We have managed to stabilise the God Particle and the resulting mass. In a stable state it seems to create a kind of portal which possibly allows for time travel. Dark s2e2: Dark Matter
It’ll be easier to understand once you’ve seen it. ibid. mysterious man/Jonas to mom
In five days everything start’s over. You must stop Adam. ibid. older to younger boss of plant
I think there’s something wrong with my boy. Dark s2e3: Ghosts, mother to rozzer
But I know you. It’s an endless cycle. ibid. clockmaker
I didn’t kill the children. I wanted to save them. ibid. Ulrich from the future
Time is always with you. Wherever you go. ibid. Noah
In the end we will all get just what we deserve. ibid. disfigured man to Noah
They really worked you hard out there. It’s 1921. Dark s2e4: Travelers, woman to Jonas
Everyone who is born here stays. ibid. new investigative rozzer
That’s Noah. He’s one of them. Sic Mundus. The travelers. ibid. older Jonas to rozzer
Nuclear Power Plant Boss Disappears Without a Trace. ibid. older boss reviews digitalized news
A townful of people who cheat and betray each other. ibid. new investigative rozzer
He’s said there’s a loophole … Adam … He’s the leader of Sic Mundus … I have to stop him. That’s why I’m here. ibid. mysterious man/Jonas
They say it’s a piece of God. But it’s really a piece of the devil. ibid. apocalypse warrior
Traveling leaves its marks on all of us. ibid. disfigured man/old man Jonas to Jonas
On closer inspection it’s everyone’s ends. ibid.
I am you. Every stone is back where it belongs. ibid.
But you always did want what belonged to me. Dark s2e5: Lost and Found, Mrs Neilsen to Hannah
Noah. He’s Adam’s puppet. He killed the children – Mads, Erik, Yasin. ibid. Jonas to Charlotte
After the incident I had a sample taken and analyzed. What you see there are the results. ibid. old plant boss
We’ve declared war on Time. God is our antagonist. We’re creating a new world without Time, without God. ibid. old man Jonas to Jonas
When you were born, they didn’t give you much of a chance. ibid. Noah to Charlotte
I must kill Adam. So everyone else can live. ibid.
Noah said it’s about a war. About controlling time. ibid. Bartosz
The entire universe is nothing but a gigantic knot from which there is no escape. ibid. old man Jonas to Jonas
Did this ever mean anything to you? Did you love dad at all? ibid. Jonas to Hannah
When is the beginning? And what sacrifice must we make? ibid. old man Jonas to Jonas
We have managed to stabilise the God Particle and the resulting mass. In a stable state it seems to create a kind of portal which possibly allows for time travel. Dark s2e6: Dark Matter
It’ll be easier to understand once you’ve seen it. ibid. mysterious man/Jonas to mom
In five days everything start’s over. You must stop Adam. ibid. older to younger boss of plant
Will there always be something that came before? Dark s2e6: An Endless Cycle
I still have to finish my painting. ibid. Michael
Because I know. I know it all. I know your real name. I know that your real name is Mikkel Neilsen. It’s OK. ibid. Jonas to Michael
Don’t do it … I know you’re going to hang yourself in your studio. Have you written your letter yet? … I’m here so that you don’t do it. ibid.
Ulrich: Is this the apocalypse then?
Hannah: It’s a bit disappointing. ibid.
The corpse is heavily contaminated with radiation [one brown eye, own blue eye old lady]. Dark s2e7: The White Devil, autopsy to rozzer
He told me about her. The White Devil … She wants to kill us. All of us … But she hasn’t even begun yet. ibid. boy to rozzer
Time travel. And somehow it has to do with Mads and Helge. Everything. All the things that happened so many years ago. ibid. old boy rozzer on chemo
The corpse is heavily contaminated with radiation [one brown eye, own blue eye old lady]. Dark s2e7: The White Devil, autopsy to rozzer
He told me about her. The White Devil … She wants to kill us. All of us … But she hasn’t even begun yet. ibid. boy to rozzer
Time travel. And somehow it has to do with Mads and Helge. Everything. All the things that happened so many years ago. ibid. old boy rozzer on chemo
We’re never free in what we do because our will isn’t free either. Dark s2e8: Endings & Beginnings, Noah
Clausen arrested Aleksander. He got a search warrant for the power plant. He’s on his way there. ibid. rozzer to Charlotte
I know I’ve been lied to. You never meant to save anyone. ibid. Noah to disfigured man/Adam
I promise you I’ll make it right. ibid. Jonas
The question isn’t what time; the question is what world. ibid. mysterious woman with portable time machine to Jonas
If we knew how things would end, where our journey would take us, would we still make the same decisions? Or would we choose a different path? … Does it matter which path we choose? Dark s3e1: Deja-Vu, Netflix 2020
Today is the day that everything started. The day we met each other. That you and I, your world and our world, form a knot that is inextricably intertwined. ibid. alien Martha to Jonas
A world without you? Isn’t that what you wanted? ibid. grey-haired woman to Jonas
21 September 1888: I came here to help you find the origin. In your world. And in mine. Dark s3e2: The Survivors, alternative Martha to Jonas
Wo ist Claudia Tiedemann? ibid. newspaper headline
Don’t forget what we’re trying to produce. Paradise. Sic Mundus Creatus Est. ibid. mad old boy
Ulrich … I’ll get you out of here. I swear. ibid. Katharina
Jasmin, isn’t it? Hell is empty. And all the devils are here. ibid. execution squad
You and I, Adam and Eva, that’s what we are. A glitch in the matrix. You want to know why you’re here. To save them. Dark s3e3: Adam and Eva, old Eva to young Adam/Jonas
I told you all along. Jonas was always the problem. It’s him! He is Adam! ibid. Bartosz
I want you to destroy Charlotte. I want her to lose everything. ibid. Hannah to plant boss
We are born out of the darkness and we return to it. Dark s3e4: The Origin, man with no name to Tronte
Agnes, you chose the correct side. Don’t forget that. ibid. Adam
In two days the apocalypse of the world. It also happens in ours. ibid. woman
This is the origin. What’s growing inside you is the bridge between the two worlds … Your son. He is the origin. ibid. Noah to Martha
Who are my parents? Who am I? Dark s3e5: Life and Death, opening monologue, Charlotte to clockmaker
I am here to guild you into the light … I want you to join our side. Eva’s side … Eva wants to save both worlds. ibid. lady interworld talk
Everything has to happen again. Jonas has to bring the matter [Caesium] to the passage. ibid.
Winden is like a black hole. Once you’re inside you never get out. ibid. Charlotte to stranger Peter at bus stop
I’m not your mother. You come from hell. ibid. more lady talk
And thus everything starts over again. ibid. old lady
You are I are perfect for each other. Never believe anything else. Dark s3e6: Light and Shadow, Matha’s letter to Jonas
I know it sounds crazy but the world is going to end today. ibid. Martha to brother