AUSONIUS, JOHN: Crime Stories TV - Find Facts About online -
In Stockholm on 8th November 1991 Swedish police arrived at the scene of a violent attack. The victim was a student from Iran. A gunman was targeting immigrants and using a laser-guided site to pinpoint his victims. Crime Stories: John Ausonius
A man with red hair and rectangular steel-rimmed glasses. ibid.
Three shootings in as many weeks. Two months passed without an incident. ibid.
A string of unsolved bank robberies seemingly at a dead end. ibid.
A figure who had targeted immigrants in a series of shootings that gripped the country. ibid.
John Ausonius had just robbed a bank right in front of police. When officers tried to stop him, John Ausonius fired a shot. ibid.
In April 1995 John Ausonius was sentenced to life imprisonment. ibid.
Ausonius’ reign of terror indirectly led to what many consider to be one of the most embarrassing moments in Swedish politics. During a televised debate on the subject of racism held in Rinkeby, a suburb in Stockholm with a high concentration of immigrants, Birgit Friggebo (minister of culture at the time) stood up and tried to get the audience to sing We Shall Overcome in an attempt to calm the upset and angry crowd. The audience booed her and prime minister Carl Bildt so they had to leave. Find Facts About online article
AUSTIN, LARENE: How I Caught the Killer TV -
Larene Austin … told the deputies that her friend had been murdered. How I Caught the Killer s4e5: Fatal Attraction: Larene Austene
There were problems with Larene’s story. ibid.
‘We looked in your purse and saw two bullets.’ ibid. rozzer to Larene
Convinced Larene Austin was lying, detectives sent the bullet parts found at the scene for forensic examination. ibid.
AUSTIN, PHILLIP: Killer in the Family TV - Britain’s Most Evil Killers TV -
Phillip [Austin] brutally murdered his wife and two children. Killer in the Family s1e1: The Family Annihilator
Phillip wrote his parents a letter ending all contact. ibid.
More like Claire threatened to leave her selfish controlling husband. ibid.
Austin cut a remarkably ordinary figure. ibid.
In June 2000 the Austins enjoyed what was to be their last family holiday. A month after this home video was filmed, three members of the family were dead. On 11th July Claire Austin didn’t turn up for her shift as a carer. Her husband Phillip visited her place of work. In reality Claire was lying lifeless in a pool of blood on her kitchen floor murdered by her husband. But Phillip Austin wasn’t finished yet. Later that day he calmly collected his children from school. After taking them out for a fish and chips supper he strangled them. Britain’s Most Evil Killers s5e5: Phillip Austin, Sky Crime 2020
AUSTIN YOGHURT SHOP murders: True Crime Recaps 2022 - People Magazine Investigates TV -
Austin: Four teenage girls were executed in a strip mall yoghurt shop. For the next 30 years the case would be known simply as the Yoghurt Shop murders. True Crime Recaps: Two Unsolved Murders, Youtube 36.42, 2022
Austin: All four girls were naked, bound, gagged with their own clothes and they’d all been shot … The store went up in flames. ibid.
The firefighters are shocked to discover that they are people who got caught in the building … They were all shot … naked … People Magazine Investigates s7e7: Who Killed Our Girls? Quest Red 2023
We think the perpetrator just panicked and shot the girls … The fire was started by paper products. ibid. rozzer
DNA excluded all four boys: Robert Springsteen, Michael Scott, Maurice Pierce and Forest Welborn. ibid.
AVERY, STEVEN & BRENDAN DASSEY [viz Miscarriages of Justice: Avery & Dassery & Murder Cases: Allen, Gregory]: Steven Avery: Innocent or Guilty? TV - The New York Times - Making a Murderer 2015 - True Crime Central 2023 -
It’s the case of the moment, a national obsession … A passionate debate and a media storm. Steven Avery: Innocent or Guilty? ID 2016
Steven Avery: Innocent or Guilty? … Wrongfully convicted and spent eighteen years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit only to find himself back behind bars two years later charged in a separate case. ibid.
1985: Peggy picked Steven from a photo array and he was arrested. But Steven denied it [rape] and had an alibi. At his trial sixteen witnesses took the stand to swear Steven was with them on the afternoon of the attack. ibid.
‘Breaking news out of Calumet County: a horrifying account of what prosecutors say happened to Teresa Halbach.’ ibid. television news
Was Steven Avery framed? ibid.
‘Making a Murderer Left Out Crucial Facts,’ Prosecutor Says. ibid. The New York Times article
DNA frees man after 18 years: Manitowoc: New DNA evidence that a Manitowoc County man who spent the past 17 years in prison for sexual assault did not commit the crime, District Attorney Mark Rohrer said Wednesday. Making a Murderer s1e1: Eighteen Years Lost, Herald Times Reporter headline, Netflix 2015
They had the evidence back then I didn’t do it. ibid. Avery
Steven did not fit that description. ibid. Reesa Evans, Steven’s appointed lawyer
There isn’t one iota of physical evidence in this case that connects Steven Avery to it. ibid. Stephen Glynn, Steven’s civil rights lawyer
At the age of 23, Steven is found guilty of Sexual Assault, Attempted Murder and False Imprisonment. He is sentenced to 32 years in prison. ibid. caption
From 1986 to 1994, Steven appeals his conviction up to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. All of his appeals are denied. ibid.
In 2001 the Wisconsin Innocence Project agrees to take Steven’s case. ibid.
DNA: And that somebody was Gregory Allen. ibid. expert
Police were watching man now linked to Avery case: Sheriff ignored Manitowoc department’s suggestion of Allen as suspect in sexual assault, deputy chief says. ibid. newspaper article
In December 2003 the Avery Task Force begins hearings to review police and prosecutorial practices statewide. Steven is the first to testify. The Avery Task Force makes recommendations for criminal justice reforms. The State Legislature begins drafting The Avery Bill. Making a Murderer s1e2: Turning the Tables, captions
1995: Gregory Allen is arrested for sexual assault in Brown County. Andrew Colborn [Corrections Officer] receives call about inmate confession. ibid.
2005: October 11: Lt. Lenk and Sandy Morris are deposed; October 13: Sgt. Colborn, Judy Dvorak and Sheriff Petersen are deposed; October 26: Eugene Kusche is deposed; October 31: Teresa Halbach is last seen; November 1: The Avery bill passes the state legislature; November 3: Teresa Halbach is reported missing. ibid.
All I can think is they’re trying to railroad me again. ibid. Avery, rozzers raid Avery property
The Averys are not allowed on their property while law enforcement conducts an 8-day search. ibid. caption
It appears that an attempt was made to dispose of a body by an incendiary means; pieces of bone and teeth were found on the Avery property. ibid. rozzers’ press conference
At the preliminary hearing the judge will decide if there is sufficient evidence to bind Steven over for trial. Making a Murderer s1e3: Plight of the Accused, caption
I’m sick of this world. I’m sick of suffering. ibid. Avery
Something got set up. ibid. woman in bar
What a story! ibid. television news presenter
Brendan [Dassey: Avery’s nephew] gave his first statement to investigators 4 months earlier, the day after Teresa’s RAV4 was found. He told them he had no contact with Teresa and had no knowledge of what happened to her. ibid. caption
On February 27th, investigators Mark Wiegert and Tom Fassbender go to Brendan’s high school, taking him out of class and question him alone. After then speaking with Barb, they question Brendan three more times without a lawyer present. ibid.
Horrific details revealed: DA: Avery and his nephew raped, tortured and killed Teresa Halbech. Making a Murderer s1e4: Indefensible, Herald Times Reporter headline
Steven Avery says his nephew, Brendan Dassey, isn’t very smart. And that Dassey was coerced into confessing. ibid. television news
Over the course of three and a half hours, Mark and Tom obtain another confession from Brendan. Brendan’s lawyer, Len Kachinsky, is not present. ibid. caption
One guy’s name just kept coming up … Lieutenant James Lenk. Lenk is the guy who finds the key … We looked in Steven’s old 1985 case file in the clerk’s office: some items from that court file ultimately proved to exonerate Steven: interestingly enough, the transmittal form that goes with the evidence in 2002 to the crime lab is filled out by none other than at that time Detective Sergeant James Lenk. And I said to myself, Woe! ibid. defense co-counsel Dean Strang
Some officer went into that file, opened it up, took a sample of Steven Avery’s blood and planted it in the Rav4. ibid.