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★ Pope

No Pope ever visits a city where the newspapers are on strike.  Thats [show business] exactly what it is.  All the costumes, rituals, all the religions ... You dont need to have respect for him [Pope] because he pretends that hes holy.  Rosemarys Baby 1968 starring Mia Farrow & John Cassavetes & Ruth Gordon & Sidney Blackmer & Marurice Evans & Ralph Bellamy & Charles Grodin & Patsy Kelly & Angela Dorian et al, director Roman Polanski, Roman



In the early 1940s the I G Farben Chemical Company employed a Polish salesman who sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz.  The same salesman also worked as a chemist in the manufacture of the poison gas.  This same cyanide gas along with Zyklon B and Malathion was used to exterminate millions of Jews and other groups.  Their bodies were then burned to ashes in the ovens.  After the war the salesman, fearing for his life, joined the Catholic Church and was ordained a priest in 1946.  One of his closest friends was Dr Wolf Szmuness, the mastermind behind the November/78 to October/79 and March/80 to October/81 experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials conducted by the Center for Disease Control in New York, San Francisco and four other American cities that loosed the plague of AIDS upon the American people.  The salesman was ordained Poland’s youngest bishop in 1958.  After a 30-day reign his predecessor was assassinated and our ex-cyanide gas salesman assumed the papacy as Pope John Paul II.


1990 is the right time with the right leaders: ex-chief of the KGB Mikhail Gorbachev, ex-chief of the CIA George Bush, ex-Nazi cyanide gas salesman Pope John Paul II, all bound by an unholy alliance to ring in the New World Order.  Bill Cooper, Secret Societies/New World Order



The pope is an idol whose hands are tied and whose feet are kissed.  Voltaire



Although Nostradamus leaves the identity of the Anti-Christ a mystery, the Lost Book’s images leave little doubt.  If the Cathars were the authors, this is where their radical portrayal of the pope reaches its culmination.  They see the pope not as the heroic nemesis of the Anti-Christ, but as the Anti-Christ himself.  Nostradamus Effect s1e6: Son of Nostradamus, History 2009



Pope John Paul II in St Peter’s Square.  One minute he’s fine.  The next, two bullets have been fired into his chest.  The Pope survived, and the assassin was arrested as a lone gunman.  Criminal Behaviour: A Vatican Cover-Up  



The Pope traditionally prays for peace every Easter.  And the fact that it has never had any effect whatsoever in preventing or ending a war never deters him.  Andy Rooney



I defy the pope and all his words.  William Tyndale



Barberini as pope turned out to be pure baroque; a lavish nepotist, extravagant, domineering, restless in his schemes and absolutely tone deaf to the ideas of others.  He even had the birds killed in the Vatican gardens because they disturbed him.  Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man 6/13: The Starry Messenger, BBC 1973  



Pope’s Wife Gives Birth to Twins.  Sleeper 1973 starring Woody Allen & Diane Keaton & John Beck & Marya Small & Susan Miller & Mary Gregory & Don Keefer & Peter Hobbs & John McLiam & Bartlett Robinson & Chris Forbes et al, director Woody Allen, newspaper article of future



Even if the pope were Satan Incarnate, we ought not to raise up our heads against him, but calmly lie down to rest in his bosom.  He who rebels against our Father is condemned to death for that which we do to him, we do to Christ.  Catherine of Siena



The Pope holdeth place on Earth not simply of a man but of the true God.  Pope Innocent III



I am in all and above all so that God Himself and I, the Vicar of God, hath both one consistory, and I am able to do almost all that God can do; I then, being above all ... seem by this reason to be above all gods.  Pope Nicholas



Wherefore, no marvel if it be in my power to dispense with all things, yea, with the precepts of Christ.  Pope Nicholas



I alone ... am the successor of the apostles, the Vicar of Jesus Christ ... I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Pope Pius IX



The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ.  On the contrary, he is Jesus Christ himself under the veil of the flesh.  Pope Pius X



We declare, say, define and pronounce, that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation for every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.  Pope Boniface VIII



No man outside obedience to the Pope of Rome can ultimately be saved.  Pope Clement VI



Into this fold of Jesus Christ no man may enter unless he is led by the Sovereign Pontiff, and only if they be united to him can men be saved.  Pope John XXIII 1958



Male newsman: When you look in Benedict XVI’s eyes what do you see?


George W Bush: God.  



We mustnt forget the countless death from AIDS.  This is where we can learn from the Popes inspiring vision.  Tony Blair, visit to Africa



The Pope, by Divine Right, hath Spiritual and Temporal Power as Supreme King of the World.  Thomas Aquinas



The Swiss Guard guards the Pope.  Why?  Because it’s symbolic.  Switzerland, which is the home of international banking is guarding the Pope because he’s the boss of all bosses.  Michael Corleone goes to the Pope.  Mafia bows before the Pope.  International drug traders bow before the Pope.  The Pope is probably one of the most fierce diabolical people the world has ever known.  Jordan Maxwell, lecture The Illuminati  



In the two-thousand year history of the Catholic Church a number of popes have met violent or mysterious ends.  Many of the early popes were martyred.  Allegedly in the year 903 Pope Leo V was strangled.  And in 1047 Pope Clement II was poisoned by sugar of lead.  But perhaps no papal death has gained more notoriety and been shrouded in more mystery than the sudden passing of Pope John Paul I.  Elected in August of 1978 he died just thirty-three days later.  Angels & Demons Decoded, 2009



The Pope’s confessor, an ordinary priest, has to be a Jesuit; he must visit the Vatican once a week at a fixed time, and he alone may absolve the Pope of his sins.  Nino Lo Bello, The Vatican Empire



Moreover the Pope has thousands of secret agents worldwide.  They include Jesuits, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and others.  The Vatican’s intelligence service and its field resources are second to none.  Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast



The early popes were almost to a one martyred because they represented a tradition of faith that was contrary to the Roman laws ... Popes have long been killed because they are not just religious but political figures.  Professor Steven Ostrow, interview Illuminating Angels & Demons



The attempted assassination of John Paul II back in 1981 – that it wasn’t a case of a lone gunman ... It involved both the KGB through some still shady Bulgarian connection.  Devon Jackson, author Conspiranoia: The Mother of All Conspiracies



There’s reason to believe that Italian fascists poisoned him [Pius XI].  Jim Marrs, interview Illuminating Angels & Demons  



May 13th 1981 St Peter’s Square, Rome, 5:17 in the afternoon.  Pope John Paul II is being driven slowly through an adoring crowd.  Suddenly, the air is shattered by the sound of gunfire.  Echoing throughout the vast space.  The Pope staggers and falls back into the arms of an aide.  Infamous Assassinations: The Attempt on Pope John Paul II


No-one sees a young man pull a handgun from his pocket and raise it.  5:17 p.m.  Four shots ring out in quick succession.  For a moment there is a stunned silence as thousands of people catch their breath.  The pope falls backwards and is supported by one of his assistants.  ibid.


The gunman is twenty-three-year-old Mehmet Ali Agca ... He insists he acted alone.  But not everyone believes him.  They’re still convinced the Soviet Union had a hand in the assassination attempt.  Later, however, Agca changes his story yet again.  He claims he was put up for the job by the Bulgarian secret police.  ibid.


Serious doubts still remain over whether or not Agca acted alone when he tried to kill the Pope.  And more importantly was the KGB pulling his strings by using the Bulgarian secret police?  ibid.       



Rome the 9th Century: The head of the Catholic Church proceeds through the streets.  The crowds cheer.  But then the Pope keels over in agony.  As the faithful stand and watch dumbfounded, the Holy Father screams in pain as he gives birth before their eyes.  This is no miracle.  But deception on a grand scale.  Mystery Files: Pope Joan, National Geographic 2011


The chronicles record Joan had an affair and becomes pregnant.  ibid.


Protestants use her legend to attack the Church.  ibid.



When she [Joan] came to Rome her intellectual talent made her a sort of celebrity.  And because of this she is unanimously chosen as the next pope.  Professor Craig Rustici, author The Afterlife of Pope Joan



The risk Joan took from the beginning was enormous.  By the time she becomes pope she is accustomed to her role.  Dr Rosalind Miles, author The Women’s History of the World