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★ UFO (I)

... By becoming more involved with the serious research field, I’ve seen the evidence mount towards the truth of these matters.  I rely upon the testimony of contacts that I have had – old timers – who were involved in official positions in government and intelligence and military over the last 50 years.  We cannot say that today’s government is really covering it up – I think that most of them dont know what is going on any more than the public.  Dr Ed Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut, MSN interview 1998 



It followed us during half of our orbit.  We observed it on the light side, and when we entered the shadow side, it disappeared completely.  It was an engineered structure, made from some type of metal, approximately 40 meters long with inner hulls.  The object was narrow here and wider here, and inside there were openings.  Some places had projections like small wings.  The object stayed very close to us.  We photographed it, and our photos showed it to be 23 to 28 meters away.  Victor Afanasyev, en route to Solyut 6 space station April 1979 



At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs.  Scott Carpenter, Apollo astronaut photographed UFO 24th May 1962 



We were really not sure whether or not there were critters, living critters, up there somewhere.  Scott Carpenter



At one stage we even thought it might be necessary to take evasive action to avoid a collision.  James McDivitt, astronaut



We have a bogey at ten-oclock high.  Jim Lovell, NASA astronaut



On two of my missions ... I have seen a snake out there.  Story Musgrave, astronaut



I feel that they’re everywhere out there and they’re doing interstellar travel – we’ll think differently about ourselves once we accept that.  Story Musgrave



I believe these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets.  In 1951 I had the privilege to observe flights of UFOs of different sizes flying in fighter formation from east to west across Europe.  Gordon Cooper, NASA astronaut, signed letter



For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics.  I can now reveal that every day in the USA our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us.  Gordon Cooper



This ‘flying saucer’ situation is not at all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena.  Something is really flying around.  The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious.  General Nathan Twining, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman 



The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been requested to assist in the investigation of reported sightings of flying disks.  J Edgar Hoover



You now face a new world, a world of change.  We speak in strange terms, of harnessing the cosmic energy, of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy.  The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war.  The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.  General Douglas MacArthur, 8th October 1955 



We have, indeed, been contacted – perhaps even visited – by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.  Victor Marchetti, former Special Assistant to CIA Executive Director  



The evidence that there are objects which have been seen in our atmosphere, and even on terra firma, that cannot be accounted for either as man-made objects or as any physical force or effect known to our scientists, seems to me to be overwhelming ... A very large number of sightings have been vouched for by persons whose credentials seem to me unimpeachable.  It is striking that so many have been trained observers, such as police officers and airline or military pilots.  Their observations have in many instances ... been supported either by technical means such as radar or, even more convincingly, by ... interference with electrical apparatus of one sort or another.  Lord Hill-Norton, cited Timothy Good



About 1,000 stars within our local galactic neighborhood, meaning the region within 54 light years of Earth ... According to an excellent study done by Terence Dickinson ... 46 of those stars are very similar to our sun ... the star pair Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli, in the southern sky constellation Reticulum (the Net) only 39 light years away from us, are sunlike stars about 35 times closer to each other than the sun is to our nearest stellar neighbor.  They are also about 1 billion years older than the sun.  A civilization that had a billion-year head start on us will certainly know things that we cant even dream of.  Our own limited science has shown that nuclear fusion rockets can provide thrust far in excess of that provided by a chemical rocket, and so interstellar travel may be as easy for other civilizations now as nonstop flight across the ocean is for us today.  Stanton Friedman, Flying Saucers and Science p217



The simplest answer is that it is the only conclusion merited by the enormous amount of evidence.  In my lectures I review 5 large scale scientific studies and ask after each one how many have read it.  Typically fewer than 2% have read any.  I note the 5000-plus physical trace cases that Ted Phillips has collected from over 70 countries.  In these, people see a craft land and then take off leaving behind various markings on the soil such as burn circles, landing gear marks, small footprints, dried out rings of soil etc.  These are not crop circles where normally no saucer is seen.  About 1/6 of these cases involve reports of small beings.  I refer to the more than 1000 abduction cases that have been investigated by Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, John Mack, and Raymond Fowler and the Betty and Barney Hill case as recorded by John G Fuller.  I review the outstanding work by Marjorie Fish clearly indicating that Betty’s star map makes sense and provides information not previously known to us.  Furthermore, I have spent time at 20 archives, had a security clearance for 14 years, and find it perfectly obvious that crucial data has been withheld and many government people have lied with regard to UFOs.  Saying some UFOs are of ET origin, of course, doesn’t answer other questions such as WHY are aliens coming here.  Stanton Friedman



I take a clear-cut unambiguous stand: 1) The evidence is overwhelming that planet earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft ... 2) We are dealing with a cosmic Watergate  ... 3) None of arguments made against the first two conclusions by a very small but very noisy group of negativists as I call them – the debunkers – stand up under careful scrutiny.  Stanton Friedman



If UFOs are somebody else’s nuts and bolts hardware, then we must still explain how such tangible hardware can change shape before our eyes, vanish in a Cheshire Cat manner (not even leaving a grin), seemingly melt away in front of us, or apparently ‘materialise’ mysteriously before us without apparent detection by persons nearby or in neighbouring towns.  We must wonder too where UFOs are ‘hiding’ when not manifesting themselves to human eyes.  Professor J Allen Hynek, The Edge of Reality



This deception [UFOs] is part of the spiritual war between God and Satan.  Stephen Yulish, Harken the Watchmen



UFO Fleet Blitz Earth.  National Enquirer headline



Her little pastime was calling up and palpably filling the sky with UFOs and watching everybody’s excitement.  And some of the most outstanding sightings were in the early seventies in Ohio, and she used to laugh about it.  Because she’d be standing in a circle out in a field somewhere calling up demons, and that’s all they were – angels of light playing games in the skies.  Remember, a demon gets a little spooky picture, they’re a fallen angel, an unclean spirit.  They can assume any form or go into anything.  John Todd



People were seeing tiny balls of light not much bigger than a beach ball to full-blown flying saucers.  Andy Roberts, author Out of the Shadows, Foo Fighter specialist



Yes, it’s both: it’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension.  And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal, physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.  Dr John Mack, PBS interview NOVA online



They come from some other domain.  Dr John Mack, televised interview  



The thousands of contacts with the entities indicate that they are liars and put-on artists.  The UFO manifestations seem to be by and large merely minor variations of the old age demonological phenomenon.  John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse



Theyre appearing out of nowhere and then disappearing right in front of people and thats why scientists who have no axes to grind say  It doesnt make much sense ... They’re either going to take us over or make first contact.  George Noory interview, Coast to Coast America



They just seem to disappear – theyre gone.  George Noory interview, Coast to Coast America



There does seem to be a deception here.  As Ive always wondered, my gosh, if theyre that benevolent, if they’re that understanding of human-kind, make yourself available!  George Noory interview, Coast to Coast America



We can establish through this testimony that these objects of extraterrestrial origin have been tracked on radar going thousands of miles per hour, stopping and making right-hand turns.  That they use anti-gravity propulsion which we had already figured out how they work.  Extraterrestrial life-forms have been retrieved, and their vehicles have been taken and studied thoroughly for at least fifty years.   Dr Steven Greer