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★ UFO: US (I)

‘I’m camping with a friend … I see these flights flashing at odd intervals and a UFO the size of a Walmart appears over us.  From dead centre of this thing there came a milky white light.  And they took me inside the ship.  And I’m screaming …’  Files of the Unexplained s1e4: Government’s UFO Conspiracy, Terry, Netflix 2024


Over the years countless videos of strange lights and objects in the sky have been shared and re-shared on social media.  ibid.


‘Pilots began to see what they called Foo Fighters … All kinds of people were seeing these unidentified flying objects.  So at that point the Air Force began to study it that was ultimately Project Blue Book.’  ibid.  man in the know  



Miami, Florida, 2022: An extraordinary and unexpected visitor … ‘The speed of the object, I was shocked.’  Evidence of the Unexplained s1e1, 2022


Bermuda Triangle, 1918: The 550-feet-long USS Cyclops and her 309 men vanish without trace.  ibid.


The object captured on Miami beach certainly looks and moves like one of these so-called Fastwalkers, not emerging out of the distant ocean but right up by the coastline.  ibid.     


October 6th 2021, Chicago: One of the strangest UFOs ever recorded.  It looks like a sphere with unearthly tentacles … It’s staying stock-still … eerily silent.  ibid.    


Chicago Airport November 7th 2006: ‘A saucer-like object was spotted.’  ibid.    


In 2021 a Pentagon-funded study was declassified under the Freedom of Information Act.  It detailed reports of military personnel who had got too close to a UFO.  ibid.



Right back to World War II when pilots called them Foo Fighters.  Evidence of the Unexplained s1e2



Malmstrom Air Force Base: America’s arsenal is apparently at the command of whatever is piloting this craft hovering about the base.  Evidence of the Unexplained s1e3


Why is the US military so wary of releasing the information it has on these phenomena?  ibid.



2022: US Congressional hearing into UFOs.  Evidence of the Unexplained s1e5


The Lovett [alien mutilation] case report was said to have been filed in a document called the Project Grudge Report 13 in a series of files of UFOs made by the US government.  ibid.  


September 2020 St Louis, Missouri: 29-year-old Lily Nova is about to be confronted by what she believes is an alien life form.  ibid.



How can a cube fly through the air? … October 2021, Springfield, Missouri, USA: A local man sees something inexplicable in the sky.  Evidence of the Unexplained s1e8  


Sightings of similar objects all over the world.  ibid.


One school of UFO investigators believe the scareships are evidence that the phenomenon we call UFOs has been shapeshifting throughout history.  ibid.



USS Russell: A US Navy Destroyer shoots at aggressive UFOs … ‘Three days later the objects return.’  Evidence of the Unexplained s1e9



Thirty miles south of Gallup, New Mexico, lies the pueblo of Zuni ... Much of the Zuni people’s history is etched into the rock-faces of the surrounding New Mexican desert ... These legends are rooted in the belief that the tribe’s creators and protectors are supernatural beings who came from the sky ... They appear to depict modern space travellers and their astral vehicles.  Ancient Aliens s1e2: The Visitors, History 2010 


Why might these images resemble modern astronauts?  If they are aliens, is it possible they are similar to humans with similar limitations?  And could they have come from a planet something like Earth?  ibid.



1639: A close encounter over Boston’s muddy river.  Ancient Aliens s1e4: Closer Encounters


In the north-west of New Mexico lies a vast concentration of ancient ruins known today as Chako Canyan.  ibid.     


But why would early Native Americans spend so much time building structures at Chaco Canyon along such precise astronomical alignments?  


In 1896 there were widespread reports of strange airships hovering over various locations in the American south-west.  ibid.



Los Angeles, 25th February 1942: ‘The sirens started wailing in the middle of the night’ … The 37th Artillery Brigade in Los Angeles fired off a barage of anti-aircraft shells at an unidentified flying object.  But what was this strange UFO that the search-lights were focussed on?  Ancient Aliens s1e5: The Return, History 2010


An estimated 14,000 shells were fired at the strange object.  And shrapnel rained down from the sky for an hour afterwards.  ibid.


Roswell, New Mexico: On 8th July 1947 a UFO sighting was reported that even the United States government had trouble denying.  Why?  Because this time the report was issued by the US army.  One night in early July 1947 a major thunderstorm rolled across New Mexico.  The next morning rancher Mack Brazel went to check on the damage.  ibid.



‘Throughout the 19th century many giant skeletons were allegedly discovered in the mid-West, and in parts of California, around Death Valley.  Ancient Aliens s2e2: Gods & Aliens


In the early 1800s local legends passed down by the Piaute Indians told of a race of Giants who were exterminated by their tribe.  ibid.


Are the Nevada bones evidence of a race of Giants?  ibid.



Deep in the caves of the American south-west … These tribes have many different beliefs but their creation myths all share a remarkable similarity.  In some legends the southwestern peoples went back underground for safety.  Ancient Aliens s2e4: Underground Aliens



Are angels just a product mankind’s imagination?  Or could they really exist?  If so, where do they come from?  Are angels really mystic beings from Heaven, or something more?  Ancient Aliens s2e7: Angels and Aliens


2010: Nearly 70% of Americans believe in the existence of angels.  ibid.


In the occult science of numerology the number 33 represents the ultimate attainment of consciousness.  Mount Hermon is located at the latitude of 33 degrees North.  Tracing the 33rd degree parallel to the exact opposite side of the globe takes you directly to the site of the most famous UFO encounter in modern history: Roswell, New Mexico, USA.  ibid.



Coral Castle, Homestead, Florida, 30 miles south of Miami: This former agricultural town is home to one of the most mysterious structures in North America, a stone garden made of sculpted blocks of ancient coral some weighing as much as thirty tons …  This site is not ancient ... In the journals [Edward Leedskalnin] left behind the builder explained that he had discovered the ancient secret of transforming stones into weightless objects.  Ancient Aliens s2e8: Unexplained Structures



Aurora, Texas, 1897: ‘An airship supposedly run into a windmill.’  Ancient Aliens s3e1: Aliens and the Old West, History 2011 


Adams County, Ohio, Serpent Mound is a giant prehistoric structure that looks as if it’s meant to be viewed from the sky.  The 1,330-foot-long structure winds across the land and depicts a coiled snake.  ibid. 


The upper Missouri River – this is the home of the Blackfoot Indians, a tribe whose ancient legends include strange tales of star-beings visiting the region from other worlds.  ibid.


The Thunderbird – their description of it was almost identical to that of the giant bird witnessed by cowboys in Tombstone in 1890.  ibid.



Surfside Beach, Montauk, New York: On 13th July 2008 a 26-year-old woman and three of her friends discovered the carcass of a strange looking creature that had washed up on to the beach.  Ancient Aliens s3e2: Aliens and Monsters



In the area of Horseshoe Canyon, Utah, graphic depictions called petroglyphs can be found of ancient Native American shamans and the other-worldly they claim to communicate with. Ancient Aliens s3e5: Aliens and Mysterious Rituals


One of these petroglyphs called the Ghost Panel depicts nine-foot-tall figures conducting what some believe is an actual encounter between shamans and star-beings.  ibid.  



A Stargate encoded in the dome of America’s capitol.  Strange symbols chiseled into the stone of famous monuments.  And a mysterious flying disc appearing in a painting of George Washington.  Could there be more to the secret messages found in the layout of the streets of the capital?  Might there be more to America’s origins than we’ve been told?  Ancient Aliens s3e11: Aliens and America’s Founding Fathers


Washington, 1952: An air-traffic controller at Washington National Airport picked up 7 strange objects on his radar screen.  ibid.


‘The equivalent of landing on the White House lawn.’  ibid.  Giorgio


The Native Americans they encountered not only shared a belief that life exists throughout the universe but even believed they were the descendants of the star people.  ibid.


Could George Washington really have had an extraterrestrial visitation at Valley Forge?  ibid.


Masonic symbols can be found on much of Washington’s monuments and architecture.  ibid.


