BRODERICK, BETTY: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones TV - Betty Broderick -
She was a scorned woman who refused to surrender her lavish life-style. Betty Broderick: the San Diego socialite who murdered her ex-husband and his new wife as they slept. True Crime with Aphrodite Jones s2e10: Betty Broderick, A Woman Scorned
She fired five rounds ... Dan and Linda Broderick were dead. ibid.
The Betty Broderick case was big news ... The O J of female killers. ibid.
He was twenty, she was seventeen ... Dan started his own law firm ... By 1983 the Brodericks were millionaires ... And then the bottom fell out. Coming up, Dan wants out but Betty isn’t going to back down. ibid.
A twenty-two-year old receptionist in Dan’s office looked like a much younger Betty. ibid.
He’s got restraining orders against me. Betty Broderick
You’re making me mad. I’ll kill you. Betty Broderick
I just fired the gun and this big noise went off. Betty Broderick
BROOKS, ALONZO murder: Unsolved Mysteries TV -
Missing: Alonzo Brooks, 23 years old … ‘The FBI continues to investigate to find out if Alonzo may have been the victim of a hate crime. According to some witnesses at the party, Alonzo was threatened and was the target of racial slurs.’ Unsolved Mysteries s1e4: No Ride Home, news, 2020
What I had was a decomposing body in the body bag. The body was clothed … there are no specific anatomic signs … Could he be strangled? Certainly … no broken bone, no penetration of bone … I do not know the cause of his death. ibid. Erik Mitchell, forensic pathologist
‘There’s just foul play written all over it.’ ibid. friend
BROOKS, DARRELL: True Crime Recaps - Victim to Verdict TV -
November 21st 2021: Everyone in town turned out for the Christmas parade … A red SUV ploughed through the barricades and on to the parade route … Bodies were thrown like ragdolls. The madman behind the wheel Darrell Brooks. True Crime Recaps: Christmas Parade Turns Hellish: Darrell Brooks Case, Youtube 11.27, 2022
Dozens of people lay dead or dying in the street. ibid.
Facebook page calling for violence against white people, especially old white people. ibid.
When Darrell Brooks drove his red SUV through the Waukesha, Winconsin, holiday parade he killed 6 and injured more than 60 others. Victim to Verdict s1e4: Christmas Parade Rampage, Amazon 2023
One of the most bizarre trials in American judicial history. ibid.
Darrell Brooks in court: An act of terrorism or something else? ibid.
BROOKS, LEVON [see Miscarriages of Justice: Brooks, Levon]: see Smith, Courtney murder
BROOKS, NICHOLAS: Murder at Soho House TV -
Because Soho House is a membership club, the staff there knew that the young woman who was found dead in her room was Sylvie Cachay. Murder at Soho House, Linda Fairstein, special crimes unit, CI 2019
5 a.m. New York City December 9th 2010: A talented fashion designer with a promising future was found dead in her hotel bathtub. ibid. news
We were able to charge him [Nicholas Brooks, boyfriend] with the evidence we had. ibid. rozzer
BROPHY, NANCY: True Crime Recaps 2021 -
Nancy Brophy thought she could plan the perfect crime. Just like her hero Agatha Christie she even published an essay about it called ‘How to Murder Your Husband’. But when her husband of 27 years was found lying on the floor of his classroom at the Oregon Culinary Institute in Portland with bullets in his back and chest, she was the prime suspect. True Crime Recaps: Weird True Crime: She Plotted From Fiction to Reality? Youtube 9.54, 2021
Police say it was the promise of all that life insurance money that pushed her into doing the unthinkable. ibid.
She was arrested in September 2018. ibid.
BROTHERS, VINCENT: How I Caught the Killer TV -
In California a mother, grandmother and three small children are brutally murdered. How I Caught the Killer s2e6: The Principle Suspect, Sky Crime 2020
This suggested the killer had prior knowledge of the home security, and once inside, he seemed to know his way around. ibid.
A disturbing and tangled picture. The women who had been involved with Brothers [Joanie’s husband] told shocking stories of infidelity, abuse and violence. A teaching colleague reported a sinister episode of stalking. Small wonder Vincent’s relationship with Joanie was rocky. ibid.