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★ Politics & Politicians (II)

You may have all the money, Raymond, but I have all the men with guns.  ibid.



Somebody like Frank is gonna have skeletons.  House of Cards US s2e7: Chapter 20, Remy


He [Tusk] stacked Congress – the majority I whipped.  ibid.  


I want you to find the blind spots.  ibid.  Frank to Remy’s investigator    



Why does everything have to be a struggle?  Can’t some people just say yes for once?  House of Cards US s2e8: Chapter 21, Frank


We can be dangerous too when we need to be.  ibid.  Frank to Claire 


I’ve never thought higher of her [Linda] than I do at this moment.  She lost but she played to win.  ibid.  Frank     



We’ll put this [news of affair] behind us just like we’ve always done.  House of Cards US s2e9: Chapter 22, Frank to Claire  


I won’t leave one of my own bleeding on the field.  ibid.  Frank  


The road to power is paved with hypocrisy and casualties.  ibid.  



Former marine showed up at the outer perimeter with explosives in a dufflebag and strapped to his body.  House of Cards US  s2e10: Chapter 23, security dude to Frank


I’ve always loathed the necessity of sleep.  It’s like death: it puts even the most powerful men on their backs.  ibid.  Frank


It’s not beginning the story that I fear, it’s not knowing how it will end.  Everyone is fair game now including me.  ibid.


Your death threats continue to rise.  ibid.  security dude to Claire



From the lion’s den to the pack of wolves – when you’re fresh meat kill and throw them something fresher.  House of Cards US s2e11: Chapter 24, Frank


I’ve never given someone a third chance – until this very moment.  ibid.  Frank to Stamper



You set me up, Frank: your back-channelling, special prosecutor, when I think about Raymond, about Linda, about Jim Matthews …  House of Cards US s2e12: Chapter 25, president to Frank  


I’ve managed to isolate the president from everyone, including myself.  ibid.  Frank



He’s [Frank] lying through his teeth … We need to destroy Frank.  House of Cards US s2e13: Chapter 26, president


We either save the party or save the president.  ibid.  Jackie


Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves for the greater good.  ibid.  Francis’ letter to president


He’s in the darkness now.  And I’m the only beacon of light.  Now we gently guide him towards the rocks.  ibid.  Frank



And you have to be a little human when you’re the president.  House of Cards US s3e1: Chapter 27, Frank


A new jobs program we’re calling America Works.  ibid.  Frank


Entitlements are bankrupting us.  ibid.


You have to respect your own mortality, Doug.  ibid.



We need to do something bold, something decisive.  We need to redefine our party.  House of Cards US s3e2: Chapter 28, Frank


I have every intention of running for president.  ibid.  


I want us to fucking try!  ibid.  Frank to fellow Democrats



What is the face of a coward?  The back of his head as he runs from the battle.  House of Cards US s3e3: Chapter 29, Frank


He’s [Frank] pimping you out.  ibid.  Russian president Petrov to Claire  


I’d push him [Petrov] down the stairs and light his broken body on a fire just to see it burn if it wouldn’t start a world war.  ibid.  Frank  



Must I destroy this man?  No.  I won’t.  House of Cards US s3e4: Chapter 30, Frank with retiring Justice


Government officials who abuse the law or at the very least exploit the edges of it for their own personal gain tarnish our democracy and weaken the bonds of our great nation.  ibid.  Heather Dunbar



Folks don’t have jobs.  There are 60,000 unemployed people in Washington.  It’s a disaster.  And it’s a disgrace here in the nation’s capital.  So this morning with the president’s urging I am declaring a state of emergency in the District of Columbia.  And I am formally requesting $3 billion from FEMA’s disaster relief fund to put people back to work.  House of Cards US s3e5: Chapter 31, Washington’s mayor


I’m declaring war on Atrophy.  ibid.  Frank



Isn’t that what marriage is about?  Accepting your partner’s selfishness.  House of Cards US s3e6: Chapter 32, US gay rights’ prisoner in Russia


I’m finding it more and more difficult to tolerate your paranoia.  ibid.  Frank to Petrov



You singled me out today on purpose: the Cabinet meeting.  House of Cards US s3e7: Chapter 33, Claire to Frank  


We are doomed if we allow the dead to govern us.  ibid.  Frank



Minority Leader Bob Birch said, The President consistently demonstrates an utter lack of partnership coupled with a reckless abandon.  House of Cards US s3e8: Chapter 34, news


Critics have been harsh and yet most have stopped short of naming Underwood what he truly is – a tyrant.  ibid.



Are you certain?  Who gathered all this information? … You shouldn’t have brought this here.  Brutal.  House of Cards US s3e9: Chapter 35, Stamper visits Frank in the Oval Room



This Jordan Valley thing’s a mess.  He’s in big trouble.  House of Cards US s3e10: Chapter 36, Jackie


She’s [Claire] blinding you.  I’m doing you a favour.  The Seal team you sent.  Look how easy we manipulated her ... You want to kill me now.  I can see it.  ibid.  Petrov to Frank  


Sometimes I think the presidency is the illusion of choice.  ibid.


I wish I could do that sometimes – escape myself.  ibid.



Negligence.  Nepotism.  Misappropriation of federal funds.  A foreign policy fiasco.  And loose with the truth.  House of Cards US s3e11: Chapter 37, Donald Blythe schools Frank for debate


I’m not happy with your attitude.  If anything, you’re taking me for granted.  We had a deal, Jackie.  ibid.  Frank  



I am meant to be President of the United States.  House of Cards US s3e12: Chapter 38, Linda Dunbar


If she [Linda] goes after Claire, I’ll slit her fucking throat in broad daylight.  ibid.  Frank  


I have only one thing to say.  Go fuck yourself.  Christ, that felt good.  ibid. 


I’m starting to question all of it, Francis.  What any of it is worth.  What are we doing this for?  ibid.  Claire to Frank  



We’ve been lying for a long time, Francis.  Not to them, to each other.  House of Cards US s3e13: Chapter 39, Claire


Frank Underwood is a dangerous man because power in the hands of those who lack honesty lacks a moral compass.  ibid.  Linda Dunbar  


Here is the brutal fucking truth … Without me, you are nothing.  ibid.  Frank



You will walk away from this nonsense with Claire … Whatever you discussed with my wife you will erase from your mind and never speak of it again.  House of Cards US s4e1: Chapter 40, Frank


You’re right, I’m still white trash.  I just happen to be white trash that lives in the White House.  ibid.  Frank to Claire’s mom  



He is a classless, graceless, shameless barbarian.  House of Cards US s4e2: Chapter 41, Claire’s mom, re Frank


You’ve got to stop seizing companies and making people disappear.  ibid.  Frank to Petrov



It’s on a morning like this in a church like yours that I’m very proud to be a South Carolinian.  House of Cards US s4e3: Chapter 42, Frank


It’s as though she [Claire] never left.  And that’s what I’m afraid of.  ibid.


I wanna find who’s leaking this shit and I want their head on a goddamn stake.  ibid.