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Paedophile & Paedophilia (I)
  P2 Lodge  ·  Pacifism & Pacifist  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (I)  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (II)  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (III)  ·  Pagans & Paganism  ·  Pain  ·  Paint & Painting  ·  Pakistan & Pakistanis  ·  Palace  ·  Palestine & Palestinians  ·  Panama & Panamanians  ·  Pandemic  ·  Panspermia  ·  Paper  ·  Papua New Guinea & New Guinea  ·  Parables  ·  Paradise  ·  Paraguay & Paraguayans  ·  Parallel Universe  ·  Paranoia & Paranoid  ·  Parents  ·  Paris  ·  Parkinson's Disease  ·  Parks & Parklands  ·  Parliament  ·  Parrot  ·  Particle Accelerator  ·  Particles  ·  Partner  ·  Party (Celebration)  ·  Passion  ·  Past  ·  Patience & Patient  ·  Patriot & Patriotism  ·  Paul & Thecla (Bible)  ·  Pay & Payment  ·  PCP  ·  Peace  ·  Pearl Harbor  ·  Pen  ·  Penguin  ·  Penis  ·  Pennsylvania  ·  Pension  ·  Pentagon  ·  Pentecostal  ·  People  ·  Perfect & Perfection  ·  Perfume  ·  Persecute & Persecution  ·  Persia & Persians  ·  Persistence & Perseverance  ·  Personality  ·  Persuade & Persuasion  ·  Peru & Moche  ·  Pervert & Peversion  ·  Pessimism & Pessimist  ·  Pesticides  ·  Peter (Bible)  ·  Petrol & Gasoline  ·  Pets  ·  Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma  ·  Philadelphia  ·  Philanthropy  ·  Philippines  ·  Philistines  ·  Philosopher's Stone  ·  Philosophy  ·  Phobos  ·  Phoenix  ·  Photograph & Photography  ·  Photons  ·  Physics  ·  Piano  ·  Picture  ·  Pig  ·  Pilate, Pontius (Bible)  ·  Pilgrim & Pilgrimage  ·  Pills  ·  Pirate & Piracy  ·  Pittsburgh  ·  Place  ·  Plagiarism  ·  Plagues  ·  Plan & Planning  ·  Planet  ·  Plants  ·  Plasma  ·  Plastic  ·  Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery  ·  Play (Fun)  ·  Plays (Theatre) I  ·  Plays (Theatre) II  ·  Pleasure  ·  Pluto  ·  Poet & Poetry  ·  Poison  ·  Poker  ·  Poland & Polish  ·  Polar Bear  ·  Police (I)  ·  Police (II)  ·  Policy  ·  Polite & Politeness  ·  Political Parties  ·  Politics & Politicians (I)  ·  Politics & Politicians (II)  ·  Politics & Politicians (III)  ·  Poll Tax  ·  Pollution  ·  Poltergeist  ·  Polygamy  ·  Pompeii  ·  Ponzi Schemes  ·  Pool  ·  Poor  ·  Pop Music (I)  ·  Pop Music (II)  ·  Pope  ·  Population  ·  Porcelain  ·  Pornography  ·  Portugal & Portuguese  ·  Possession  ·  Possible & Possibility  ·  Post & Mail  ·  Postcard  ·  Poster  ·  Pottery  ·  Poverty (I)  ·  Poverty (II)  ·  Power (I)  ·  Power (II)  ·  Practice & Practise  ·  Praise  ·  Prayer  ·  Preach & Preacher  ·  Pregnancy & Pregnant  ·  Prejudice  ·  Premonition  ·  Present  ·  President  ·  Presley, Elvis  ·  Press  ·  Price  ·  Pride  ·  Priest  ·  Primates  ·  Prime Minister  ·  Prince & Princess  ·  Principles  ·  Print & Printing & Publish  ·  Prison & Prisoner (I)  ·  Prison & Prisoner (II)  ·  Private & Privacy  ·  Privatisation  ·  Privilege  ·  Privy Council  ·  Probable & Probability  ·  Problem  ·  Producer & Production  ·  Professional  ·  Profit  ·  Progress  ·  Prohibition  ·  Promise  ·  Proof  ·  Propaganda  ·  Property  ·  Prophet & Prophecy  ·  Prosperity  ·  Prostitute & Prostitution  ·  Protection  ·  Protest (I)  ·  Protest (II)  ·  Protestant & Protestantism  ·  Protons  ·  Proverbs  ·  Psalms  ·  Psychedelia & Psychedelics  ·  Psychiatry  ·  Psychic  ·  Psychology  ·  Pub & Bar & Tavern  ·  Public  ·  Public Relations  ·  Public Sector  ·  Puerto Rico  ·  Pulsars  ·  Punctuation  ·  Punishment  ·  Punk  ·  Pupil  ·  Puritan & Puritanism  ·  Purpose  ·  Putin, Vladimir  ·  Pyramids  

★ Paedophile & Paedophilia (I)

He was given a public protection sentence with an 11-year minimum recommendation.


That means, of course, you may never be released, said Judge Paul Thomas QC.


Jacqueline Marling, 42, described as Batleys right-hand woman, was jailed for 12 years, while Batleys wife Elaine, 47, was jailed for eight years.


Shelly Millar, 35, described during the trial as Batleys sex slave, was jailed for five years.


Vincent Barden, 70, of Kempston, Bedfordshire, who was not a cult member, was jailed for three years after admitting two counts of sexual assault on an underage girl.


Batley was said in court to have been active as a molester and rapist of children and young people for more than three decades.


Previously, a jury rejected claims by Batley and other defendants during the trial that no cult existed.


The cult, who all lived in the same cul-de-sac, took part in a catalogue of abuse against children and young adults.


Victims said the group used occult writings and practices to brainwash them, and justify their abuse.


Batley used his position as the cult leader to rape boys and girls, the court was told.  BBC online article 11 March 2011, ‘Kidwelly sex cult leader Colin Batley may never be free’



These are our children.  They skip down our streets.  But the paedophile is waiting.  Even our most drastic measures don’t work.  Brass Eye Special s1e7: Paedogeddon! Channel 4 2001


The Pedo-Files starts next week on 4.  ibid.  


Just Kidding Tours.  ibid.  


Why are no paedophiles black?  ibid.  



There’s a place in the world where mothers are putting their own kids in front of web-cams for money.  The children are forced to perform sex acts.  Stacey Dooley, Child Labour: Kids for Sale, BBC 2009 



Stacey’s going to Cambodia to investigate how thousands of young girls are being sold into sexual slavery.  She discovers how young girls are often betrayed by those they trust most: their families.  Stacey Dooley: Sex Trafficking in Cambodia, BBC 2010


It is thought that around a third of the estimated 100,000 sex workers in Cambodia are under the age of 18.  ibid.


‘Ten dollars up to thirty.’  ibid.



A state that punishes its sex offenders for ever.  After they have served their time in prison they face restrictions for life.  But do these laws really protect children?  Do sex offenders ever deserve a second chance?  Stacey Dooley Investigates: Second Chance Sex Offenders, BBC 2018  


In Florida after sex offenders have served their time in prison, police chiefs have the power to impose a set of restrictions on them and notify the public of where they live.  ibid.



[Father Charles] Sylvestre would victimise dozens of girls across the communities of southern Ontario over the next four decades.  Very Bad Men s2e1: Sins of the Father, ID 2012



If they don’t like sex offenders, they don’t have to come in our park.  Pervert Park, 2014


I grew up in a really brutal household; there was a lot of physical abuse, emotional abuse.  ibid.  dude


You get a lot of vigilantes, you get a lot of people that want to come in here causing trouble.  ibid.



We are a four-person investigative team … We keep our work confidential.  Spotlight 2015 starring Mark Ruffalo & Michael Keaton & Rachel McAdams & Liev Schreiber & John Slattery & Brian d’Arcy James & Stanley Tucci & Gene Amoroso & James Sheridan & Billy Crudup & Richard Jenkins et al, director Tom McCarthy


Apparently, this priest molested kids at six different parishes over the last thirty years and the attorney for the victims … says Cardinal Law found out about it fifteen years ago and did nothing.  ibid.  Baron meets the staff 


Twenty grand for molesting a child?  ibid.  Sacha


This guy was shuffled around from parish to parish … There’s a pattern.  ibid.  Rezendes


How do you say no to God, right?  You see, it’s important to understand this is not only physical abuse, it’s spiritual abuse too.  ibid.


This is not just Boston, it’s the whole country … I know thirteen [priests] here in Boston.  ibid.  victim


My estimate suggests 6% act out sexually with minors.  6% of all priests.  ibid.  researcher  


87 priests in Boston.  ibid.  Rezendes


We’ve got two stories here: we’ve got a story about degenerate clergy and we’ve got a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuse into a cottage industry.  ibid.  Robinson


Show me this was systemic, that it came from the top down.  ibid.  Baron  


Church allowed abuse by priest for years.  ibid.  newspaper headline  


Over the course of 2002, the Spotlight team published close to 600 stories about the scandal.  249 priests and brothers were publicly accused of sexual abuse within the Boston Archdiocese.  The number of survivors in Boston is estimated to be well over 1,000.  In December 2002 Cardinal Law resigned from the Boston Archdiocese.  He was reassigned to the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiori in Rome, one of the highest ranking Roman Catholic churches in the world.  ibid.  captions



Behind the closed doors of an all-consuming cult, Tony imposed his will on his followers through violence fuelled by rage.  People Magazine Investigates: The Alamo Christian Foundation, ID 2018


In 2008 self-styled evangelist Tony Alamo is arrested for horrendous crimes including repeated sexual abuse of young girls.  ibid.


The Alamo cult begins almost forty years earlier when a young evangelical couple named Tony and Susan Alamo start a street ministry in Hollywood, California.  ibid. 


Tony Alamo’s appetite for violence and perversion continues to grow.  ibid.


The predatory cult leader has finally been stopped … Child brides are witnesses against Alamo … Tony Alamo is sentenced to a total of 175 years in prison.  ibid.



In the UK a child is reported missing every three minutes.  Jimmy Savile and the Ninth Circle, Youtube 47.03


Bill Maloney [evidence]: visitors to Elm Guest House: Leon Brittan, Cliff Richard, Peter Brooke, Anthony Blunt, Harvey Proctor, Peter Bottomley, Cyril Smith, Louis Minster, Colin Peters QC, Chris Denning.  ibid.   


Elm Guest House owner Carole Kasir: Was this woman murdered to cover up Cyril Smith’s sex ring?  ibid.


‘Heath was into little boys and Savile was supplying them.’  ibid.


Our government has put two government paedophile rings under a D-notice for 100 years: the Dunblane paedophile ring including Labour Lord George Robertson and the North Wales paedophile ring including Tory Lord MacAlpine.  ibid.


[David] Cameron buried the incriminating footage, and also ended the Cook Report.  To repay this little favour, [Kenneth] Clarke helped him line up to be the opposition leader and of course the now PM.  ibid.  


Revealed: British Premier Gordon Brown Is A Paedophile.  ibid.  The Truth Seeker online article Mike James 28 February 2010



Child Abuse and possibly murder at the Jersey Island children’s home ‘Haut de la Garenne’.  Sun, Sea & Satan, Bill Maloney Pie n Mash Films 2014, Youtube 59.04


Within that cellar there is at least one dead child and maybe more.  ibid.  rozzer Lenny Harper


I’m here investigating the allegations of torture, murder and child sex abuse in the children’s home ‘Haut de la Garenne’.  ibid.  Bill Maloney


There is evidence of a massive establishment cover-up.   ibid.


One hundred thousand children go missing in the UK each year.  ibid.  research the Children’s Society


Victims of Haut de la Garenne that have come forward have stated children would often just disappear.  ibid.


That’s fucking witchcraft.  ibid.  re bizarre paedophilic sculptures in resident’s front garden



‘I have visions of people coming up the close with machetes and all-sorts.’  Married to a Paedophile, wife victim of paedophile, Channel 4 2018


One of Britain’s fastest rising crimes: for one year we recorded with families of offenders arrested for this crime.  ibid.