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★ UFO (VI)

It’s a mystery that has haunted a community for decades.  Something strange was seen plunging into the sea off Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada on the evening of 4th October 1967.  There are dozens of eye-witnesses but few explanations.  Local fishermen, the coast guard and Navy divers searched but were unable to find any evidence of the crash.  UFO Files s3e5: Canada’s Roswell, History 10th March 2006


But an investigation 25 years later produced declassified government documents and some startling revelations.  ibid.


4th October 1967: Something unusual was happening in the skies over the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.  During the waning hours of the evening, dozens of people were mystified by a series of inexplicable lights in the sky.  It’s a date that would later become known as the Night of the UFOs.  ibid.


Other calls started pouring in.  The calls came from nearby Bear Point, Cape Sable Island and Maggie Garon’s Point all reporting the same thing.  ibid.


The fishermen realised that the strange foam was connected to whatever had crashed in the harbour.  ibid.


Even more puzzling than the foam was the lack of any debris at the site.  ibid.


Reports had come in from witnesses all over Nova Scotia that night.  ibid.


The diver informed [Chris] Styles that a flotilla of US Navy and Canadian ships had anchored over the two objects at Shelburne.  ibid.



UFO Cults: The synthesis of mainstream religion and cutting edge science fiction.  The belief in these technological angels comes from a long history of mankind’s faith in a divine plan for the universe.  UFO Files s3e6: UFO Cults


39 members of the Heaven’s Gate cult committed suicide in Rancho Santa Fe, California, in 1997.  ibid.  


Marshall Applewhite, the leader of the Heaven’s Gate cult, told his followers there was a UFO in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet.  ibid.


They turned their New Age and Christian ideologies into a business and went searching for followers.  ibid.  


He [Marshall] asked the men to join him in castration.  ibid. 


The students of the Unarius academy attend classes in past-life therapy, inter-dimensional physics and the psychology of consciousness.  In 1954 Earnest and Ruth Norman founded Unarius in Glendale, California.  Ruth prophesied that so-called ‘space brothers’ were coming to Earth in the year 2001 to build a university, where solutions to world problems would be discovered.  ibid.  


The ‘space brothers’ were a no-show in 2001.  Unarius students believe that the landing will happen when the majority of Earth’s people become open to the idea of contact with interplanetary beings.  ibid.



In the Santa Catalina channel where coincidentally at 9.37 p.m. the night before, witnesses reported seeing several disc-shaped silver USOs diving into and out of the channel.  UFO Files s3e8: Deep Sea UFOs: Red Alert


USS Franklin D Roosevelt: One of the great USO mysteries of the 20th century: bright USO-like craft rose from the water and remained relatively silent over this 45-second event before flying away.  ibid.



Do these sightings offer evidence of top-secret military and defence technology or do they hold clues to something more mysterious?  UFO Files s3e9: An Alien History of Planet Earth I II  


There were hundreds if not thousands of these [foo-fighters] unexplained phenomena.  ibid.


This is a journey into a world of mystery and deceit, a fantastical place full of UFOs, strange encounters and stories of alien abduction ... I want to know what really has been flying through our airspace.  Do these sightings offer evidence of top-secret military and defence technology?  Or do they hold the clues to something more mysterious?  ibid.


Allied air crews described strange glowing balls of light that tracked their aircraft, and even coined a name for them – Foo Fighters.  ibid.  


We do know from Sporenberg’s evidence that the Bell was a revolutionary device.  And the Fly Trap designed as its test-rig was fed with underground cables running to the heart of the structure ... Is it possible that the UFO sightings over Nazi Germany were related to this quest?  ibid.  


The Air Force issues a second document called The Roswell Report: Case Closed in 1997.  ibid.


The Air Force’s commitment to act on the UFO problem would result in one of the biggest military investigations in military history.  The Air Force, which had secretly been investigating UFOs since 1947, were forced to set up an open Inquiry.  Called Project Bluebook it promised to investigate each separate sighting report that was filed by the general public.  ibid.


The most challenging aspect of the UFO phenomenon is alien abduction.  Throughout the ’80s and ’90s stories of abduction swept across the US.  Over two million Americans claim to have been taken by aliens.  ibid.


Contactees were a group of people who claimed they had been visited by human-like aliens from planets such as Venus and Saturn.  Unlike Travis Walton’s aliens, these visitors were reputed to be benign.  Living in the shadow of the arms race, Contactees preached peace towards all species whether alien or terrestrial, and campaigned for disarmament.  ibid.


I also think there’s something else  our need to believe.  ibid.


Nellis is at the southern-most tip of the Nellis Air Force range, a closed-off area totally barred to the public that’s about the size of Switzerland.  And nestling within the Nellis Air Force Range is Area 51, the world’s most secret Air Force Base.  ibid.


It’s the testing ground for the US Air Force’s most secret technology.  When the U2’s covert life ended, this is what Bissell’s designers came up with – the Blackbird is the apex of aerospace technology.  ibid.


It wasn't just Bissell who had flying saucers on his mind.  Just across the border Avro, a Canadian-based company, had recruited talented British aerospace designer John Frost to work on a flying saucer ... Called the Avro-car it was a handful to fly and could barely get off the ground.  But it caught the eye of the United States Air Force.  ibid.


Buried in the depths of the archives I’ve discovered some blueprints which reveal something quite fantastic.  A supersonic saucer called the Silverbug.  It was truly revolutionary.  ibid.  


The CIA ruthlessly misled the American people about UFOs in order to hide their surveillance programs against the Soviet Union.  ibid.  


The chief sceptic of all, Dr J Allen Hynek, who investigated UFOs for the US military, also became a believer.  It was Hynek’s interviews and expertise that formed the basis of the 1977 film Close Encounters directed by Steven Spielberg.  ibid.


The story of successive attempts to develop radically different forms of flight conducted under the strictest secrecy is inextricably bound up with our relationship with UFOs over the last sixty years.  ibid.



As astronauts and pilots around the world report an ever increasing level of unusual activity in our skies, many wonder do the skies belong to us or to them?  Of the thousands of reported pilot and astronaut encounters with UFOs around the world few are more harrowing than the encounter on the 17th November 1986 by Japanese airlines 16-28 high above the Alaskan tundra.  UFO Files s3e10: Black Box UFO Secrets


Although the military desk took no action JLL16-28 landed safely in Anchorage at 6:20 p.m.  Extensive media coverage around the world has helped make this incident one of the most widely reported UFO cases in history.  The JLL case continues to inspire debate about the nature and intent of the object that tracked the 744.  ibid.


Control Tower: Chris, that Swissair 127 he had a UFO or a rocket almost hit him in my airspace ... Right above him about two or three hundred feet.  ibid.


Gemini 11 however was not the last NASA mission to have alleged encounters with UFOs.  In fact more and more UFO sightings were reported as Gemini gave way to the Apollo program.  ibid.



Throughout the twentieth century eye-witness reports of UFO sightings in the Dragon’s Triangle began to increase.  UFO Files s3e11: The Pacific Bermuda Triangle


18th August 1980 ... The Russian research vessel Vladimir Volbirov was moving slowly south through the Dragon’s Triangle around Japan heading towards Okinawa.  Just after midnight suddenly and without warning a cylindrical metallic UFO-like object was seen to rise slowly from the sea.  It hovered then darted off into the sky.  ibid.  


Eight months later on 17th April 1981 another significant incident occurred in almost the same location ... It was a clear day and the sea was calm.  The 165-foot Japanese freighter Taki Kyoto Maru was sailing two hundred miles off Kanisawa with over thirty crew members.  Suddenly the crew was rocked by shockwaves rolling though their ship ... A bright saucer-shaped object rose out of the water.  ibid.


The Kaiyou-Maru ... on two known occasions in 1984 and 1986 the research ship was allegedly tracked by a UFO.  These chilling events were witnessed by at least nine research scientists aboard the ship. ibid. 


On 24th September 1235 strange celestial lights were seen to move and hover ... in Kyoto.  ibid. 



Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio: Are there declassified documents that prove UFO wreckage was secretly flown to the base?  UFO Files s3e12: Hangar 18: UFO Warehouse, History 6th November 2006


For more than half a century similar stories have surfaced about UFO wreckage, alien bodies, secret underground cryogenic chambers, and a mysterious hangar at the base.  ibid.


There are many other cases tied to Wright Field: October 1947, Paradise Valley, Arizona; May 1953, Kingman, Arizona; June 1953, Laredo, Texas; and December 5th 1965, Kecksburg, Pennsylvania – are only a few of the alleged flying saucer recoveries in the US alone.  No matter where a UFO lands, it seems all roads lead back to Wright-Patterson and Hangar 18.  ibid.  


But according to many UFO researchers at the same time that the press is distracted with supposedly fake debris, the actual Roswell wreckage and possibly other retrieved items are taken under military control.  They are surreptitiously flown almost 1,500 miles away to a military base in Dayton, Ohio, named Wright Field.  According to UFO legend its precise destination is a hangar on the base: Hangar 18.  ibid.