to be impossible. ibid.
Gaskins dropped out of school at eleven, forming a gang with two friends: together they dubbed themselves The Trouble Trio. ibid.
In 1946 at age thirteen Gaskins would graduate from rape to attempted murder. ibid.
In 1970 the disappearances began. ibid.
So was Donald Pee Wee Gaskins a born killer? ibid.
I’ll take a damned radio and rig it into a bomb and when he plugs that sonoffabitch up, it will blow him on into hell. Pee Wee Gaskins
This boy is anti-social. And there is something in his past development that is preying upon his mind. We consider him dangerous and also believe he has the homicidal tendencies peculiar to a paranoid type. We are requesting psychiatric treatment. Reform school report
Gaskins is going to claim that he murdered some eighty to ninety young people. Torturing them. Then prolonging their deaths. Torturing them again. And then hiding their bodies. Professor David Wilson, criminologist
A sexual sadist and a psychopath. ibid.
This was someone who was socialised into killing. ibid.
Serial murderers will tell you that there is something inside of them that they have to go kill. And that’s common among serial murderers. Dr Helen Morrison, forensic psychiatrist
If it were true that brain trauma had something to do with aggression we would expect that every single murderer had some sort of brain trauma or brain injury, and that doesn’t happen. Dr Helen Morrison
Pee-Wee Gaskins has been called the Meanest Man in America … He was a rapist cannibal killer who bragged about killing more than 100 victims … He met his maker in the electric chair. True Crime Recaps: 10 Most Terrifying Serial Killer Stories, Youtube 15.20, 2022
In rural South Carolina in early 1970s there was a spate of unexplained disappearances. It took 5 years before police realised that all of the missing people had one acquaintance in common: Donald Pee Wee Gaskins. World’s Most Evil Killers s9e4: Donald Gaskins, History 2204
Despite his reputation for violence in the quiet farming community that was his stomping ground, Donald Pee Wee Gaskins also had the power to charm and deceive the people he crossed paths with. ibid.
By the age of 35, Donald Pee Wee Gaskins had spent more than half his life incarcerated. ibid.
Gaskins was handed a further 8 life sentences on top of the 2 he was already serving. ibid.
Donald Pee Wee Gaskins was sentenced to death for [inmate] Tyner’s murder. ibid.
January 29 1995, Ruther Glen, Virginia: A day passes and there’s still no sign of Lisa. Military police at Fort Lee start a search for the missing mom. Case Files s3e14: Vanished in Virginia: Lisa Marto Gaudenzi, CI 2022
Nobody knows where he [Lawrence] went. No forwarding address. ibid. rozzer
April 2008: They look for evidence at the home that Lawrence and Lisa once shared. ibid.
GAUL, WILLIAM RILEY: True Crime Recaps 2022 -
November 21st 2016: Around 6 a.m. on that Monday morning Jill Walker poked her head into her 16-year-old daughter Emma’s bedroom … A tiny bullet hole no bigger than a pin in her wall … another bullet hole through her pillow … They found the bullet hole that killed her. True Crime Recaps: Deadly High School Sweetheart: The Death of Emma Walker, Youtube 18.49, 2022
William Riley Gaul: He controlled what she wore, how she did her hair and make-up, he told her she looked awful or pretty depending on his mood. ibid.
She was shot and killed as she lay sleeping. ibid.
GAVARE, ANGELIKA: Murder Uncovered TV -
Angelika [Gavare], the pretty mother of two, responsible for one of the most unthinkable killings in Australian history. While her kids slept, Angelika bludgeoned her elderly neighbour to death, all so she could steal the deeds to Vonne McGlynn’s home. To cover up her crime, the murdering mum then hack-sawed off Vonne’s head, hands and feet before using her toddlers’ stroller to dump the dismembered body. Murder Uncovered s1e4: Killer Confessions, Sky Witness 2018
Remains found directly in front of her house. ibid.
GAYE, MARVIN murder: True Crime Recaps 2023 -
April 1st 1984: The music world is in shock: one of its biggest stars, Marvin Gaye, has been shot twice in the chest, executed by his own father. True Crime Recaps: What Happened to Marvin Gaye? Youtube 5.50, 2023
An argument turned physical: Marvin Gaye senior retrieved a handgun that his son had given him as a gift and shot him in the chest. ibid.
Solving Tim’s [Timothy Coggins] murder, with the Klan and the Sheriff’s department being infiltrated, there was no intention to have an investigation. Cold Case Files s2e7: Love & Hate, cousin, A&E 2021
Franklin Gebhardt had bragged about killing Timothy. ibid. rozzer
GEEN, BEN: Killer Britain with Dermot Murnaghan TV -
Oxfordshire, 2004: Over 64 days between the end of 2003 and Spring 2004, 18 patients suffered breathing difficulties, 2 died. Killer Britain with Dermot Murnaghan s4e7: Ben Geen, CI 2022
On duty as they struggled for breath a nurse called Ben Geen. ibid.
‘He was always there when the action was happening; he was there when people were taken ill for inexplicable reasons.’ ibid. comment
GEIGER, JOE: Cold Case Files TV -
August 1985, Schuylkill Haven: Joan [mom] calls police in a panic and they start searching for David right away. Cold Case Files s3e9: The Bone Keeper, CI 2022
David’s [Reed] death casts a dark shadow over this normally peaceful town. ibid.
They ask an anthropologist to examine David’s bones. ibid.
2007: Investigators know that David was killed by a blow to the head. ibid.
‘Joe Geiger was not only growing marijuana plants, he was angry that somebody was stealing those plants.’ ibid. rozzer
GEIN, ED: Ed Gein: The Real Psycho TV - crime about online - World’s Most Evil Killers TV - True Crime Recaps 2022 -
The horrific crimes of a single man: his name was Ed Gein [pr Geen]. Gein’s crimes were committed against the living and the dead. The depraved acts of a damaged mind they slashed through the surface of a complacent age. Ed Gein: The Real Psycho, 2021
Scattered throughout the house was a ghastly array of human remains. ibid.
But Gein would confess to only two killings. ibid.
The news sent shockwaves across America. ibid.
The result was Bloch’s 1959 novel Psycho. ibid.
Gein had a reputation around town [Plainfield] as odd yet harmless. ibid.
He began to make nocturnal raids on local cemeteries. ibid.
The doctor said it all came back to his mother. ibid.
viz. Silence of the Lambs & Buffalo Bill. ibid.