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★ UFO (VI)

Mysterious orbs of light reported all over the world; enormous cylindrical objects hovering high above the Earth; and massive triangular craft that appear out of thin air.  Ancient Aliens s19e14: Top Ten Alien Craft 


The top ten examples of what Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest are in fact alien craft:


10. The Flying V; Orbs of Light; Stealth UFOs; The Benben Stone [Triangular]; Rocket Ships; Jet Packs; Acorn-Shaped Craft; Floating Cities; Cigar-Shaped Objects; Flying Saucers.  ibid.   



He was a world-renowned psychic able to see visions while in a trance.  He could diagnose any ailment, prescribe a cure, and he professed to have encounters with other-worldly beings.  Ancient Aliens s19e15: Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet


A modern-day prophet from the hills of Kentucky: Edgar Cayce.  ibid.



It was the cradle of western civilisation and a culture that credited everything to the gods.  The Greek gods were said to possess incredible technology.  The gods imparted advanced knowledge and they even coupled with humans.  Ancient Aliens s19e16: The Gods of Greece



A new generation of researchers is employing technology so advanced it can unlock clues invisible to the human eye.  And unidentified flying objects have even captured the attention of experts at the highest levels of government.  Ancient Aliens s19e17: The New UFO Hunters        


Intelligence Officials Say US Has Retrieved Craft of Non-Human Origin.  ibid.  The Debrief online article 5th June 2023


High level whistleblowers who have come forward in recent years with claims that the US government knows much more about the UFO phenomenon than they have disclosed to the public.  ibid.   



For thousands of years people have held a belief that objects become imbued with a mysterious energy.  Known as talismans, they are revered in every culture.  And it’s believed they provide a connection to a higher realm.   Ancient Aliens s19e18: The Power of the Talisman     



Sunken continents said to have once been home to advanced civilisations.  An ancient shipwreck containing what might be evidence of Atlantis.  And unidentified submersible objects moving through our oceans.  Ancient Aliens s19e19: Top Ten Mysteries of the Deep  


Top ten mysteries of the deep:


10. The Yonaguni Monument, Japan; The Lost Continent of Mu; Atlantis; Orichalcum; The Lost Pagodas of Mahabalipuram, India; The Sunken City of Dwarka; Rama’s Bridge; The Malta Cart Ruts; Unidentified Submersible Objects; Underwater Alien Bases.  ibid. 



Ancient paintings of strange humanlike figures.  Rocks engraved thousands of years ago with images of flying machines.  And stone carvings of what appear to be astronauts. Ancient Aliens s19e20: Top Ten Alien Petroglyphs 


Top ten alien petroglyphs:


10. The rock art of Winnemmucca Lake, Nevada; Rock Art Ranch, Arizona; Birdmen of Easter Island; Lava Beds National Monument, California; Charama Rock, India; Tassili Astronauts, Algeria; Spacemen of Val Camonica, Italy; Wandjina, Australia; Rock Art of Utah; The Holy Ghost Panel, Utah.  ibid.   



A mysterious Egyptian pharaoh who altered the religion of an entire empire; extraordinary engineers who lived in the sea; and a cosmic visitor who worked for the United States military.  Ancient Aliens s20e1: Top Ten Alien Influencers   


Beings who came from the sky and imparted knowledge:


10The Watchers; The Kami, Japan; Kachinas, Hopi tribe; The Telchines, Rhodes; Nommo of Dogon tribe, Mali; Baiame, Australia; Imhotep, Egypt; Akhenaten, Egypt; J-Rod, USA; Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.  ibid.     



A flying monster terrorising West Virginia; a giant beast that roams the Himalayas; and a sea creature that may be from another world.  Ancient Aliens s20e2: Top Ten Extraordinary Creatures  


Top ten extraordinary creatures we’ve investigated:


10. Bigfoot; The Yeti; Loch Ness Monster; The Minotaur; The Mothman; Dragons; The Leviathan; The Jinn; The Sidhe; The Octopus.  ibid.



A mysterious signal detected under the ice of Antarctica; a lake in China where UFOs are seen emerging from beneath the water; and powerful magnetic anomalies observed near Mount Denali in Alaska.  Ancient Aliens s20e3: Top Ten Alien Bases  


Top ten alien bases:


10. Antarctica; Fuxian Lake, China; The Malibu USO Base; The Dragon House, Greece; Mount Kailash, Tibet; Mount Musine, Italy; Dulce Underground Base, New Mexico; The Dark Pyramid of Alaska; Mount Shasta, California; The Moon.  ibid.



A military base that was targeed by a UFO; a plane that was hijacked by bizarre technology; and an encounter in rural Texas that defies explanation.  Ancient Aliens s20e4: Top Ten Scariest Encounters    


Ten most frightening encounters ever reported:


10. The UFO Hijacking over Mexico; Japan Airlines Flight 1628 over Anchorage; The Mount Shishaldin Incident, Alaska; Animal Mutilations; The Ural Mountains Encounter, Russia; The Cash-Landrum Incident, Texas; Miracle Mountains Incident, Oklahoma; The Rendlesham Forest Incident, Suffolk; The Travis Walton Abduction; The Abduction of Whitley Streiber.  ibid. 



A mathematical message encoded within a megalithic tomb; a mysterious ancient symbol with connections to the cosmos; and complex patterns that appear in fields around the world.  Ancient Aliens s20e5: The Top Ten Alien Codes


Ten most intriguing and mysterious codes we’ve examined:


10. The Standing Stones inc Carnac, France; The Band of Holes, Peru; Geoglyphs inc Nazca Lines; The Keyhole Shape; The Spiral Code; Pyramids; Binary Code; Mandalas; Crop Circles; The Genetic Code.  ibid. 



An ancient battle fought with nuclear weapons; a deadly virus of other-worldly origin; and Biblical plagues that some believe were caused by extraterrestrial technology.   Ancient Aliens s20e6: Top Ten Alien Disasters


Ten of the biggest disasters we’ve investigated:


10. The Fukishima Nuclear Accident; The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster; The Silver Bridge Collapse & The Mothman; The Dinosaur Extinction; The Tunguska Explosion; The Ten Plagues of Egypt;  The Ancient Nuclear War, India; The Black Plague; The Disappearance of Atlantis; The Great Flood.  ibid.



In the heart of the Middle East there is a region known as the fertile crescent … Within this region was Mesopotamia, where several of the world’s first-known civilisations emerged thousands of years ago.  Ancient Aliens s20e7: Secrets of the Sumerians


The land of Sumer which scholar believe to be the place where the mysterious language originated.  ibid.


The Sumerians were responsible for many world-changing innovations like the wheel.  ibid.


The Sumerians also built some of the first known pyramidal structures.  ibid.


‘Nobody knows where they came from.’  ibid.  comment  


‘An explosion of knowledge about them in the 20th century.’  ibid.  


‘Who were the Anunnaki?  Were they extraterrestrials?’  ibid.  


Within the thousands of Sumerian tablets that have been translated are countless stories of the Anunnaki and their interactions with humans.  ibid.          



There is a line that runs around the world, and all along it strange things are witnessed.  There have been countless UFO sightings, hundreds of mysterious animal mutilations, and even stories of encounters in the distant past.  Could there be something about the 37th Parallel that is attracting visitors from other worlds?  Ancient Aliens s20e8: UFO Superhighway


Animal mutilations: The Miller Ranch, Trinidad, Colorado: 16 cattle mutilations have been discovered since the mid-1990s.  ibid.  


‘Electro-magnetic anomalies, sightings of UFOs and Orbs, power fluctuations …’  ibid.  Nick Pope    


Tom and Sally Miller lead Nick and Travis across their 1,400-acre ranch, to the site of less where than a month ago they discovered what appears to be the latest victim of cattle mutilation.  ibid. 


Black Mesa, Arizona, 1.5 million acres: According to the Hopi, this is where their star ancestors descended from the heavens.  ibid.


‘A lot of earthquake activity along the 37th Parallel.’  ibid.  Nick Pope  


Radar Spots Strange Objects Over Capitol.  ibid.  Oneonta Star July 25th 1952         


US: Fort Knox, Nellis Air Force Base, Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Area 51, Black Mesa, Archuleta Mesa, Trinidad, Cape Girardeau, Mantell Crash Site, Piedmont …  ibid.


Gaziantep, Turkey, Gobekli Tepe & Karahan Tepe …  ibid.