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★ Paedophile & Paedophilia (I)

14-year-old singer Coleen Nolan had her own unpleasant experience with Savile on the show.  ibid.


He was using his celebrity status to gain access to teenage girls.  ibid.


Savile’s warped attitude to sexual abuse.  ibid.



We now know Jimmy Savile was a predatory paedophile for more than forty years.  Many of his victims say they were attacked when they were at their most vulnerable.  Exposure Update: The Jimmy Saville Investigation, ITV 2012


The Jimmy Savile investigation: He is now reviled as a paedophile … a mighty fall.  ibid.


More victims came forward.  ibid.   



Just the latest in a series of sex gang cases that have come to court.  The Hunt for Britain’s Sex Gangs, Channel 4 2013


Telford Police have been running Operation Chalice for almost a year.  ibid.


A series of raids begin in which a total of nine suspects are arrested in the market town of Wellington, just outside Telford.  ibid.


Some were as young as eleven when they were abused.  ibid.


A classic pattern of grooming – starting with friendship and quickly moving to abuse and control.  ibid.


The men then introduced the girls to their friends and family.  ibid.


The Crown Prosecution Service decides not to proceed with the case.  ibid.


The ordeal of going to court was overwhelming.  ibid.


At least 10,000 children may be victims of this kind of sexual exploitation.  Yet there are only four beds in the whole of the UK to help children recover from this horrific abuse.  ibid.


The list of suspected perpetrators has risen to over 200.  ibid.



This is the story of three girls who in two years all went missing from the same street ... Until May 2013 they were held captive inside this house.  The Cleveland Captives: What Really Happened? BBC 2013


At 6 p.m. a call goes out to trace Ariel Castro.  ibid.


Hundreds of news crews descend on Seymour Avenue.  ibid.


Four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape.  ibid.


The house is both a prison and a torture chamber.  ibid.



Instruction: On The Manner of Proceeding In Cases of Solicitation The Decree Crimen Sollicitationis The Vatican Press March 16 1962 ... Anyone involved in a sex-abuse investigation, the accuser and the accused, are to be restrained by a perpetual silence ... In all matters and with all persons, under the penalty of excommunication.  Secret Vatican document uncovered from 2003



Religion that as reported in Time magazine Catholic institutions have recently paid out more than $300,000,000 in the United States in settlement of cases where priests have been accused of sexually abusing under-age boys.  And there is no end in sight to other pending cases.  Notre Dame Philosophy Professor Ralph McKinnery said, ‘We, the Catholic church, could be sued out of existence.’  Derek Partridge, The Naked Truth



I acknowledge the pain that the Church in America has experienced as a result of the sexual abuse of minors.  Pope Benedict XVI



The rape and the torture of children were downplayed and managed to uphold instead the primacy of the institution, its power, its standing and its reputation.  Enda Kenny, Irish prime minister July 2011



I should have been removed and attended to.  Father Oliver O’Grady



He [Bishop Mahony] was very supportive.  Father Oliver O’Grady



I called him [Oliver Grady] in and told him he was to decease contact.  Bishop Roger Mahony



I am angry at [Bishop] Mahony for claiming that he had absolutely no knowledge at this paedophile who had a file.  Nancy Sloan, victim



More accuse Lode priest of sex crimes.  Metro front page



The Number One goal of every Bishop, and a part of the vows they take when they become Bishop, is to protect the Church from scandal.  Protecting the church from scandal means documents, witnesses and victims are kept quiet and shuffled away.  Jewell Casticks, SNAP, survivors’ network for victims of abuse



Case and Jane DeGroot: Before leaving the priesthood, Case was pastor of St Anne’s Parish [Lodi, California] where Oliver O’Grady was a priest.  Deliver Us from Evil ***** director Amy Berg, 2006


Bishop Guilfoyle promises Nancy Sloan’s family Oliver O’Grady will be sent to a monastery.  In exchange the family does not press charges.  ibid.


1980: Bishop Guilfoyle passes away; he is replaced by Roger Mahony.  ibid.


The Howards evidence, letter October 10 1980: ‘I spoke to you once before about Father Oliver O’Grady.’  ibid.


1982: Roger Mahony moves Oiver O’Grady to another parish 52 miles away.  ibid.


1983: Oliver O’Grady continues to abuse children in Stockton, Turlock and Lodi.  ibid.


1984: Roger Mahony moves Oliver O’Grady to another parish 47 miles away.  ibid.


2000: Oliver O’Grady is released from prison and deported to Ireland.  ibid.


Pope Benedict XVI was accused of conspiracy to cover up sexual abuse in the United States.  At the Vatican’s request, President Bush granted the Pope immunity from prosecution.  ibid.


Over 100,000 victims of clergy sexual abuse have come forward in the United States alone.  ibid. 



There’s no policy to help the victims ... And there’s an unwritten policy to lie about the existence of the problem ... This is all over the world.  Father Tom Doyle



Ireland’s attachment to the Catholic Church is straining to breaking point.  The secret crimes of Irish priests against children have collapsed the Church’s moral authority.  This World: The Shame of the Catholic Church, BBC 2012


The cleric abuse scandal is far from ended.  It goes to the very top of the Catholic Church in Ireland.  ibid.


The police investigation which ended with Father Eugene Green being jailed in 2000 found evidence the priest’s crime were covered up.  ibid.


What the Church knew was never explained.  ibid.


It involved Cardinal Sean Brady, primate of all Ireland, and the country’s most notorious paedophile priest, Father Brendan Smyth.  At its centre a boy who in 1975 reported Smith’s abuse to the Cardinal.  ibid.


Their families were not warned in any way about the paedophile.  ibid.


So far the abuse scandals have cost the Church about £3 billion and counting.  ibid.



This is Father Oliver O’Grady, a former Catholic priest.  The Church knew he was a child abuser.  Instead of reporting O’Grady, the Church hid him from the authorities.  No mistake but part of a secret Church directive.  The man responsible for enforcing it was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI.  Panorama: Sex Crimes and the Vatican, BBC 2006


Four years ago this priest – Father Sean Fortune – was at the centre of Ireland’s biggest child abuse inquiry.  The scandal exposed details of a secret Vatican decree which seemed to shelter the perpetrators and silence the victims of abuse.  ibid.


An oath of silence was part of the secret Church decree called Crimen Sollicitationis.  The Directive was written in 1962.  ibid.


In 2001 he [Ratzinger] created the successor to the Decree: in spirit it was the same – overarching secrecy with a threat of excommunication.  He sent a copy to every Bishop in the world.  ibid.


Almost 4,500 US priests have been accused of raping or sexually abusing children.  ibid.


There are over seven US priests who face allegations of child sexual abuse living with the support of the Church here in and around the Vatican.  ibid.


O’Grady does not appear on the Irish sex offenders’ register.  ibid.