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★ Pentagon

Hanjour was a terrible pilot who could not even safely fly a single-engine aeroplane.  As one flight instructor quoted by The New York Times put it, He could not fly at all!  And yet the plane that hit the Pentagon, according to the official story, was flown with military precision after completing a three-hundred and thirty-degree downward spiral.  It came in at ground level to hit the Pentagon between the first and second floors, and did this without even scratching the Pentagon lawn.  David Ray Griffin, interview Guns and Butter 27th January 2009


The most well-known report about hijackers on planes came from Ted Olson, who was the Department of Justice Solicitor General.  He told CNN on the afternoon of 9/11 that his wife, a well-known CNN commentator, Barbara Olson, had called him twice from American Airlines Flight 77.  The flight that reportedly hit the Pentagon.  And told him that hijackers armed with knives and box-cutters had taken over the plane.  This claim played some vital roles.  Besides telling the world that Flight 77 had been hijacked, it provided the only evidence that this plane was still aloft.  It had disappeared from radar in the mid-West.  And there were reports that an airliner in that area had crashed.  So the reported calls from Barbara Olson provided evidence that the Pentagon really was, as the government claimed, struck by American Flight 77.  However, Ted Olson’s story is highly problematic.  One problem was that he went back and forth on whether she had used a cell-phone or an on-board phone.  He finally settled on the latter.  Thereby avoiding the problem of whether a cell-phone call would have been possible.  In 2006, however, an American Airline’s representative in response to a query from a member of the 9/11 Truth Movement said, ‘We do not have phones on our Boeing 757s ...’    


Ted Olson’s claim was further undermined by the report presented by the FBI at the Musawi trial.  According to this report, the only call attempted by Barbara Olsen was unconnected and it lasted therefore zero seconds.  This is an amazing development.  ibid.



Ted Olson – he was the Attorney who successfully defended before the Supreme Court in 2000 the claim that the recount in Florida should be stopped – which meant that Bush and Cheney would move into the White House ... On 9/11 Ted Olsen told CNN and the FBI that his wife Barbara was on Flight 77, and that she had called him twice from that flight.  She had reported that hijackers had taken over the plane ... This was the only one that mentioned box-cutters.  (9/11 & Pentagon)  David Ray Griffin, lecture Hamburg, ‘Time For a Second Look



We all know about Barbara Olsons famous phone call from Flight 77, in which she called Ted, the Solicitor General, and said she had been hijacked, and the hijackers had put all the passengers and the pilots in the back of the plane – of course this was a pretty strange scenario – there you have about sixty people, including the two pilots, one of whom was a champion boxer – being held off by three small guys with knives and box-cutters; so its an implausible story ... We all know the hijackers had box-cutters, right?  It was only Barbara Olsons call the box-cutters were mentioned ... Very strong evidence these calls were fabricated.  David Ray Griffin, New 9/11 Evidence



They [FBI] ... claim she was on the plane and she attempted a call but that it was unconnected, so lasted zero seconds ... The FBI would not support the idea that any high-level cell-phone calls from airliners were made.  David Ray Griffin, interview Charles Goyette



86 cameras: where is the aeroplane?  Zero: An Investigation into 9/11, 2007


On September 10th Brigadier General Montague Winfield asked junior officer Captain Charles Leidig to temporarily replace him as Director of Operations at the Pentagon command centre from 8:30 a.m. on September 11th.  Later that day after Flight 93 was reported crashed Winfield resumed control.  ibid.   



September 11th 2001 9.03 a.m. America is under attack.  At 9.32 a.m. Air Traffic controllers begin tracking a plane heading for Washington DC.  Five minutes later the plane disappears from radar.  This is the story of 9/11 in the American capital.  9/11: Washington Under Attack, History Channel 2012


9.46 a.m.  The Federal Aviation Administration has just shut down US air space.  Nine minutes after impact the west side of the Pentagon is in flames.  And the headquarters of the Defense Department is now both a disaster scene and a crime scene.  ibid.


10 a.m. Washington DC: while the Pentagon continues to burn, the White House, the Capital and the State Department are all being evacuated.  ibid.


10:20 a.m.  Air Traffic Controllers continue to search the skies for another plane thought to be orbiting the capital.  ibid.


10:28 a.m.  Nearly an hour after a plane hit, the Pentagon Air Force One remains in the skies over Florida.  On board the plane White House reporters watch as the second Trade Centre Tower collapses.  ibid.


‘There’s a lady who was behind me who said she saw a plane afterwards go behind it, a draw plane, behind it, break off behind it.  There were two planes.  Her and me were interviewed by the FBI.’  ibid.  witness



The highly ramified Pentagon system has been the major instrument for achieving these goals at home and abroad, always on the pretext of defense against the Soviet menace.  Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy introduction



The public is by about 6/1 opposed to increasing the Pentagon budget.  Noam Chomsky with Christopher Hitchens, University of the District of Columbia December 1995, Youtube 1.54.14



1988: The Pentagon declared that the African National Congress  Nelson Mandella’s African National Congress  was one of the more notorious terrorist groups in the world.  Noam Chomsky, lecture Brown University April 2010



The Pentagon likes to keep its eye on government-sponsored research facilities like Brandt.  Invasion of the Bee Girls 1973 starring William Smith & Anitra Ford & Victoria Vetri & Cliff Osmond & Wright Knight & Ben Hammer & Anna Aries & Andre Philippe & Sid Kaiser & Katie A Saylor & William Keller & Beverly Powers et al, director Denis Sanders, rozzer



We’re talking to Dr Mark Skidmore … about the question of the missing trillions: the trillions of dollars of unaccounted entries in the books of the Pentagon that we know about through a series of reports from the office of Inspector General … It keeps getting more and more incredible and amazing.  The Corbett Report: Mark Skidmore on the Pentagon’s Missing Trillions, James Corbett online   


The complete lack of interest of the mainstream media.  ibid.  


$21 trillion dollars is missing from the US government.  That is $65,000 for every person in America.  That is more than our entire national debt!  ibid.  viz. Missing Money online report  


Hundreds of billions … There’s a whole set of transactions that are not unsupported … Clearly inadequate.  ibid.  Skidmore      


The financial systems the Pentagon are using were supplied by Lockheed Martin.  ibid.  


Lawmakers are not interested in solving this problem.  ibid.  Skidmore  


The government is hiding … no underlying data has been released.  ibid.



8.20 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 takes off from Washington’s Dallas Airport on schedule bound for Los Angeles.  With seating for nearly 200, the Boeing 757 is flying light, carrying only 6 crew and 58 passengers.  9/11 Pentagon, History 2020  


American Airlines Flight 77 suddenly deviates from its flight plan and two minutes later its transponder is turned off.  ibid.        


Just before 9 a.m. they used the smuggled weapons to subdue the passengers and crew of Flight 77 and turn the aeroplane into a missile.  ibid.


By chance Flight 77 strikes directly into Wedge 1, the only section of the building that’s been upgraded.  ibid.



Speaker Pelosi, you just presided over a large increase in the Pentagon budget.  This Pentagon budget is already massive.  The Pentagon is a larger polluter than 140 countries combined.  How can we seriously talk about net zero if there is this bipartisan consensus to constantly expand this large contributor to climage change which is exempt from these conferences?  Abby Martin & The Empire Files: Abby Martin Confronts Nancy Pelosi, Youtube 3.25, 2021



September 11th 2001: Terrorists tested its strength: they turned a commercial jet into a weapon of destruction.  Seconds from Disaster s1e13: Pentagon 9/11     


Two airliners fly into the Twin Towers in New York City.  Another aircraft has dropped off the radar and is heading straight for the Pentagon.  ibid.