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  P2 Lodge  ·  Pacifism & Pacifist  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (I)  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (II)  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (III)  ·  Pagans & Paganism  ·  Pain  ·  Paint & Painting  ·  Pakistan & Pakistanis  ·  Palace  ·  Palestine & Palestinians  ·  Panama & Panamanians  ·  Pandemic  ·  Panspermia  ·  Paper  ·  Papua New Guinea & New Guinea  ·  Parables  ·  Paradise  ·  Paraguay & Paraguayans  ·  Parallel Universe  ·  Paranoia & Paranoid  ·  Parents  ·  Paris  ·  Parkinson's Disease  ·  Parks & Parklands  ·  Parliament  ·  Parrot  ·  Particle Accelerator  ·  Particles  ·  Partner  ·  Party (Celebration)  ·  Passion  ·  Past  ·  Patience & Patient  ·  Patriot & Patriotism  ·  Paul & Thecla (Bible)  ·  Pay & Payment  ·  PCP  ·  Peace  ·  Pearl Harbor  ·  Pen  ·  Penguin  ·  Penis  ·  Pennsylvania  ·  Pension  ·  Pentagon  ·  Pentecostal  ·  People  ·  Perfect & Perfection  ·  Perfume  ·  Persecute & Persecution  ·  Persia & Persians  ·  Persistence & Perseverance  ·  Personality  ·  Persuade & Persuasion  ·  Peru & Moche  ·  Pervert & Peversion  ·  Pessimism & Pessimist  ·  Pesticides  ·  Peter (Bible)  ·  Petrol & Gasoline  ·  Pets  ·  Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma  ·  Philadelphia  ·  Philanthropy  ·  Philippines  ·  Philistines  ·  Philosopher's Stone  ·  Philosophy  ·  Phobos  ·  Phoenix  ·  Photograph & Photography  ·  Photons  ·  Physics  ·  Piano  ·  Picture  ·  Pig  ·  Pilate, Pontius (Bible)  ·  Pilgrim & Pilgrimage  ·  Pills  ·  Pirate & Piracy  ·  Pittsburgh  ·  Place  ·  Plagiarism  ·  Plagues  ·  Plan & Planning  ·  Planet  ·  Plants  ·  Plasma  ·  Plastic  ·  Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery  ·  Play (Fun)  ·  Plays (Theatre) I  ·  Plays (Theatre) II  ·  Pleasure  ·  Pluto  ·  Poet & Poetry  ·  Poison  ·  Poker  ·  Poland & Polish  ·  Polar Bear  ·  Police (I)  ·  Police (II)  ·  Policy  ·  Polite & Politeness  ·  Political Parties  ·  Politics & Politicians (I)  ·  Politics & Politicians (II)  ·  Politics & Politicians (III)  ·  Poll Tax  ·  Pollution  ·  Poltergeist  ·  Polygamy  ·  Pompeii  ·  Ponzi Schemes  ·  Pool  ·  Poor  ·  Pop Music (I)  ·  Pop Music (II)  ·  Pope  ·  Population  ·  Porcelain  ·  Pornography  ·  Portugal & Portuguese  ·  Possession  ·  Possible & Possibility  ·  Post & Mail  ·  Postcard  ·  Poster  ·  Pottery  ·  Poverty (I)  ·  Poverty (II)  ·  Power (I)  ·  Power (II)  ·  Practice & Practise  ·  Praise  ·  Prayer  ·  Preach & Preacher  ·  Pregnancy & Pregnant  ·  Prejudice  ·  Premonition  ·  Present  ·  President  ·  Presley, Elvis  ·  Press  ·  Price  ·  Pride  ·  Priest  ·  Primates  ·  Prime Minister  ·  Prince & Princess  ·  Principles  ·  Print & Printing & Publish  ·  Prison & Prisoner (I)  ·  Prison & Prisoner (II)  ·  Private & Privacy  ·  Privatisation  ·  Privilege  ·  Privy Council  ·  Probable & Probability  ·  Problem  ·  Producer & Production  ·  Professional  ·  Profit  ·  Progress  ·  Prohibition  ·  Promise  ·  Proof  ·  Propaganda  ·  Property  ·  Prophet & Prophecy  ·  Prosperity  ·  Prostitute & Prostitution  ·  Protection  ·  Protest (I)  ·  Protest (II)  ·  Protestant & Protestantism  ·  Protons  ·  Proverbs  ·  Psalms  ·  Psychedelia & Psychedelics  ·  Psychiatry  ·  Psychic  ·  Psychology  ·  Pub & Bar & Tavern  ·  Public  ·  Public Relations  ·  Public Sector  ·  Puerto Rico  ·  Pulsars  ·  Punctuation  ·  Punishment  ·  Punk  ·  Pupil  ·  Puritan & Puritanism  ·  Purpose  ·  Putin, Vladimir  ·  Pyramids  

★ Paedophile & Paedophilia (I)

Filth as thou art, with human care, and lodged thee

In mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violate

The honour of my child.  William Shakespeare, The Tempest I ii 348, Prosepro



Well what’s wrong with sharing your bed?  I didn’t say I slept in the bed.  If I did sleep in the bed, it’s OK.  I am not going to do anything sexual to a child.  It’s not where my heart is.  I’d slit my wrists first.  I would never do anything like that.  That’s not Michael Jackson, I’m sorry.  That’s someone else.  That’s someone else.  Michael Jackson interview



Why can’t you share your bed?  The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone.  It’s very charming.  It’s very sweet.  It’s what the whole world should do.  Michael Jackson



Between us we should be able to do something.  When Louis Met s1e1: Jimmy, Jimmy, BBC 2000


We can talk about anything.  You can find out how tricky I am.  ibid.  


I can get anything.  There’s nothing I can’t get.  And there’s nothing I can’t do.  ibid.


I’m not a grass.  ibid.  


That’s forty million pounds more than I’ve ever raised.’  ibid.  Louis  


And I’ll let those dirty slags do what they want to her.  ibid.  Jimmy re nightclub duty 1950s


Not even for a week, no.  ibid.  re having a girlfriend



Diagnosed with sexual disorders and sent here against their will ... Individuals are encouraged to open up about their crimes.    Louis Theroux: A Place for Paedophiles, CI 2013



For several months I’ve been spending time in the twilight world of Los Angeles’ paroled sex offenders.  The serious nature of their crimes has placed them outside normal society and controlled by some of the most restrictive legislation in America.  Louis Theroux: LA Stories: Among the Sex Offenders, BBC 2014


When if ever a sex offender deserves a second chance.  ibid.  


Amy Beck served a year in prison for unlawful sexual intercourse with an under-age boy.  ibid.



This footage is of a visit Jimmy Savile made to my house in 2001.  We had a friendly relationship since making a documentary together [When Louis Met Jimmy] ... I thought there was a side to him I hadn’t seen.  Louis Theroux  Savile, BBC 2016


I wanted to understand how he had got away with his crimes for so long.  ibid.  


On one of our last days of filming I had asked about the rumours that swirled around him.  ibid.    


Jimmy Savile used to boast he didn’t have emotions.  ibid.


In those early days at the BBC Jimmy Savile was involved in multiple sexual assaults some involving children.  ibid.


They identified 326 victims ... 72 victims involved the BBC, 177 were at hospital.  ibid. 



This is a story fifty years in the making.  The MP for Rochdale, Sir Cyril Smith, was a political superstar ... Cyril Smith was a paedophile.  Dispatches: The Paedophile MP: How Cyril Smith Got Away With It, Channel 4 2013


Smith was investigated right at the beginning ... He was not stopped; he went on abusing.  ibid.


The police report makes clear that Cyril Smith was by now in the habit of visiting Cambridge House in the evenings administering fake medicals and corporal punishment.  ibid.


‘They [Special Branch] were protecting Cyril Smith, not investigating him.’  ibid.  former child protection officer                 


Whenever you see the word Scandal in the media replace it with the word Psy-Op.  Richplanet TV: Scandal


Jimmy Savile Scandal/Psy-Op and Institutional Paedophilia: Savile was probably protected from prosecution.  ibid.


‘Boys were being abused and MI5 was filming it … There’s been an awful lot of covering up of paedophiles and paedophile rings for decades and decades.’  ibid.  Ken Livingstone interview 


Elm Guest House, Channel 4 News Report February 2013.  ibid.



Some of them as young as ten years old on the sex offenders’ registries in this country.  Judith Lavine, author Harmful to Minors



9The Vatican, and its vast network of dioceses, has in the past decade alone been forced to admit complicity in a huge racket of child rape and child torture, mainly but by no means exclusively homosexual, in which known pederasts and sadists were shielded from the law and reassigned to parishes where the picking of the innocent and defenseless were often richer.  Christopher Hitchens, God is Not Great p51



Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins.  My sin, my soul.  Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth.  Lo.  Lee.  Ta.  Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita, 1955


You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.  ibid.


Her legs, lovely live legs, were not too close together, and when my hand located what I sought, a dreamy and eerie expression, half-pleasure, half-pain, came over those childish features.  She sat a little higher than I, and whenever in her solitary ecstasy she was led to kiss me, her head would bend with a sleepy, soft, dropping movement that was almost woeful, and her bare knees caught and compressed my wrist, and slackened again; and her quivering mouth, distorted by the acridity of some mysterious position, with a sibilant intake of breath came near my face.  She would try to relieve the pain of love by first roughly rubbing her dry lips against mine; then my darling would draw away with a nervous toss of her hair, and then again come darkly near and let me feed on her open mouth, while with a generosity that was ready to offer her everything, my heart, my throat, my entrails, I gave her to hold in her awkward fist the sceptre of my passion.  ibid.  


But the mimosa grove – the haze of stars, the tingle, the flame, the honeydew, and the ache remained with me, and that little girl with her seaside limbs and ardent tongue haunted me ever since – until at last, twenty-four years later, I broke her spell by incarnating her in another.  ibid.  


… to visit in their company various institutions, such as orphanages and reform schools, where pale pubescent girls with matted eyelashes could be stared at in perfect impunity remindful of that granted one in dreams.  


Now I wish to introduce the following idea.  Between the age limits of nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travellers, twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature which is not human, but nymphic (that is, demoniac); and these chosen creatures I propose to designate as ‘nymphets’.  ibid.


… the little deadly demon among the wholesome children; she stands unrecognized by them and unconscious herself of her fantastic power.  ibid.


We loved each other with a premature love marked by a fierceness that so often destroys adult lives.  I was a strong lad and survived; but the poison was in the wound, and the wound remained open, and soon I found myself maturing amid a civilization which allows a man of twenty-five to court a girl of sixteen but not a girl of twelve.  ibid.


Ah, leave me alone in my pubescent park, in my mossy garden.  Let them play around me for ever.  Never grow up.  ibid.


And neither is she the fragile child of a feminine novel.  What drives me insane is the twofold nature of this nymphet – of every nymphet, perhaps; this mixture in my Lolita of tender dreamy childishness and a kind of eerie vulgarity.  ibid.


I had had some experience in my lie of pedorosis; had visually possessed dappled nymphets in parks; had wedged my wary and bestial way into the hottest, most crowded corner of a city bus full of strap-hanging schoolchildren.  But for almost three weeks I had been interrupted in all my pathetic machinations.  ibid.


I knew I had fallen in love with Lolita for ever; but I also knew she would not be for ever Lolita.  She would be thirteen on January 1.  In two years or so she would cease being a nymphet and would turn into a ‘young girl’, and then, into a ‘college girl’ – that horror of horrors.  ibid.  


We are not sex fiends!  We do not rape as good soldiers do.  We are unhappy, mild, dog-eyed gentlemen, sufficiently well integrated to control our urge in the presence of adults, but ready to give years and years of life for one chance to touch a nymphet.  ibid.


I was not unduly disturbed by her self-accusatory innuendoes.  I was still firmly resolved to pursue my policy of sparing her purity by operating only in the stealth of night, only upon a completely anaesthetized little nude.  ibid.


Reader must understand that in possession and thraldom of a nymphet the enchanted traveller stands, as it were, beyond happiness.  For there is no other bliss on earth comparable to that of fondling a nymphet.  It is hors concours, that bliss, it belongs to another class, another plane of sensitivity.  Despite out tiffs, despite her nastiness, despite all the fuss and faces she made, and the vulgarity, and the danger and the horrible hopelessness of it all, I still dwelled deep in my elected paradise – a paradise whose skies were the colour of hell-flames – but still a paradise.  ibid.