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United States of America 1900 – Date (I)
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★ United States of America 1900 – Date (I)

It’s been a long time now.  And not many remember how it was in the old days.  Not really.  Not even those who were there to see and hear it as it happened.  And who shared night after night the mysterious spell created by the talk.  The laughter, greasepaint, powder, perfume, sweat, alcohol and food all blended and simmering like a stew on the restaurant range.  And brought to a sustained moment of illusive meaning by the timbers and accents of musical instruments at Minton’s Playhouse.  It was an exceptional moment.  And the world was swinging with change.  Ralph Ellison



December 7 1941: Japan is about to attack the United States of America.  World War II: The Apocalypse: American Allies aka Apocalypse: The Second World War: World Ablaze, France 2 2009


The attack would turn a European war into a World War.  ibid.


Yet Japanese forces had not landed in Hawaii nor did they take Pearl Harbor.  They had sunk part of the American Pacific fleet but only by now the outdated battleships.  ibid.


Hitler declares war on the United States.  ibid.


120,000 Japanese-Americans fall under suspicion.  ibid.


The battle for Guadalcanal is only just beginning; the fighting will last six months.  ibid.



In late May 1942 two German U-boats left Lorient in occupied France to make a mammoth journey of over 3,000 miles across the Atlantic ocean to the United States of America.  Their mission: to land Nazi agents who were to carry out terrorist attacks on American civilians and sabotage the American war effort.  Nazi Victory: The Post-War Plan III, 2018      


Behind the gates of Camp Siegfried something very sinister was going on indeed.  ibid.   


Fritz Kuhn was the leader of an organisation called the German American Bund which owned and operated Camp Siegfried.  ibid. 


There was 20 such camps across America all teaching children about the ideals of Nazism.  ibid.   


A network of German spies had infiltrated multiple areas of American society: it was known as the Duquesne Spy Ring.  ibid.    



26,805.  Japan may strike over the weekend.  (World War II & Pearl Harbor & Japan & United States of America & Newspapers)  Hilo Tribune Herald, Sunday 30th November 1941



On 7th December 1941 when Franklin Roosevelt was President Japanese aircraft attacked the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, drawing America into the war.  But did the then government know in advance this attack was going to happen?  Was there a hidden agenda?  Conspiracies – 9/11 and the Evil in America



But they didn’t make preparations at Pearl Harbor for that attack and I believe that’s because they wanted the war because we were in a depression and that was the only way they saw to get out of the depression.  Norman Livergood, author America, Awake!



The question was how we should manoeuver them into firing the first shot ... It was desirable to make sure the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt as to who were the aggressors.  Henry Stimson, Secretary of War



It is clear that not only was the attack on Pearl Harbor known weeks in advance it was outright wanted and provoked.  Zeitgeist, also cited John Nada, Wake Up Call


In the months leading up to Pearl Harbor Roosevelt had done everything in his power to anger the Japanese through posture and aggression ... On December 4th, three days before the attack, Australia Intelligence told Roosevelt about a Japanese task-force moving towards Pearl Harbor.  Roosevelt ignored it ... On December 7th 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor killing 2,400 people.  ibid.



We’re now just finding out, and it’s becoming common knowledge, that the attack on Pearl Harbor wasn’t the surprise attack we were all told it was.  In fact the powers that be knew days ahead of time that the attack was pending.  Dave vonKleist, 9/11 In Plane Sight the directors cut



On December 7 1941 at 6 a.m. the Japanese planes appeared in the skies above Hawaii.  It was a Sunday morning.  The surprise was complete.  At Pearl Harbor that day seventy warships lay at anchor, including eight battleships.  Torpedo dive-bombers attacked the lines of ships and the airfields.  Then high-level bombers made further assaults.  In an attack that lasted a bare two hours six battleships were sunk and damaged, numerous smaller ships were sunk and damaged, more than 160 aircraft were destroyed.  World War II: The Complete History e7: The Day of Infamy, Discovery 2000



The United States of America emerged from World War II as a world superpower able to project an overwhelming and absolute force anywhere in the world.  American had developed total economic and industrial superiority.  World War II: The Complete History e13: The Presence of History



December 7th 1941: American naval and air targets at Pearl Harbor Hawaii were attacked by the Japanese.  The following morning the United States joined the Allies, declaring war against Japan and Germany.  The attack on Pearl Harbor changed the course of history.  Unsolved History: Myths of Pearl Harbor, Discovery 2002


The Japanese attack did not begin from the air but from the sea.  And the first shots of the Pacific war were fired by America not by Japanese.  This action preceded the infamous bombing of Pearl Harbor by more than four hours.  ibid.    


Despite the risks the Japanese put the midget-submarine plan into action hoping to cripple America’s Pacific fleet.  Japanese preparations for the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor began in the autumn.  The midget-subs were the coup de grace in one of the most daring military actions ever devised.  ibid.


As a result of the strike twenty-one warships were sunk or damaged, including all of the battleships in Pearl Harbor.  2390 Americans were killed.  Another 1173 were wounded.  ibid.


That brings up another myth: that the Japanese were responsible for all of the American deaths at Pearl Harbor.  War is not only hell, it is chaos.  ibid.


Although the US Pacific fleet was shattered, Admiral Nagumo, the commander of the Japanese task force, failed to strike the fatal blow intended.  His primary targets – the American aircraft-carriers – were not in port at the time of the attack.  ibid.


A third wave attack never happened.  ibid.



It will be for ever remembered as a Day of Infamy.  Without warning Japan’s bombers rained down terror on a Sunday morning in Hawaii.  Lasting just two hours their attack on Pearl Harbor would bring the United States into World War II.  Days that Shook the World s2e3: Attack on Pearl Harbor, BBC 2004  


For the last year the United States has been secretly decoding Japan’s diplomatic signals.  ibid.


The Americans have always considered Pearl Harbor to be invulnerable to attack by torpedo bomber.  ibid.


It is not the death blow to the US Navy Japan had hoped for.  ibid.



These unhappy times call for the building of plans that … build from the bottom up and not from the top down, that put their faith once more in the forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid.  Franklin D Roosevelt, radio address 7th April 1932



I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people.  Franklin D Roosevelt, speech 2nd July 1932



The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.  Franklin D Roosevelt, 4th March 1933



The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.  Franklin D Roosevelt, 21st November 1933



I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished.  Franklin D Roosevelt, speech 20th January 1937



In our day certain economic fruits have become accepted as self-evident.  A second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all regardless of station or race or creed.  Among these are the right to a useful and remunerated job.  The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation.  F D Roosevelt, televised annex to State of the Union address



Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.  Franklin D Roosevelt 



Your boys will not die in foreign wars.  Franklin D Roosevelt, public broadcast



There is less chance of the United States getting into the war if we do all we can to support the nations defending themselves ... than if we acquiesce in their defeat.  Franklin D Roosevelt