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★ Pope

Benedict XVI made his comments as he flew to Cameroon for the first leg of a six-day trip that will also see him travelling to Angola.


The timing of his remarks outraged health agencies trying to halt the spread of HIV and Aids in sub-Saharan Africa, where an estimated 22 million people are infected.  Guardian online article 17th March 2009 Riazat Butt  



From now on Cardinal Giovanni de Medici would be known as ... Pope Leo X ... Within just one year of his extravagant lifestyle he had emptied the papal coffers.  Soon Leo X owed money to every bank in Rome.  Behind the scenes Julio was pawning the papal jewels.  So Leo turned to the source of income only available to the Pope himself – the sale of forgiveness.  Empires Special: Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance III: The Medici Popes, PBS 2004


Luther’s ninety-five thesis was an indictment on the sale of salvation.  And a direct attack on the pope.  ibid.


The Bull of Excommunication condemned Luther to Hell.  ibid.


Within two years Giulio de Medici was crowned Pope Clement VII.  ibid.



The smoke of Satan has entered the Sanctuary [Pope Paul IV, 1963].  Satanic Vatican, [date of issue unknown], viz: Internet Archive 4.44.22


The Bent Cross is a grotesque emaciated depiction of Jesus Christ, the only son of God.  Its occult ramifications and connections cannot be disregarded.  ibid.  caption


Why is it that His Holiness, the Pope, wears a Dagon fish head mitre?  ibid.  


Roman Catholic priests ‘dressed to kill’ in a Vatican ceremony.  ibid.


‘The cross is not broken but turned upside down.  It indicates the rejection of Jesus Christ and contempt for the gospel of salvation.’  ibid.  Professor J S Malan    


Pope calls for a new world order [2004].  ibid.


Additional photos of the Imposter and Pope John VI can be found in The Deception of the Century.  ibid.   


Right from the beginning the Illuminists’ plan was to plant an avowed Illuminist into the Papacy.  ibid.


The stage was now set for full Papal approval of membership in Secret Societies.  On November 27th 1983 Pope John Paul II issued the Papal Bull legalized secret society membership for Roman Catholics.  ibid.


Luciani Albini, Pope John Paul I, was almost certainly murdered.  ibid.


P2: An elite, ultra-secretive, neo-Fascist, Masonic cabal, involved in money laundering, assassination and false-flag terrorism ... Licio Gelli was P2’s grandmaster ... member of the Italian black shirt brigade.  ibid.


Gelli and P2 played a role in the October Surprise and the murder of Swedish prime minister Olof Palme.  ibid.


After fleeing Italy in 1982 Brother Calvi [Vatican Bank] is found hanging under Blackfriars Bridge.  ibid.


John Paul I: Among those whose resignations would be accepted by the Pontiff the following day were the head of the Vatican Bank and several members of the Curia ... No death certificate for Pope John Paul I has been made public.  ibid


John Paul II preached that man is Christ in many ways ... The entire day of prayer with the pagans and heretics was John Paul II’s idea.  ibid.  


On November 27 1983 Pope John Paul II issued the papal bull which legalised secret society membership for Roman Catholics.  ibid.


Witchcraft found not to be ‘anti-Christian’.  ibid.  


Millions of people were tortured and killed during the Papal Inquisition.  ibid.


Masonic symbols can be found all over the Vatican.  ibid.  


One 1946 US Treasury document alone show the Vatican serving as a repository for more than 200 million Swiss francs.  ibid.         


In 2005 UN chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte charged that a most wanted war criminal was being shielded in a Franciscan monastery by the Vatican hierarchy.  ibid.


Documents detail the Vatican’s infamous Ratline that spirited as many as 30,000 Nazis out of Germany after World War II.  ibid.


P2 Lodge: Gelli was also a central figure in the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano as well as the murder of Roberto Calvi.  ibid.


When Cornwall’s book, Hitler’s Pope, detonated in 1999 Pius was portrayed as a prelate prepared to accept Nazi atrocities to stem the advance of Stalin’s godless communism.  ibid.  


Nazi fascist policy was shaped by the Jesuit Vatican Catholics.  ibid.


The Jesuit General exercises full and complete power over the Order.  ibid.  


Their [Jesuits’] ultimate goal is the rule of the world, with the Pope of their making, from Solomon’s rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem.  ibid.


The Order has been abolished 39 times from different kingdoms throughout Europe.  ibid.


The Jesuits planned and carried out the sinking of the Titanic.  ibid.  


Three financial families  the Rothschilds, Morgans and Rockefellers – all do the bidding of the Jesuit Order.  ibid.  


The unsinkable ship, the floating palace, was created to be the tomb for the wealthy who opposed the Federal Reserve system.  ibid.  


The Jesuit/Illuminati assassination of Abraham Lincoln.  ibid.  


In 1860 he [John Wilkes Booth] was initiated into the Knights of the Golden Circle.  ibid.


The Catholic Church also benefited enormously from the southern slave trade.  ibid.  


South America: soldiers who tortured and killed thousands did so with the blessing of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.  ibid.  


During his [Escriva’s] life he supported Franco’s dictatorship and admired Hitler.  ibid.


Escriva’s writings, words and behaviour are evidence that the treatment of the mental condition was not fully successful.  ibid.  


During Opus Dei’s first years they worked in a judicial fraud in conspiracy with Franco’s dictatorship.  ibid.


As for its [Opus Dei] nature, it’s Catholic fundamentalist; they took the darkest of Catholicism with a fascist political character.  Satanic Vatican


He [Priebke] was part of the Gestapo in Rome.  This Catholic Nazi had private communications with Pope Pius XII during World War II.  ibid.


Priebke backed the round-up of over 2,000 Jews to be exterminated in Auschwitz.  He carried out Hitler’s order to kill 300 people and then some … Priebke held command at the torture centre at Gestapo headquarters and acted as go-between for the Nazis and the Vatican.  ibid.


Along with many other Nazi war criminals aided by the Vatican, Priebke escaped to Argentina.  After 50 years he was taken back to Italy to be tried for murder … ‘He would walk away from the courtroom guilty but a free man [US news].  ibid.


Priebke was later tried again for murder, and the Catholic Church once again helped him by protecting him in a monastery during the proceedings.  


The effects of its [celibacy] introduction were most disastrous.  ibid. 


The Hiroshima 8 … It happened twice: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Both sets of survivors were Jesuit priests … Scientists examined the group of Hiroshima Jesuits over 200 times during the next 30 years and no ill effects were ever found.  ibid.



In the darkest days of World War II St Peter’s was shrouded in the shadow of the swastika.  Meanwhile, Pius XII, who some have called Hitler’s Pope, was actually plotting against him.  Pope vs Hitler, National Geographic 2016


The cultural and intellectual leaders of Poland were specifically targeted.  In a country with a nearly 90% Catholic population that meant open season on the clergy.  ibid.


For years the Vatican had relied on a network of Catholic informers inside the Reich.  ibid.  


Before the conspirators set out to kill the Fuhrer they would seek the blessing of the Pope.  ibid.


Wolf’s Lair 20th July 1944: With the country staggering hopelessly towards annihilation, they would make their final stand.  ibid.  


That night [20th July 1944] the Fuhrer appeared on the radio to quell the fast-spreading rumours of his demise.  ibid.  



The Pope under pressure on paedophile priests.  The victims of abuse who have lost their faith.  And their demands for a personal apology from the Pope himself.  Panorama, What the Pope Knew, BBC 2010


What of his personal role in the scandal? … This is the story of how he dealt with several paedophile priests on his path to the top of the Catholic church.  ibid.


Whether he put the interests of the Church before those of the victims.  ibid.   



The most controversial pope of modern times was Pius XII who took over in 1939 and was labelled Hitler’s Pope.  Jamie Theakston’s Forbidden History s4e2, Yesterday 201



An ancient prophecy written by a Catholic saint and buried for centuries.  And one of the most famous visions in all of Christianity.  These two ominous messages revealed nine centuries apart may both suggest a cataclysmic end during the reign of Pope Francis.  But does it mean the end of the Pope?  The end of the Church as we know it?  Or the apocalyptic end of days?  The Last Pope? History 2018


The official reason given for Pope Benedict’s resignation was shrouded in mystery.  ibid.



A year ago when the cardinals descended on Rome to elect a new pope they all understood what was at stake.  This was one of the shortest conclaves ever.  On the evening of the next day white smoke from the chimney of the Sistine chapel confirmed that 1.2 billion Catholics had a new pope.  Frontline: Secrets of the Vatican, PBS 2014


He knew a lot about filth in the Church.  For 24 years as prefect of the congregation of the doctrine of the faith Cardinal Ratzinger had been responsible for matters of theology and discipline; many serious cases of priestly abuse crossed his desk.  ibid.


He [Ratzinger] was in a bind: John-Paul’s public celebration of [Father Marcial] Maciel made it very difficult for him to take action, and all the while Maciel’s activities went unchecked.  ibid.  


So when the clergy’s sexual abuse scandal exploded into an international crisis on his watch, Pope Benedict seemed unable to take charge.  ibid.


Benedict was leaving behind him a Church in crisis.  ibid.