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★ UFO: US (I)

There is a line that runs around the world, and all along it strange things are witnessed.  There have been countless UFO sightings, hundreds of mysterious animal mutilations, and even stories of encounters in the distant past.  Could there be something about the 37th Parallel that is attracting visitors from other worlds?  Ancient Aliens s20e8: UFO Superhighway


Animal mutilations: The Miller Ranch, Trinidad, Colorado: 16 cattle mutilations have been discovered since the mid-1990s.  


‘Electro-magnetic anomalies, sightings of UFOs and Orbs, power fluctuations …’  ibid.  Nick Pope    


Tom and Sally Miller lead Nick and Travis across their 1,400-acre ranch, to the site of less where than a month ago they discovered what appears to be the latest victim of cattle mutilation.  ibid. 


Black Mesa, Arizona, 1.5 million acres: According to the Hopi, this is where their star ancestors descended from the heavens.  ibid.


‘A lot of earthquake activity along the 37th Parallel.’  ibid.  Nick Pope  


Radar Spots Strange Objects Over Capitol.  ibid.  Oneonta Star July 25th 1952         


US: Fort Knox, Nellis Air Force Base, Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Area 51, Black Mesa, Archuleta Mesa, Trinidad, Cape Girardeau, Mantell Crash Site, Piedmont …  ibid.



In the 21st century scientists are attempting to bring every star in the sky within our reach.  The concept of stargates dates back thousand of years.  And some claim the US government has been pursuing this technology for decades.  Ancient Aliens s20e12: Unlocking the Stargates   


‘Stargates are a shortcut through space and time.’  ibid.  Michio Kaku



Crashed UFOs.  Recovered alien entities.  Secret programs to study other-worldly technology.  For over six decades incredible claims have been made about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth.  But the American authorities have gone to great lengths to discret them.  Are we nearing the day when whistleblowers will finally be taken seriously, and their accounts proven true?  Ancient Aliens s20e13: The Whistleblowers        


Washington DC 26th July 2023: On Capitol Hill the House Oversight Committee assembled for a landmark Congressional hearing to record first-hand accounts of UAP activity.  ibid.    


Just days after resigning, Elizondo shared his story with reporters from The New York Times.  ibid.    


A long line of whistleblowers who have been coming forward to tell their stories for decades.  ibid.    


While the purpose of Project Blue Book was to discredit UFOs, over the course of his tenure Hynek grew to question Project Blue Book’s mission.  ibid.      



For thousands of years humankind has attempted to make contact with beings from beyond Earth.  Now in the 21st century the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is ramping up like never before.  Ancient Aliens s20e14: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence


This effort is led by the SETI Institute, established in 1984.  ibid. 


A mysterious interstellar radio signal has been blinking on and off every 22 minutes for more than 30 years.  ibid.  online article Natasha Hurley-Walker, The Conversation, 23rd July 2023


Avi Loeb’s Galileo Project Will Search for Evidence of Alien Visitation.  ibid.  online article Scientific American


Tantalising sign of possible life on faraway world.  ibid.  online article BBC 12th September 2023       



Jacques Vallée, astronomer, computer scientist, best selling author, internet pioneer, and world-renowned UFO researcher.  Jacques Vallée was one of the first to suggest the UFO phenomenon dates back thousands of years.   Ancient Aliens s20e15: Jacques Vallée: UFO Pioneer      


‘Jacques became an invaluable friend and colleague of my father [J Allen Hynek].  ibid.  son    


Socorro, New Mexico, 24th April 1964: Police Sergeant Lonnie Zamora heard a thunderous roar and saw a flame in  the sky to the south-west … Both officers documented that the brush was burning in several places, and the object had left four perpendicular impressions on the ground.  ibid.


Jacques Vallée: Anatomy of a Phenomenon: Latest Findings on Unidentified Flying Objects.  ibid.


Jacques Vallée: Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact.  ibid.       


Jacques Vallée & J Allen Hynek: The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects.  ibid.   


Jacques Vallée: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: A Strategy for Research.  ibid.     



For more than four decades award-winning journalist Linda Moulton-Howe has reported on the most mysterious phenomena on Earth, from bizarre animal deaths to crop formations, other-worldly entities, and alien abductions.  Ancient Aliens s20e18: The Linda Moulton Howe Files


‘She has taken on topics that other reporters wouldn’t touch, and changed the world.’  ibid.  George Knapp   


Linda Moulton Howe, 1980: A Strange Harvest.  ibid.      


Calls began pouring into the [TV] station.  ibid.     


Linda was able to reach millions of listeners on Coast to Coast.  ibid.  


Linda launched Earthfiles as an archive for her many years of research and created a website.  ibid.


‘Her legacy is that of a pioneer.’  ibid.  Giorgio   



What I am seeing here is similar to sightings that they had by guys in the Air Force.  Encounters III: Messengers, comment, Netflix 2023  


I was present on the USS Theodore Roosevelt for the Gimbal event.  ibid.  Matthew Roberts, cryptogropher


In January 2008, 300 people reported seeing mysterious lights in the sky over Central Texas.  Researchers call this event the most siginificant civlian sighting of the last 30 years.  ibid.  captions  


Stephenville, Texas, 8th January 2008: What I saw in the sky that night changed everything.  ibid.  Steve, witness  


Two F-16s came in hot pursuit.  ibid.


We were inundated with media from all over the country.  ibid.  witness



Malmstrom Air Force Base, March 1967: It moves directly over the base … The entire Oscar flight system shuts down.  Close Encounters s1e1, History 2014  



Kecksburg, Pittsburg, 1965: Locals report a ball of fire streaking across the sky and falling into a nearby forest.  Close Encounters s1e2


Phoenix, Arizona, Triangular UFO: ‘This case is unique because we have not only hundreds but potentially thousands of eye-witnesses.’  ibid.  



Liberty County, Texas, 1980: Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and her 7-year-old grandson Coby … The object never leaves their sight … ‘A diamond shape of some sort’ … ‘lightning bolts seemed to radiate’ … The experience leaves a lasting effect.  Close Encounters s1e3



November 27th 1986, Alaska, USA: Captain Kenji Terauchi and his Japanese airline crew make their way towards Alaska … The object suddenly reappears … ‘It’s coming after you’ … Captain Terauchi gets his first full look at the craft that’s been following him … The crew is forced to deal with increasing turbulence.  Close Encounters s1e4


August 27th 1979, Marshall County, Minnesota, USA: ‘He [rozzer Val Johnson] was driving on one of the small back country roads he noticed a light slightly over the trees … The light comes right at him … A hit and run by an unidentified object.’  ibid.  



Christmas Lights, November 25th 2009, Port Jervis, New York, USA: John Hudson heads home … He noticed a light in the sky … larger and larger … It slows to a crawl …  Close Encounters s1e5



Delphos, Kansas, USA, November 2nd 1971, Johnson family: He [Ron] sees this mushroom-shaped object right above the ground … Eight to nine feet across … His mother and father look up in the sky … They saw this glowing ring on the ground … The tree limb has the same glow as the strange ring … One of the most lab-tested UFO cases in history.  Close Encounters s1e6   


Lebanon, Illinois, 5th January 2000: A craft that appears to change shape in seconds … The object morphs into a long triangle … All three officers submit.  ibid.



Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, October 27th 1975: Danny Lewis works the night shift … ‘He sees some lights in the sky … moving around the base’ … The object that they’re watching circles around the base and then it disappears … And just like the first night he sees an object … The fifth and sixth witness on the strange sight follow the light as it once again circles the base …  Close Encounters s1e8    



Soccoro, New Mexico, April 24th 1964: Officer Lonnie Zamora is a five-year veteran of the New Mexico police force … ‘Zamora hears a blast in the distance’ … ‘He’s looking down on what he describes as an egg-shaped object on four legs sitting on four legs’ … ‘He sees these two beings’ … ‘He kept approaching the object’ … ‘He sees a flame coming out of the bottom’ … ‘He turned around and ran’ … ‘There’s four marks that could have been landing pads … [and] a slab of what looks like fused sand …   Close Encounters s1e10     


