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★ UFO: US (I)

Legends of lizard people.  Statues depicting strange creatures.  And underground caves said to be home to serpent gods.  Throughout history there have been stories of beings half-human half-reptile.  Could they be more than mere fantasy?  What if they were visitors from another planet?  Ancient Aliens s8e5: The Reptilians


Bishopville, South Carolina, June 1988 2 a.m.  17-year-old Christopher Davis had pulled over on a deserted road … He saw a strange 7-foot creature with red glowing eyes running towards him … It fell from the car and Davis sped away.  ibid.


3 separate people on 3 separate occasions reported seeing a lizard-man near the Scape Ore Swamp.  Further sightings of a so-called lizard-man have also been reported in Tennessee, Illinois and Austria.  In fact, alleged encounters with these creatures have become so widespread they are collectively known by one man  Reptilians.  ibid.   



Tesla: The man who harnessed lightning.  He envisoned technologies far before their time.  He also believed in the possibility of communicating with other-worldly beings.  Nikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men to have ever lived.  But was he simply a creative genius or might his brilliance have had extraterrestrial origins?  Ancient Aliens s8e6: The Tesla Experiment


By the time of this death Tesla held nearly 700 worldwide patents.  ibid.  



Gateways to other dimensions.  Hidden dwellings.  Secret vaults of knowledge.  Since the earliest times caves have been a source of great mystery.  Imagine if the darkest recesses of our planet were hiding ancient secrets.  What if within their depths there could be found evidence of extraterrestrial visitors?  Ancient Aliens s9e1: Forbidden Caves


Grand Canyon: A small cave covered with artwork ... Some refer to it as the Shaman Panel.  ibid. 



The Civil War nearly destroyed the great experiment known as the United States of America.  But might there have been even more at stake than we know?  Could it be that the preservation of the Union was ensured by extraterrestrial beings?  Ancient Aliens s9e9: Aliens and the Civil War



Mysterious structures maybe numbering in the thousands.  Monuments said to contain secret powers.  Architectural wonders that could change everything we know about our past.  All over Earth there are massive pyramids, many so old that their origins are completely unknown.  Ancient Aliens s9e10: Hidden Pyramids


Just north of Anchorage in Alaska … a colossal pyramid structure.  ibid.  



A civilisation suddenly destroyed.  Centuries of knowledge wiped out for ever.  And the world’s most powerful weapons inexplicably shut down.  Imagine if extraterrestrials had intervened at key moments in history to manipulate the progess of humans?  Ancient Aliens s9e12: The Alien Agenda


Washington DC, 2013: At The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, 6 former members of the US Congress listen to testimony from former high-ranking government and military officials, along with a variety of scientists and researchers, about extraterrestrial presence engaging with the human race.  ibid.       



Enormous man-made caves.  Unexplainable structures.  And underwater discoveries that challenge things we think we know about the past.  Is it possible that an advanced civilisation inhabited the Earth thousands of years ago?  And if so, were they human or something out of this world?  Ancient Aliens s10e1: Aliens BC


Traverse City, Michigan: A series strange underwater rock alignments.  ibid.  



A visionary scientist.  A single-minded obsession.  And a mysterious past.  He developed the means to put a man on the moon.  But was Wernher von Braun’s passion fuelled by his own ambition?  Or might he have had some external influence?  Ancient Aliens s10e2: NASA’s Secret Agenda


Considered by many to be the father of rocket science, Von Braun is credited with either inventing, or helping to develop, many of the aerial technologies that exist today.  ibid.


There is evidence that NASA encountered more on the moon than they have revealed.  ibid.


‘Wernher von Braun famously said that the next world war will be the war against the ETs.  He remarks were hugely controversial.’  ibid.  Nick Pope         



Battles in the sky.  Weapons of unimaginable power.  Possible clues of advanced technology from thousands of years ago.  Accounts of warring gods can be found in ancient legends around the world.  What if these stories actually described alien battles?  Imagine if such wars were still being waged today.  Ancient Aliens s10e9: The Alien Wars


Gary McKinnon’s NASA Hack – Evidence of Alien Technology Found: An incredible story of a Scottish hacker who hacks NASA computers and claims to have found evidence of alien technology.  ibid.  The Informer online article 2013  


Imagine if the US military did have a secret space program.  ibid.  



Earth, 2026: 4 civilian astronauts begin their 150-day journey to the Red Planet.  The voyage will take them deeper into space than any human has ever travelled, over 128 million miles.  200 times further than the distance to the Moon.  Ancient Aliens s11e2: Destination Mars


NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars.  ibid.  NASA online article 28th September 2015



‘Right now we are inventing all these different technologies with which we could actually make ourselves super humans with super intelligence.’  Ancient Aliens s11e3: The Next Humans, Giorgio


NASA report May 1963: Engineering Man For Space: The Cyborg Study.  ibid.


Transhumanists say the 21st century will radically change what it means to be a human.  ibid.  



[George Noory]: Somebody built something on the moon a long long time ago.  Ancient Aliens s11e11: Space Station Moon           


What was the reason for this renewed interest in the Moon?  And why had it taken humanity so long to go back?  ibid.


‘The astronauts apparently talked about seeing extraterrestrial objects on the moon.’  ibid.  Childress


The last mission being Apollo 17 in 1972.  ibid.


Was our Moon towed into place in the distant past?  ibid.


Alan Butler: Who Built the Moon?  ibid.


The inference is that the Moon must be hollow.  ibid.  Butler


Don Wilson: Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon: Is Our Nearest Neighbour in Space a Huge Alien Spacecraft?  ibid.



Roswell is probably the single most known UFO event in history.   Ancient Aliens s11e13: Beyond Roswell, comment, History 2016 


Roswell was the home of the 509 bomb group.  This was the only atomic bomb-capable squadron anywhere in the world.  ibid.


Did the dawning of the nuclear age really usher in a new era of extraterrestrial encounters?  And if the US military were actively retrieving UFO wreckages, just where were they taking them?  ibid.


Col Philip J Corson: The Day After Roswell: The Truth Exposed AFter Fifty Years!  A Former Pentagon Official Reveals the US Government’s Shocking UFO Cover-Up.  ibid.  Book



‘These abduction stories are all part of a larger plan.  There is a reason why these people are being returned.’  Ancient Aliens s11e14: The Returned, Giorgio


The infamous case of Betty and Barnie Hill who were allegedly abducted from their vehicle on a New Hampshire road in 1961.  ibid.


‘There are hundreds of thousands of abduction reports all over the word.’  ibid.  Giorgio


‘They are allowed to come back, they are brought back, so the question is Why?’  ibid.  Kathleen Coppens


People are being returned with objects implanted in them.  Objects of other-worldly origin.  ibid.


‘Jim Sparks: One of the most amazing human abduction stories I’ve ever heard.’  ibid.  Linda Moulton-Howe


Dead LA Man, Jeffrey Lash, With 1,200 Guns Was Human-Alien Hybrid And Undercover Operative For Government, Says Fiancee.  ibid.  Inquisitor online article



‘Between 1948 and 1969 the US Air Force collected 12,618 UFO reports.’  Ancient Aliens s12e1: The Alien Hunters, comment        


Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner Announced $100M Initiative to Seek ET.  ibid.  Scientific American online article 20th July 2015  


‘The first offical UFO research program on the part of the military known as Project Sign.’  ibid.  comment  


In 1952, Coral and her husband, a former US Army Air Corps Officer, Jim Lorenzen, established the first independent UFO organisation: Aerial Phenomenon Research Organisation (APRO).  ibid.  


‘MUFON now has thousands of members.’  ibid.  Nick Pope      



Could evidence of alien visitation have been hiding in plain sight?  Did part of an alien craft fall from space?  Or are we looking at alien technology made right here on Earth?  Ancient Aliens s12e2: Forged by the Gods   


1974: Strange Sphere Puzzles Finders.  Lantana, Fla (UPI)  A strange metal sphere which the Antoine Betz family found on their property last week …  ibid.  newspaper article 



Majestic 12 Group Special Operations Manual: Extraterrestrial Entities And Technology, Recovery And Disposal: Top Secret Magi Eyes Only … [Linda Moulton Howe to Giorgio]: ‘You have the illustrations of different craft.  There is a paragraph in here that implies some agreement between the United States and the extraterrestrials.  “The encounters will take place at military installations selected by mutual agreement”.  This is solid confirmation that our government knew, and was dealing with, extraterrestrial entities and technologies.  This is solid.’   Ancient Aliens s12e9: The Majestic Twelve *****    


The Eisenhower Briefing Document is a memo that was allegedly written in 1952 by the first director of the CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter to president-elect, Dwight Einsenhower.   ibid.     
