He, who for an ordinary cause, resigns the fate of his patient to mercury, is a vile enemy to the sick; and, if he is tolerably popular, will, in one successful season, have paved the way for the business of life, for he has enough to do, ever afterward, to stop the mercurial breach of the constitutions of his dilapidated patients. He has thrown himself in fearful proximity to death, and has now to fight him at arm’s length as long as the patient maintains a miserable existence. Nathaniel Chapman, cited Scribner ‘Treatment of Pneumonia and Croup’ & cited The Medical World 1885
It seeming impossible in any other manner to properly restrict the use of this powerful agent [calomel, a mercury compound, mercurous chloride], it is directed that it be struck from the supply table, and that no further requisitions for this medicine be approved by Medical Directors ... Modern pathology has proved the impropriety of the use of mercury in very many of those diseases in which it was formerly unfailingly administered ... No doubt can exist that more harm has resulted from the misuse [of this agent], in the treatment of disease, than benefit from their proper administration. W A Hammond, Surgeon General’s advice Washington 4th May 1863
The drug was first tested on American forces in the 2003 Iraq war. Darren Brown: Fear and Faith I, Channel 4 2012
All four find their phobias are having a negative effect on their lives. ibid.
Rumyodin doesn’t exist. I made it up. ibid.
Placebo doesn’t work on everyone. ibid.
I tested the same placebo Rumyodin on various groups of people and told them all it was a cure for something different. ibid.
Like 80% of her group, Nikki is still not smoking. ibid.
Diagnoses of mental disorders in children and adolescents are increasing at an alarming rate, particularly in the USA where the number of manic depressive children has gone up by 4000% over the past ten years. The most widely used treatments are psychotropic drugs. Panorama: Kids on Pills, BBC 2000
The NHS clinic offering detox for people who are hooked on prescription drugs. Panorama, Hooked on Painkillers, BBC 2015
GPs are prescribing record doses of potentially addictive painkillers. Around four million people in the UK are now taking drugs in the same family as heroin. ibid.
The chances are you or someone you know takes anti-depressants. The chances are you or someone you know has been helped by these pills. What are the chances though these widely prescribed drugs could play a part in murder? Panorama: A Prescription for Murder? BBC 2017
Professor David Healy has long advised caution with the class of antidepressants known as SSRIs – they are thought to work by boosting Serotonin levels in the brain. ibid.
In the UK alone there were over 40 million prescriptions last year. ibid.
Martin Shkreli rashly raised the price of Daraprim from $13.50 dollars a pill to $750. Dirty Money III ***** Drug Short: Valeant Pharmaceuticals, news, Netflix 2018
The poster boy for hiking drug prices arrested today for securities fraud. ibid.
A house of cards with people cheating other people right left and centre.’ ibid. Australian short seller
They bought over a hundred companies. ibid.
You have to pay for your medicine because you’re going to die if you don’t. ibid. victim
Between 2010 and 2015 Valeant increased the monthly price of Syprine from $650 to $21,000. During the same period Valeant’s value grew from £2.3 billion to $78 billion. ibid. caption
Valeant was very good at creating an illusion that they were growing.’ ibid. short seller
Daraprim: Outrage After Pill Increases 5,000%. ibid. CNN banner
The pharmaceutical Enron. ibid. short seller
In one month Valeant stock fell 59%. The company lost $26 billion in value. ibid. caption
US insurance premiums have gone up 43% since 2008. ibid.
Before you’re born they use medical devices to find out when you’re gonna be born. When you’re born they use medical devices to find out how healthy you are. When you’re growing up oftimes they use medical devices to enhance what’s going on with you. Medical devices are a way of life in America. The Bleeding Edge, 2018
‘The medical device industry is a three-hundred-billion a year industry. This is big business.’ ibid. Dr Michael Carome, director Public Citizen Health Research Group
‘The device industry has much more power than Pharma.’ ibid. expert
‘Over the past ten years nearly 70 million Americans have been implanted with medical devices.’ ibid. Jeanne Lenzer, The Danger Within Us
‘I felt it go into my tube … It was pretty intense. After the procedure I was running fevers a lot, the bleeding was almost continual … a sharp stabbing pain …’ ibid. essure device victim
‘The history of medical devices is odd: there was an explosion in the 1920s and ’30s and ’40s of fraudulent devices …’ ibid. William Hubbard, former FDA associate commissioner
‘Most people probably believe when they get a medical device they implant it, be it a pacemaker or a joint, that those medical devices have undergone appropriate testing to demonstrate that they are safe and effective before they came on the market and doctors started using them. But for more moderate and high risk devices that is not the case.’ ibid. Dr Michael Carome
There have been more than 800 failed pregnancies associated with Essure. ibid.
Medical companies paid doctors more than £2 billion in 2016. ibid.
‘Welcome to the business.’ ibid. sales rep
Women with Essure experienced sterilization failure seven times more often than women who had their tubes tied. ibid. Bouillon, Bertrand, Bader et al 2018
CT scan overdose and overuse gives 50,000 Americans every year. ibid. Korley, Pham et al 2009
Medical products made from the cannabis plant are now legal … ‘For the first time doctors can prescribe medicinal cannabis in the UK.’ Cannabis: Miracle Medicine or Dangerous Drug? news, BBC 2019
Why cannabis has remarkable effects in conditions like epilepsy. ibid.
It’s estimated that the global medicinal cannabis market will be worth $19 billion by 2027. ibid.
GcMAF summary: The body’s way of treating cancer and 50 other diseases; A human protein, a human right with no side effects; the king of immunotherapies; discovered in the human body 26 years ago; 300 GcMAF scientists from 8 nations; 150 scientific research papers; 12,000 patients treated; can successfully treat 90% of cancers. Ian Crane, Alternative View Conference 9.1 lecture, ‘Democracy in Chains’, caption
Since 2000, more than 500,000 Americans have died of opioid overdoses. Millions of Americans have become addicted. Every 25 minutes a baby is born with opioid withdrawal. The US government estimates that the cost of opioid abuse is over $1 trillion. We call this ‘the opioid crisis’. But a crisis is something that just ‘happens’. What if we discovered that the opioid crisis was caused by businesses seeking to profit from pain? What if behind the crisis there was a spectacular crime? Alex Gibney, The Crime of the Century I ***** Sky Documentaries 2021
No American family has profited more from controlled substances, from Valium and Oxycontin, than the Sacklers. ibid.
In the 1960s Sackler became incredibly rich by expanding the market for addictive tranquillizers. ibid.
Controlled-release Oxycodone, or Oxycontin, would be the drug that triggered what we call the ‘opioid crisis.’ ibid.
Johnson & Johnson also genetically altered the nature of the plant to create a super-poppy … Soon 74,000 acres of Tasmania were devoted to opium. ibid.
Blinn was taking the equivalent of 200 hits of heroin a day. He kept the prescription bottle for 20 years because he felt something was not right. ibid.
A nationwide criminal conspiracy that included Fraud, Pills Mills, doctors trading drugs for sex, false statements to Congress, and attempts to target key officials of the Bush administration … The FDA was used to falsely and fraudulently market Oxycontin. ibid.
None of them would spend a day in prison. ibid.
Lifetree Pain Clinic prescription: 60 x Amitriptyline 50mg; 30 x Celexa 40mg; 224 x Oxycodone 30mg; 112 Percocet 10/325mg; 60 x Requip 1mg; 60 x Xanax 1mg; 60 x Zanaflex 4mg. ibid.
Starting in 2013 a powerful synthetic opioid surged in popularity: Fentanyl. It’s a 100 times more powerful than morphine. Rather than reckoning with its dangers, companies sold it as aggressively as drug cartels. But instead of gun-toting dealers on street corners, men and women in suits and lab coats pushed opioids and cash bonuses and power-point presentations at pain management jamborees. Flush with campaign cash from Big Pharma, Congress would look the other way. ibid.