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United States of America 1900 – Date (II)
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★ United States of America 1900 – Date (II)

Project for the New American Century: This blueprint of global domination which was published before the accession of Bush to the White House, it is essentially a blueprint – it identifies the stages to this war …  Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics University of Ottawa, lecture 25th September 2003



Paul Wolfowitz began working on a plan that he eventually called The Project for the New American Century.  A 21st century dominated by the United States.  The US would use its unprecedented economic and military power to impose democratic values and protect American interests if necessary by pre-emptive force.  The Fifth Estate: The Lies That Led To War, 2007 


The US also knew that its sales to Iraq of dual-use material like helicopters and chemicals could well have facilitated Saddam’s mass-murder campaign.  But apart from issuing an official statement that denounced the gassing of the Kurds when it became public knowledge, what did the US do to stop its ally Saddam?  Absolutely nothing.  In fact the next year American financial aid to Iraq went up.  ibid.



In a broad new policy statement that is in its final drafting phase, the defense department asserts that America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era will be to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union.


A 46-page document that has been circulating at the highest levels of the Pentagon for weeks, and which defense secretary Dick Cheney expects to release later this month, states that part of the American mission will be ‘convincing potential competitors that they need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interests’.


The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy.  The New York Times article Patrick E Tyler 8th March 1992, ‘US Strategy Plan Calls for Insuring no Rivals Develop a One-Superpower World’



Our most fundamental goal is to deter or defeat attack from whatever source ... The second goal is to strengthen and extend the system of defense arrangements that binds democratic and like-minded nations together in common defense against aggression, build habits of cooperation, avoid the renationalization of security policies, and provide security at lower costs and with lower risks for all.  Our preference for a collective response to preclude threats or, if necessary, to deal with them is a key feature of our regional defense strategy.  The third goal is to preclude any hostile power from dominating a region critical to our interests, and also thereby to strengthen the barriers against the re-emergence of a global threat to the interests of the US and our allies.  Paul Wolfowitz (co-author Scooter Libby), Defense Planning Guidance 1994-9, 16th April redraft


One of the primary tasks we face today in shaping the future is carrying long standing alliances into the new era, and turning old enmities into new cooperative relationships.  If we and other leading democracies continue to build a democratic security community, a much safer world is likely to emerge.  If we act separately, many other problems could result.  ibid.


Certain situations like the crisis leading to the Gulf War are likely to engender ad hoc coalitions.  We should plan to maximize the value of such coalitions.  This may include specialized roles for our forces as well as developing cooperative practices with others.  ibid.


While the United States cannot become the world’s policeman and assume responsibility for solving every international security problem, neither can we allow our critical interests to depend solely on international mechanisms that can be blocked by countries whose interests may be very different than our own.  Where our allies interests are directly affected, we must expect them to take an appropriate share of the responsibility, and in some cases play the leading role; but we maintain the capabilities for addressing selectively those security problems that threaten our own interests.  ibid.



We discussed the need to prepare for a full range of asymmetric threats, including terrorism, cyber-attacks, advanced conventional weapons, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and certainly weapons of mass destruction.  Donald Rumsfeld  



This document asserts as the guiding policy of the United States the right to use military force against any country it believes to be, or believes at some point may become a threat to American interests.  No other country in modern history has asserted such a sweeping claim to world domination.  David North, re National Security Strategy of the United States of America September 2002



The idea is to create a situation where the people are so frightened of the violence all around them that they will throw their hands up in the air and demand, Federal Government, do something!  And the only choice open will be martial law.  Jerry Kirk, former Black Panther & US Communist Party



The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act 2001 ... An Act to deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes.  The Patriot Act 


Section 802 (5): the term domestic terrorism means activities that (a) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any state (b) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.  ibid.



We’re Americans, give us liberty or give us death.  We aren’t afraid of anything except ... terrorists ... terrorists ... TV, brain cancer, terrorists .... and terrorists.  Bullshit!  Penn & Teller, Bullshit! s2e2: Safety Hysteria, Showtime 2004



Pure incompetence: the law makers didnt even read the law before they passed it.  Assholes!  Penn & Teller, Bullshit! s3e7: Patriot Act


In December 2003 the FBI forced Las Vegas hotels to turn in information on over three hundred thousand guests.  ibid.


Government bureaucrats are keeping massive databases of information on all of us.  ibid.



The entire US ruling class, ruling elite, comes to see terrorism as the preferred means, indeed the only means, to provide social cohesion, to provide an enemy image for the society to keep it together ... The entire social order ... all based on a monstrous myth.  Webster Tarpley



When you look at the US ruling class you’d have to say that they are a pathetic bunch of failures and bunglers.  They are a miserable excuse for a ruling class ... What stays the same is the ruling elite that gives these puppets the orders that they act on ... They’ve hijacked this country and you’ve got to take it back from them.  Webster Tarpley



Nobody else counts except the Wall Street money masters.  That has made the United States no longer a force for progress but something very different – often a force for destruction in the world.  Webster Tarpley



If you look also at the people that Obama has put on his appointments list: its all Wall Street.  Its government of Wall Street by Wall Street and for Wall Street.  Theres nobody from heavy industry; theres nobody from the auto sector; nobody from Silicon Valley, nobody from big oil, nobody from defense, no labour, no women, no retirees, no small business, nothing.  Its pure Wall Street.  The only people that have a voice in Obamas councils are Wall Street finance oligarchs.  Thats all there is.  Webster Tarpley



The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth.  In itself this goes a long way to explaining the things it does around the world.  At present it’s conducting a War on Terror, or more accurately, a campaign against opposition to US domination.  Others prefer to call it the beginnings of the Third World War.  The United States has an insatiable appetite for conflict.  Since going into Korea in the 1950s it’s been at war with someone or other in some corner of the globe non-stop right up to the present day.  This drive is now led by the weapons manufacturers themselves.  9/11 Coincidences  



It is a story that begins as the Cold War ends.  A story about a group of self-identified radical conservatives on the right-wing extreme of the Republican Party.  A group of intellectuals and policy makers who saw the fall of the Soviet Union and communism not as an opportunity to scale back Americas Cold War military machine, but as an opportunity to build up its size and scale.  To use military force more aggressively and unilaterally.  To construct a new unchallenged American Empire.  Hijacking Catastrophe, 2004



United States of America is a threat to world peace.  Because what [America] is saying is that if you are afraid of a veto in the Security Council, you can go outside and take action and violate the sovereignty of other countries.  That is the message they are sending to the world.  That must be condemned in the strongest terms.  Nelson Mandela



The systematic brutality, the widespread atrocities, the ruthless suppression of independent thought in Stalinist Russia were well known in the West while American state crimes were merely superficially recorded, let alone documented.  But you wouldn’t know it.  It never happened.  Nothing ever happened.  Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening.  It didn’t matter.  It was of no interest.  Harold Pinter, accepting Nobel Prize for Literature



We don’t really give a damn what anybody thinks.  We rub everyone’s face in it.  We’re Americans and you’re not.  We’re talking the Roman Empire here.  We do anything we wanna do.  Anywhere we wanna do it.  And you’re either with us or against us.  Charles Lewis, Center for Public Integrity Washington