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★ Prison & Prisoner (II)

Well when you say I spent time with Bashar al-Assad, you might have added that I spent time with him in Buckingham Palace when he was a guest of Her Majesty the Queen, [al-Assad] literally living in the spare room at Buckingham Palace, the night before going down the Mall in an open-topped coach with Her Majesty on a royal trot round central London.  George Gallaway v Piers Morgan, Youtube 2024


My grief is for Syria, for the Syrian people.  ibid.  


That is not a justification for making matters worse.  ibid.  


He’s a dictator like all the Arab leaders are dictators.  ibid.  


Guantanamo Bay is still open.  ibid.     


Al-Assad’s jails were used as black prisons by us during the War on Terror.  ibid.  


The double-standard is what I can’t except.  ibid.    



Tonight, a criminal justice system in crisis.  What really goes on behind bars.  The toll on prison officers.  And the unforgotten victims of crime …  Tonight: Prisons: On the Brink? ITV 2025 


The UK has the highest imprisonment rates in Western Europe.  ibid.  



The deadliest prison gang in America, the Aryan Brotherhood.  From its beginnings in the California prison system in the early 1960s to jails all over the country today, here are three stories that build the Brotherhood’s terrifying reputation.  First, one of its most feared members takes on the national leader of a rival gang.  Next, the Brotherhood breaks its own code and takes revenge on one of their former members.  Finally, the gang’s leadership uses a secret message to launch an attack on their biggest rival.  Gangland Chronicles s1e8: The Aryan Brotherhood, History 2025