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★ Pope

I will not have this family torn apart.  The Borgias s2e3: The Beautiful Deception, Rodrigo to Cesare


Rome is a dangerous place.  ibid.


We have ordered one hundred cannon.  ibid.  Rodrigo to Cardinals


The Holy Trinity of vengeance.  ibid.  Rodrigo to Cesare



God is deaf, God is blind, and pitiless.  The Borgias s2e4: Stray Dogs, Cesare


We fight the wars of God, not of man.  ibid.  Rodrigo


God’s blessing comes with a price.  ibid.  



Look at those hands – the hands of a healer.  The Borgias s2e5: The Choice, Migeletto’s mum


I will gladly die to rid the world of the Borgia pope.  ibid.  young monk


I promised my sister your heart on a dinner plate.  ibid.  Cesare to Sforza



I am guilty of the sin of murder.  The Borgias s2e6: Day of Ashes, Cesare’s confession


I will not marry.  ibid.  daughter to father



We are going to torture you so your mother can see you suffer.  The Borgias s2e7: The Siege at Forli, Juan to Sforza boy


I will never bend my knee to the choirmaster of Rome.  ibid.  Mother Sforza



Men cried for God, for Alexander as they perished.  The Borgias s2e8: Truth and Lies, Juan


Do you know what is more poisonous than failure in war or politics?  Ridicule.  ibid.  Rodrigo to son


God gives you riches and you kill for more.  ibid.  soldier to Cesare


I’m here to tell you what really happened at the siege of Forli.  ibid.  young Sforza to Rodrigo



Savonarola’s Bonfire of the Vanities.  The Borgias s2e9: World of Wonders, Cesare


We are Borgia bastards.  ibid.  Juan



Make your confession and all this will end.  You want that, don’t you?  An end to all this pain?  You sign this and it’s done.  What do you say?  The Borgias s2e10: The Confession, Corella to Savonarola


The strength of a faith misguided is still a strength.  ibid.  Machiavelli to Cesare


I damn this unholy pope.  ibid.  Savonarola



Push this down his throat.  The Borgias s3e1: The Face of Death, Lucrezia


I saw the face of death.  ibid.  Rodrigo


I didn’t see the face of God.  He was not there.  Why does He not show himself to me?  ibid.


You will have to find your own peace.  ibid.  Rodrigo to Cesare


We are at war.  ibid.  Rodrigo



We are in a snake pit surrounded by venom and smiling vipers.  The Borgias s3e2: The Purge, Rodrigo



A union not only of man and wife but of Naples and Rome.  The Borgias s3e3: Siblings, Naples bloke


Rome is the peak of the world and we are at its pinnacle.  ibid.  Lucrezia


What rules this family, mother?  Ambition.  ibid.


The die is cast and we must hazard everything or leave the game.  ibid.  Rodrigo to Cesare


Only a Borgia it seems can truly love a Borgia.  ibid.  Lucrezia



Their own duty is loyalty to us.  The rest they can learn as they go along.  The Borgias s3e4: The Banquet of Chestnuts, Rodrigo to Cesare


You would put me on display for every vile lecherous creature to fondle himself to.  ibid.  Lucrezia to Cesare


God is our guide but trade is our lifeblood.  ibid.  



We have a Church to run.  The Borgias s3e5: The Wolf and the Lamb, Rodrigo to mistress



We will provide the spectacle.  The Borgias s3e6: Relics, Rodrigo to Cardinals


I have brought you an army, father.  Would you have me send it back?  ibid.  Cesare


We choose to believe that this is the Spear of Longinus.  ibid.



We do not live entirely in the dark, Cesare.  Borgias s3e7: Lucrezia’s Gambit, Rodrigo



Behold the Spear of Longinus.  The Borgias s3e8: Tears of Blood, Rodrigo to paying audience


It looks convincing.  It definitely cost enough.  ibid.  Caterina Sforza, of Shroud of Turin 


You can never leave.  ibid.  King of Naples to Lucrezia



Another relic?  The head of John the Baptist perhaps.  The Borgias s3e9: The Gunpowder Plot, Rodrigo


Certainty is the preserve of youth.  ibid.  Rodrigo to Cesare


We are the Pope of Rome.  ibid.



Primogeniture is the future.  The Borgias s3e10: The Prince, Pope to Cesare


I’m tired of my husband.  I’m tired of life.  The only thing that doesn’t tire me is you.  ibid.  Lucrezia to Cesare



I have as much authority as the Pope – I just don't have as many people who believe it.  George Carlin



Why should we take advice on sex from the pope?  If he knows anything about it, he shouldn’t!  George Bernard Shaw



Once you have somebody that is telling you, ‘We are interpreting God for you,’ it seems like you either agree or you don’t.  You either say, like Martin Luther, ‘I’m going to have a direct relationship with the word of God,’ or I’m going to go through a conduit of God on Earth,’ which would be the Pope.  Penn Jillette



When I was a child I wanted to be Pope.  My greatest disappointment is missing out on that.  I also wanted to be a tap dancer but I never fulfilled that ambition either.  Peter Ackroyd



Within a few days of Paul VIs return to Rome the Pope let it be known that Rome was ready to take a new look at secret societies.  The stage was now set for full Papal approval of membership in secret societies.  On 27th November 1983, Pope John Paul II issued the papal bull which legalised secret society membership for Roman Catholics.  Pope VI continued to promote the New World Order until his death.  New World Order: The Devil in the Vatican, Youtube 2012  


In the early evening of Saturday, 26th August 1978, hundreds of thousands of people rejoiced to see the white smoke emanating from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel.  Shortly thereafter 7:18 p.m. Pericle Cardinal Felici stepped out on the balcony above the main doors of St Peters Basilica and announced Habemus papem [We have a Pope] and announced his name: Cardinal Albino Luciani, who took the name of Pope John Paul I ... He only served thirty-three days.


With his bright intelligence and naive fearlessness John Paul I penetrated to the heart of this maze of corruption within weeks of his coronation.  On the evening of 28th September 1978 he called Cardinal [Jean] Villot, the leader of the powerful Curia, to his private study to discuss certain changes that he proposed to make public the following day.  Among those whose resignations would be accepted by the Pontiff the following day were the head of the Vatican Bank and several members of the Curia who were implicated in the activities of Sindona and P2 and Villot himself.  When Pope John Paul I retired to his bedroom on the evening of 28th September clutching the paperwork that would expose the Vaticans financial dealings with the Mafia and purge the Curia of those responsibly, a number of very ruthless individuals had a great interest in seeing to it that he would never awaken to issue these directives.  ibid.


The bent cross is a grotesque emaciated depiction of Jesus Christ, the only son of God.  Its occult ramifications and connections cannot be disregarded.  This bent crucifix is a satanic symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century.  ibid.



The cross is not broken but turned upside down.  It indicates the rejection of Jesus Christ and contempt for the gospel of salvation.  Professor J S Malan