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United States of America 1900 – Date (II)
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★ United States of America 1900 – Date (II)

September 11th was the jumpstart for what is now an accelerated agenda by the ruthless elite: it was a staged war pretext no different from the sinking of the Lusitania, the provoking of Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin lie.  In fact if 9/11 wasnt a planned war pretext, it would be the exception to the rule.  It has been used to launch two unprovoked illegal wars  one against Iraq and one against Afghanistan.  However, 9/11 was a pretext for another war as well: the War against You.  The Patriot Act, Homeland Security, The Military Tribunals Act and other legislations are all completely and entirely designed to destroy your civil liberties and limit your ability to fight back against what is coming.  Currently in the United States unannounced to most brainwashed Americans your home can be searched without a warrant without you being home, you can in turn be arrested with no charges revealed to you, detained indefinitely with no access to a lawyer, and legally tortured all under the suspicion that you might be a terrorist ... Lets recognise how history repeats itself.  Zeitgeist, 2007



September 11th was not just a terrible tragedy that took the lives of thousands of innocent people.  It was an American coup.  A violent and aggressive seizure of power and a transformation of both foreign and domestic policy.  The slaughter of civilians in broad daylight as a means of promoting an agenda.  This is not a new concept.  Loose Change – 9/11 An American Coup, 2009



9/11 was an inside job orchestrated by forces in our own government.  It was a false-flag attack with evidence planted to make it appear to have been planned and carried out by Arab Muslims.  David Ray Griffin, interview Guns and Butter 7th January 2009 


There are reasons why the Bush-Cheney administration and its Pentagon would have staged the 9/11 attacks to make them appear to have been orchestrated by Muslim terrorists from the Middle East.  This administration wanted to control this oil from the Caspian Sea area, had made plans to go to war in Afghanistan months before 9/11.  It also, as is now well known, had an attack on Iraq at the top of the agenda when it came to office.  Finally, General Wesley Clark has revealed the Pentagon under this administration was planning on attacking six more predominantly Muslims countries: Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.  Accordingly, the idea that 9/11 was an inside job with evidence planted to make it appear to be the work of Middle Eastern Muslims should not be ruled out a priori.  Indeed, those with responsibility to discover what really happened including our major media should have been alert to evidence that it was a false-flag attack.  ibid.



We can see through the claim that the US Project of creating the first truly global empire is a benevolent or even benign enterprise.  However, we can fully grasp the extent to which this project is propelled by fanaticism based on a deeply perverted value system only when we realise that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were orchestrated by our own leaders, and that they did this to provide the justification, the fear and the funding for the so-called War on Terror which would be used as the pretext for enlarging the empire.  David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Fraud


This is the value system that is diametrically opposed to the value systems on which all the great religious and moral traditions of the world have been based.  These traditional value systems say that we should not covet, steal and murder.  That we should make sure that everyone has the necessary means for a decent life.  But our government’s project for global domination is carried out in the name of the haves of the world who want still more.  Even if it means killing hundreds and thousands of people and letting millions more die every year because of starvation and other poverty related diseases, we can see furthermore that some political and military leaders are so fanatically infected with these perverted values that they are willing to kill thousands of their own citizens, then endlessly use a deceptive account of these terrorist attacks to justify a War on Terror, in the name of which they claim the right to do virtually anything they wish, ignoring all principles of international law and morality.  ibid.



They are the most violent dirtiest people on the face of the Earth.  Somewhere Americans are going to have to take their country back and start finding out – Who are these people?  Who are these people we call our representatives?  The Bushes?  George Bush the president – his father went around the country talking about a New World Order.  The people who are running this country from behind the scenes do not care a thing about Americans or bloodshed anywhere.  Jordan Maxwell



If anything’s going to happen in this country to turn it around, we’re going to need a renaissance – an intellectual spiritual renaissance.  Because you can’t do it with arms ... I’m ashamed of this country and I’m ashamed of the people who call themselves Americans who drive around with a damn silly arse flag on their car, and not even realise it’s not an American flag ... Put a flag on your car and drive around like a fool.  Jordan Maxwell, lecture The Illuminati



From 1945 to 2003 the United States attempted to overthrow more than 40 foreign governments, and to crush more than 30 populist-nationalist movements fighting against intolerable regimes.  In the process the US bombed some 25 countries, caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair.  William Blum



[American leaders] are perhaps not so much immoral as they are amoral.  It’s not that they take pleasure in causing so much death and suffering.  It’s that they just don’t care ... the same that could be said about a sociopath.  As long as the death and suffering advance the agenda of the empire, as long as the right people and the right corporations gain wealth and power and privilege and prestige, as long as the death and suffering aren’t happening to them or people close to them ... then they just don’t care about it happening to other people, including the American soldiers whom they throw into wars and who come home – the ones who make it back alive – with Agent Orange or Gulf War Syndrome eating away at their bodies.  American leaders would not be in the positions they hold if they were bothered by such things.  William Blum



Unconstrained by any superpower rival or system of global governance, the US giant has rewritten the global financial and trading system in its own interest; ripped up a string of treaties it finds inconvenient; sent troops to every corner of the globe; bombed Afghanistan, Sudan, Yugoslavia and Iraq without troubling the United Nations; maintained a string of murderous embargoes against recalcitrant regimes; and recklessly thrown its weight behind Israel’s 34-year illegal military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as the Palestinian Intifada rages.  The Guardian article Seumas Milne 13 September 2001, ‘They Can’t See Why They Are Hated’



George Bush’s administration yesterday blasted another lethal hole in the vital structure of multilateral arms agreements that has so far protected most of the world from the worst dangers of the modern military age.  America’s lone, wanton wrecking of long-running negotiations to enforce the 1972 treaty banning biological or germ weapons is an insult to the pact’s 142 other signatories, a body-blow for the treaty itself and a major setback for international efforts to agree practical curbs on the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.


By this action, the US suggests that its national security interests, narrowly defined, and the commercial interests of its dominant biotechnology sector should take precedence over responsible global collaboration to meet a common threat.  By rejecting the proposed inspection regime, it further, dangerously, suggests to others that the US is not really worried about germ-warfare controls and wants to develop its own, advanced biological weapons.


This in turn could have a serious impact on continuing efforts to bolster the equally important chemical weapons convention.  Since Tony Blair’s government has been particularly active in promoting the BWC enforcement protocol, it may now be expected to be particularly active in condemning this latest piece of Bush vandalism.  Jack Straw should summon the US ambassador, a Bush appointee, to the Foreign Office and demand an explanation.


The US move confirms a pattern of reckless, unilateralist behaviour on arms control, as on environmental and other issues.  Since taking office, Mr Bush has spoken in grandiose terms of the need for ‘new thinking’ and for a ‘new strategic framework’.  But to date, this supposed post-cold war global security vision has largely amounted to trashing existing agreements without any clear idea of what to put in their place.  The Guardian article 26 July 2001, Proliferator-in-chief



America was heading for a new confrontation with its allies yesterday after it emerged that the Bush Administration will refuse to accept an arms control deal to enforce a ban on biological weapons. online article Richard Beeston 23 July 2001  



Someone forgot the fact that it’s not our government that gives us our freedoms, they are inalienable rights and they cannot be taken away.  The people of the United States have simply been conditioned to give their rights away freely.  The USA Patriot Act seems less of a tool to fight terrorism and more of an instrument to monitor and track and intimidate every-day law-abiding citizens in this country.  One Nation Under Siege, 2006



The current Bush administration is probably the worst administration that we have had in the twentieth century.  By that I mean it is the most unrestrained by public opinion or the most unrestrained by world opinion.  It has the tightest little constellation of right-wing people that we have seen in government.  And it seems to be absolutely determined to be at war.  Howard Zinn, Liberty Bound 2004


Some day people will look back on 9/11 and sure they will see it as the first terrible act of terrorism committed in the United States by some foreign group, but they might also see 9/11 as the beginning of the disintegration of the American Empire.  ibid.


We need regime change in the United States.  We need democracy.  We need a government thats peaceable.  We need a government that will take the enormous resources that the United States has and instead of using it for war use it for human needs.  Millions of people are dying in Africa.  ibid.


We need a regime change in the United States.  We need something to make the American people proud.  You can’t be proud of a military victory over Iraq.  You can’t be proud of spending the resources of a government for more and more and more military weapons.  Yes, so I think the American Empire is on its way down.  And that will be a good thing one day.  ibid.