Turing recast incompleteness in terms of computers … There would always be some problems they would never solve. ibid.
I’m about to enter an alien world. To me equations have always been incomprehensible hieroglyphs. What do they describe? Are they just a mathematical game? Matthew Collings, Beautiful Equations, BBC 2010
Scientists talk of beautiful equations. ibid.
Einsten: ‘What guides him is mathematical beauty.’ ibid.
Newton’s equation allowed us to understand why moons and planets move around the solar system. ibid.
Time runs at different rates depending how fast you’re moving. ibid.
Dirac: here was a scientist [who] insisted science went through a filter of beauty. ibid.
Algorithms define our lives … An enormous efficiency operation is being conducted, taking decision-making away from humans and handing them over to the rules and laws of the computer. But what are we surrendering to? What does the world look like when algorithms determine our personal future? Slave to the Algorithm, 2018
The Drake Equation tries to answer the question how many other planets with intelligent life could exist in our galaxy? Phil Plait’s Bad Universe: Alien Attack! Discovery 2010