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★ UFO (VI)

Deep beneath the sands of Egypt lie 24 enormous stone coffins.  And every one of them is empty.  What purpose they served remains a mystery.  And there are many who believe these giant stone boxes were designed not by humans but by other-worldly visitors.  Ancient Aliens s20e17: Egypt’s Giant Tombs


Who or what they contained remains a mystery.  ibid.      


How they were able to carve them with such precision.  ibid.


Just how old is this underground structure?  ibid.    


Is it possible that the Serapeum was used to house radioactive material?  ibid.  



For more than four decades award-winning journalist Linda Moulton-Howe has reported on the most mysterious phenomena on Earth, from bizarre animal deaths to crop formations, other-worldly entities, and alien abductions.  Ancient Aliens s20e18: The Linda Moulton Howe Files


‘She has taken on topics that other reporters wouldn’t touch, and changed the world.’  ibid.  George Knapp   


Linda Moulton Howe, 1980: A Strange Harvest.  ibid.      


Calls began pouring into the [TV] station.  ibid.     


Linda was able to reach millions of listeners on Coast to Coast.  ibid.  


Linda launched Earthfiles as an archive for her many years of research and created a website.  ibid.


‘Her legacy is that of a pioneer.’  ibid.  Giorgio   



[For further episodes of Ancient Aliens, viz Aliens UFO IV & V]  



Accounts from thousands of years ago describing high-tech flying machines.  Medieval artwork depicting mysterious objects in the skies.  And centuries-old reports of unexplained aerial phenomena.  Ancient Aliens: Origins s1e2: Unidentified Flying Objects, History 2024


All these are cases of what I refer to as misunderstood technology.  ibid.  Giorgio


Egyptian Saqqara bird: A highly developed glider.  ibid.  comment


Colombia: This is sensational that a pre-Columbian culture knew about aerodynamics.  ibid.  Giorgio 


This little thing that sits in a museum could fly.  ibid.  comment


A number of cultural myths that describe sky-people coming to Earth in fire-breathing dragons or metallic-looking machines.  ibid.


Indian texts: Flying machines called Vimana … Many of the documents contain passages that seem to describe modern machinery and technology.  ibid.


In the Book of Ezekiel the prophet describes a flying chariot containing wheels within wheels and powered by angels.  ibid.


Columbus noted in the log a glowing object rise out of the water and head off into the atmosphere.  ibid.  comment 



Other-worldly visitors who made contact with early civilisations, teachers who came from light-years away, and powerful entities revered as sky-gods and star-beings. Ancient Aliens: Origins s1e3: Sky Gods & Sky Beings


In culture after culture our ancestors tell us that visitors from the sky descended to impart knowledge.  ibid.  Giorgio  


Cahuachi, Peru: 2,000 years ago this ancient settlement served as the religious and cultural capital of the Nazca people.  ibid.  narrator    


Every ancient culture essentially documented a physical interaction with so-called star-deities.  ibid.  Giorgio      


All over the world we have statues and paintings of these extraordinary beings.  ibid.


Ancient petroglyphs are some of the best evidence we have of the Ancient Astronaut Theory.  ibid.  Jason


Hindus believe that the gods came down from the sky.  ibid.  comment  


In the Vadic texts Hindu gods often rely on the use of technology.  ibid.  



A giant missing link in human evolution.  Evidence in our DNA of genetic manipulation.  And global accounts detailing an otherworldly hand in the creation of man.   Ancient Aliens: Origins s1e4: Human Genesis  


‘Was our evolution manipulated in some way?’  ibid.  Nick Pope


What was the spark that spurred human intelligence?  ibid.



Vast manmade caves that defy explanation.  Subterranean chambers rumoured to house profound knowledge.  And enduring tales of an extraordinary civilisation concealed within the Earth.  Ancient Aliens: Origins s1e5: Mysterious Underground Worlds


‘How much of it is still hidden underground?’  ibid.  Giorgio


Zhejiang Province, China, June 1992: A local villager pumping water out of a pond in Phoenix Hill uncovered a manmade cavern with stairs, hallways, and huge ten-storey-tall pillars.  The grotto is one of a series of 24 separate caverns.  ibid.    


‘Why would people want to live deep underground?’  ibid.  Childress



Legendary weapons of mass destruction.  Incredible technology bestowed by otherworldly forces.  And modern military capabilities that mirror the arsenal of the gods.  Ancient Aliens: Origins s1e6: Arsenal of the Gods


‘All around the world people started to develop metallurgy at about the same time.’  ibid.  William Henry


‘And we have the ancient Vedic texts of India which talk about the Brahma weapon that could level entire cities.’  ibid.  Childress  


Could the strange ruins found in the Indus Valley really contain evidence of an ancient atomic explosion?  If so, where did these powerful weapons come from?  ibid.



Ancient pyramids found across the globe.  Evidence of a connection to a long-lost technology.  And theories that these structures hold the key to our extraterrestrial past.  Ancient Aliens Origins s1e7: Pyamids


From the ziggurats of ancient Babylon to the temples of the Kush kingdom, pyramids dating back as far as 3,000 BCE exist throughout the world.  ibid.



Massive standing stones that track celestial events.  Prehistoric structures aligned to the same constellations.  And entire ancient cities that seem to mirror the stars.  Ancient Aliens Origins s1e8: Alien Observatories


‘Why would our ancestors all around the world align their temples with particular star systems?’  ibid.  comment



A biblical relic of unimaginable power.  Lost artefacts that enabled communication with the gods.  And crystal skulls rumoured to contain the wisdom of lost civilisation.  Ancient Aliens Origins s1e9: Extraterrestrial Devices


‘We have a log of examples of this in the Old Testament.’  ibid.  Childress


‘The Ark of the Covenant was what took me out of mainstream journalism.  I began to wonder what could this thing have been?  ibid.  Graham Hancock


It was also said to be the Throne of God … Why would God, a spiritual beings, require a physical Throne here on Earth.  ibid.


Is it possible, as Ancient Astronaut Theorists suggest, that the Ark of Covenant actually contained a nuclear device?  One that was brought to Earth not by God, but by visitors from another planet?  ibid.