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★ Pentagon

This dog was searching for people but there are no photos of him finding any of the passengers.  How could a dog not even find one small piece of sixty-four passengers?  How could so many people vanish?  Eric Hufschmid, Painful Deceptions, 2005


Perhaps the reason Flight 77 vanished from radar near Ohio was because it landed at a military base in the area.  Then a global hawk may have been sent up to replace it.  ibid.


Where were the witnesses who heard the tremendous noise of its jet engines?  The lack of noise suggests that Flight 77 was actually one of the missing global hawks.  ibid.


Where are the passengers and crew of Flight 77? ... The bodies of the Pentagon employees who died in the attack were shipped to a morg in Virginia, and then they were shipped to a morg in Dover, Delaware.  Why the shuffling of dead bodies?  ibid.



When you look at the left side of the Pentagon [hole] you’ll note there is very little if any smoke damage or heat damage at all.  On the third floor it is very plain to see a file cabinet with a computer monitor: neither of them is damaged.  On the second floor you can see a wooden desk: it hasn’t burned.  And on the first floor a very curious sight indeed: a wooden stool with a book that is lying open: the pages aren’t even singed.  Dave vonKleist, In Plane Site, 2004


How does a 757 fit into a sixteen foot hole and leave no wreckage on the front of the building? ... If the 757 hit the Pentagon, where is it?  ibid.



35,758.  From wingtip to wingtip a 757 is 124 feet 10 inches.  From nose to tail a 757 is 155 feet and 3 inches in length.  And the height is 44 feet and 6 inches ... How does a 757 fit into a 16 feet hole and leave no wreckage on the front of the building?  Dave vonKleist, In Plane Site the director’s cut



All agree that the damage scene is absolutely inconsistent with a 757 having struck the Pentagon.  It is more consistent however with a smaller jet aircraft hitting the Pentagon, possibly a small jet, or a UAV – an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – or maybe a global hawk missile.  In this photograph that was taken at the Pentagon we clearly see some sort of an engine rotor, but the question is, is this a rotor from a 757, a Rolls Royce Engine?  Lewis & vonKleist, 9/11 Ripple Effect, 2007


The FBI currently possesses over 80 confiscated videos of closed circuit TV recordings of the attack on the Pentagon.  According to a CNN FOIA request, at least one these videos show the impact at the Pentagon.  ibid.


The FBI refuses to release any of these videos to the public, claiming reasons of National Security.  ibid.



9.38 Arlington, Virginia: Hani Hanjour allegedly executes a 330 degree turn at 530 miles per hour, descending 7,000 feet in 2.5 seconds to crash United Airlines Flight 77 into the ground floor of the Pentagon.  Loose Change 2nd edition, 2005


Hanjoor had come to Freeway Airport ... seeking to rent a small plane.  However, when Hanjoor went on three test runs in the second week of August he had trouble landing and controlling a single-engine Cessna 172.  ibid.


Why is the damage to the Pentagon completely inconsistent with a Boeing 757?  ibid. 



Back on October 24th 2000 the Pentagon conducted Moscow, a mass-casualty exercise which simulated the impact of a Boeing 757 into the building ... Had a single alarm gone off inside the Pentagon, 123 would be alive today and hundreds more would not be suffering.  Loose Change – Final Cut  



Three F-16s from Andrews Air Force Base located just fifteen miles from the Pentagon were flown 180 nautical miles away for a training mission in North Carolina leaving them unable to defend the nation’s capital.  Loose Change – 9/11 An American Coup  


Had Hani Hanjour wanted to inflict maximum damage all he had to do was nose down into the roof of the Pentagon.  Instead, he begins a complicated 330-degree turn, dropping 7,000 feet and exposing himself for an extra three minutes while executing a manoeuvre described by experienced pilots as nearly impossible.  ibid.  


Flight controllers at Dulles International Airport were convinced that the plane was a military aircraft.  ibid.


Flight 77 manages to hit the only section which was reinforced to withstand a terrorist attack.  ibid.


Additionally, there was no impact damage to the lawn.  Meaning Flight 77 managed to strike the Pentagon while remaining a few feet above the ground.  And out of the videos that have been released none of them clearly depict a Boeing 757.  Also, an exit hole inside the Pentagon is not explained by any official report.  ibid.



The entry hole of the flying object in the side of the Pentagon is so tiny that there’s no way it could be a Boeing airliner of any type.  Webster Tarpley, author 9/11 Synthetic Terror, cited 9/11 Myths



The day before 9/11 they announced to the media that the Pentagon cannot account for $2.3 trillion.  Ian R Crane, presentation History Cannot Be Permanently Falsified


The official story is that it was flying at five hundred and thirty miles an hour at a height of four foot six.  This is your captain speaking ... There’s a thing called Ground Effect.  ibid.


The official story is that the wings folded back on themselves.  ibid.


Boeing pilots have said this manoeuvre is impossible.  ibid.



We know there were large numbers, many dozens in the aircraft that flew at full power steering directly into I think between the second and third floor opposite the helipad.  Donald Rumsfeld, ABC7, cited The Explosive Reality



Here we’re talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage the building and similar [inaudible] that damaged the World Trade Center.  Donald Rumsfeld, 2003 interview Parade Magazine



According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.  Donald Rumsfeld 10th September 2001



Rumsfeld remains out of contact for twenty-five minutes.  9/11: The Day that Changed the World, 2011



Oddly, right beneath these windows in the centre of the hole, column 14AA on the second floor, remained intact.  National Security Alert: Sensitive Information


Roosevelt Roberts did not see the plane approach because he was inside the Pentagon at the time of the explosion.  He saw it banking and flying away at less than 100 feet, only after running outside immediately after the explosion.  This is why he thought it was another plane.  Roosevelt could only have seen the same relatively slow banking plane that all the other witnesses reported approaching on the north side flight path.  There is additional evidence that more people saw the plane continue past the Pentagon: Arlington National Cemetery employee Erik Dihle ... said the first thing people reported was that a bomb went off and that a jet kept on going.  ibid.


Now that we’ve established how the witnesses support a banking north side approach, with nothing on the south side, this means the damaged light poles and taxicab had to have been staged.  ibid.



The Pentagon is surely the best defended structure on the face of the planet, for three reasons: first, it is only a few miles from Andrews Airforce Base, which has at least three squadrons of fighter-jets on alert at all times ... Second ... the US Military has the best radar system in the world.  One of its systems, it has bragged, does not miss anything occurring in north-American airspace ... The Pentagon is ringed by anti-missile batteries which are programmed to destroy any aircraft entering the Pentagons airspace ... We must conclude that the attacks succeeded only because the Pentagon wanted it to succeed.  Professor David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Fraud


But there are many reasons to reject the official story.  First, the alleged pilot, Hani Hanjour, was widely known as a terrible pilot who could not possibly have flown the trajectory of the aircraft that hit the Pentagon.  Second, this aircraft hit the Pentagons West Wing which would have been the least likely spot for terrorists with any intelligence whatsoever (and these guys were supposed to be so bright they out-tricked our whole Airforce Defense System).  They would not have chosen the West Wing?  Why? ... To hit the West Wing the aircraft had to ... execute a very complex manoeuvre ... The West Wing was being renovated so instead of having thousands of people in it who would have been killed, it only had a few hundred, and most of them were not military people, they were civilians working on the renovation ... You would think the terrorists ... would have wanted to have killed as many of the top brass, and Donald Rumsfeld himself.  They are over in the East Wing, as far as you can be away from the West Wing.  Finally, the West Wing renovation involved a great reinforcement, so the damage was much less to the East Wing than any other part of the building.  Another problem with the official story is that initial damage to the West Wings facade was far too minimal to have been caused by the impact of a Boeing 757.  Fourth, photographs and eye-witnesses in the immediate aftermath failed to provide unambiguous evidence of the remains of a Boeing 757.  Fifth, there are videos what would show whether the aircraft that struck the Pentagon was in fact a Boeing 757.  But the FBI confiscated these videos within minutes after the attacks, and now the authorities have refused to release them.  Sixth, that the aircraft was not shot down by the Pentagons Aircraft Defense System suggests that it belonged to the US military.  So, whether or not the Pentagon was hit by Flight 77, the evidence suggests it must have been an inside job.  ibid. 



We are also told that the bodies could be identified, either by their fingerprints or by their DNA.  So what kind of a fire can vaporise aluminium or tempered steel and yet leave human bodies intact?  David Ray Griffin, Confronting the Evidence



If these terrorists were brilliant enough to outfox the world’s greatest security system, they would not have gone out of their way to hit Wedge 1, when they could simply have crashed into the roof above the offices of Donald Rumsfeld and the senior officers.  David Ray Griffin, author Debunking 9/11 Debunking, lecture Washington, Lets Get Empirical