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Politics & Politicians (II)
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★ Politics & Politicians (II)

‘I still believe we need to keep moving forward, and rid the world of nuclear weapons – just as Reagan and I proposed.’  ibid.  


‘We were able to eliminate an entire class of nuclear weapons … I believe we can resume our cooperation and nuclear disarmament.’  ibid.


‘Some people were in a rush.  They wanted to seize power and they had plans of their own.’  ibid.



The World Bank says Kenya is growing faster than any other sub-Saharan African nation.  But there is one major impediment to the country’s continued growth: Kenya has been run dismally as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.  Storyville: The Underdog and the Battle for Kenya, television news, BBC 2020


Kenya’s vice-president has denied orchestrating post-election violence since 2007 that left more than 1,000 dead and 500,000 homeless.  ibid.


Daughter: Where are you going?


Boniface: I’m going to topple the government.  ibid.


Every day I covered violence.  Every day they decide not to publish my photos because they’re too violent.  ibid.  Boniface Softie Mwangi


I can’t stand politicians.  I can’t stand the hypocrisy.  I thought something was amiss.  ibid. 


So come Independence, we have the first president of Kenya  Jomo Kenyatta, who is a Kikuyu.  And what does he do?  To conquer the country he decides, you know what, Kikuyus are supreme.  Kikuyus are important.  And to date during those years is to kill anyone who is a threat.  ibid.


Thank you so much for coming today.  Ukweli Party is a new political party that brings together citizens who want to live in a Kenya where everyone is free.  ibid.


Look at this broke idiot!  ibid.  market woman re Softie on hustings


Activist Boniface Mwangi says he fears for his life after receiving death threats.  ibid.  television news   


After eight months in exile the family returns to Kenya ten days before the election.  ibid.  caption   


Post-election violence consumes parts of Kenya for months.  ibid.  caption    


Stop Killing Us.  ibid.  Softie’s T-shirt on peaceful protest in which rozzers opened fire, Softie needing surgery  


After months of defiance, opposition leader Odinga stuns his supporters by accepting a deal with President Uhuru. ibid.  caption  


All these politicians are a pile of shit.  ibid.  Softie



Dharma is the combination of duty, faith and destiny.  American Dharma, Bannon, Sky Documentaries 2020


There’s an inherent contradiction in the views that you hold.  You just want to destroy everything.  ibid.  Errol Morris  


You may hate my guts and you may hate what I stand for but if we don’t allow some way for this system to spread the wealth we’re going to have a revolution in this country.  ibid.  Bannon


If they preach identity politics and we preach populism and jobs – and bringing manufacturing jobs back – we got it.  For all their brilliance and all their money and all their professionalism they don’t have an understanding of what this election is all about.  ibid.



Of the 435 members of Congress, more than 100 actually live in the building.  The Swamp, Gaetz, Sky Documentaries 2020


This guy [Trump] has got some rough edges … He could be a change agent.  ibid.  


We are going to drain the swamp of Washington.  ibid.  Trump        


If people are going to drain the swamp like the president wants to do, they need better information about how this place is broken, and that’s my mission in Congress.  ibid.  Massie


Ken Buck: Drain the Swamp: How Washington Corruption is Worse that You Think.  ibid.


He [Newt Gingrich] has changed the agenda, changed the culture, changed the language and changed the dialogue …  ibid.  television interviewer


A lot of people would be surprised to find out that members of Congress are expected to pay their party for their committee assignments.  ibid.  Massie


As a member of the clergy so eloquently said – As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore.  ibid.  Barbara Lee    



Our political class has merged into one … with their shrunken ambition … They have little to communicate about.  George Galloway, address Oxford Union, Youtube 2013 39.03



A party of order or stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of political life.  John Stuart Mill



Anyone who puts himself forward to be elected to a position of political power is almost bound to be socially and emotionally insecurity, or criminally motivated, or mad.  Auberon Waugh, cited Jonathan Meades on Jargon: More Than You Ever Wanted to Know ***** BBC 2019


Don’t they [politicians] realise how tired, how clapped out their paltry jargon is?  It’s the language of people who can’t think for themselves, and arrogantly believe that the rest of the populace shares their infirmity.  We don’t.  These people are programmed morons, their threadbare formulae are more than just pockmarks, they’re seething buboes signalling an absolute contempt for the populace whom they regard as gullible patsies to be patronisingly talked down to.  They signal too a contempt for the language of the country they are meant to be governing.  They signal their own poverty of thought.  Are they brainwashed?  They are certainly tongue-washed.  ibid.



Escobar: You are meeting up with politicians, not with gangsters.


Poison: Aren’t they the same thing, boss?  Narcos s1e3: The Men of Always, Netflix 2013



Politics is the reflex of the business and industrial world.   Emma Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays ***** audiobook 6.57.08, part 10: The Tragedy of Women’s Emancipation



There’s nothing else but politics.  Il Divo 2008 starring Toni Servillo & Anna Bonaiuto & Flavio Bucci & Carlo Buccirosso & Piera Degli Esposti & Alberto Cracco & Giorgio  Colangeli & Massimo Popolizio & Aldo Ralli & Giulio Bosetti et al, director Paolo Sorrentino



Tomorrow my job interview is with the Conservative Party.  I’m going to be going along to a parliamentary selection day to see if they’ll select me as a candidate for the next general election … My year-long diary of becoming Tory Boy.  ToryBoy the Movie, 2011


I’ve applied for four seats that are available in the north-east.  And I’ve got interviews for two.  ibid.        


I’ve just been offered the first seat that I’ve applied for: Middlesborough.  I can’t believe it.  ibid.  


Sir Stuart Bell is simply not there for them … Sir Stuart Bell has not held regular surgery meetings for over fifteen years.  ibid.


Labour has a history of petty and intimidating behaviour.  ibid.   



The politicians who make decisions for us are too removed from us.  More and more we go unrepresented.  The words they use to justify themselves have lost a tangible meaning.  The government turns against those who do not accept its views.  The United States turns not with a decency, not with the mind open to the many different ways people have of seeking solutions.  Who does our government speak for?  FALN, short Youtube 32.05, 1965



The American political spectrum … Just how little disagreement there actually is within American politics.  America’s Stunted Political Spectrum, Youtube short 7.27, Second Thought 2020     


There’s really not much separating the political candidates.  ibid.  



Having such a limited pool of political stances to choose from has fostered a kind of team sports mindset in the US.   America’s Two-Party Corporate Duopoly, Youtube 10.49, Second Thought 2020


There is very little separating today’s elected Republicans and Democrats.  ibid.  


The campaigns of both parties have devolved to ‘we’re not the other guy’.  ibid.


These two teams just happen to be owned by the same people.  ibid.



We’re looking at everyone’s political neighbours in the middle of the street … Moderates: The people who reject petty ideological battles, and at the end of the day, just know better.  How Moderates Serve the Right, Youtube 17.45, Second Thought 2021


It appeals to our vision of the democratic ideal: a society in which everyone gathers around the table … The centrist stance of compromise and incremental retroactive change allows for politics to jump to the right without ever really coming back … [and] fails to take into account longer political trends.  ibid.