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★ UFO (II)

Every year 20 million commercial flights take to the skies.  There are chilling reports of some planes coming dangerously close to unidentified flying objects.  UFOs Declassified s1e6: UFOs vs Airliners


Alaska, 17th November 1986: Soaring through dark fall skies above Alaska is Japan Airlines flight 1628 … Unusual lights dead ahead … an intense light suddenly bursts right in front of them … ‘the silhouette of a giant mysterious craft’ …  ibid. 


Most pilots do not report these incidents.  ibid.


Southampton Airport, 23rd April 2007: Eight passengers aboard a small commuter plane … ‘a very bright object’ … ‘flat cigar-shaped object’ …  ibid.


Manchester, 6th January 1995: A 747 is on descent into Manchester airport when a small black wedge-shaped fast-moving object flies within a few metres of the aircraft.  ibid.


Texas, 25th May 1995: 757 on route from Tampa Florida to Las Vegas Nevada with a full cabin of passengers … It is massive … Then the huge object is suddenly gone.  ibid.



Where do they come from?  Are they secret devices created by world governments?  Are they manned or unmanned, or both?  If they are manned, are they manned by extraterrestrials?  Why are they here?  What attracts them to our planet?  Are they friendly or hostile?  How long have they been coming here?  What is their energy source?  What can account for impossible right-angle turns which violate all known laws of aerodynamics?  UFO Journals, 1978



In the 50 years since the alleged crash of a flying saucer in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947 there have been reports of thousands of UFO sightings.  UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape I, 1997


Investigators who have analysed the footage believe that we are seeing either super-secret technology being tested or perhaps actual alien space-craft.  ibid.  


The government continues to deny the very existence of UFOs.  ibid.



As the 20th century came to a close more UFO cases were being reported than at any time in history.  And not surprisingly video cameras are now capturing hundreds of these baffling unidentified flying objects.  UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape II, 2000


Visually, it is perhaps the most spectacular UFO footage ever shot … It appears to be a real flying saucer caught on tape.  It was shot by a young man attending an outdoor arts festival in Nevada last September.  ibid. 


Mexico: A wave of sightings which started in 1991 continued throughout the decade.  ibid.



Mysterious unexplained lights in the sky.  Tales of strange extraterrestrial beings.  This is not just the stuff of science fiction: there are now millions of people in Britain today who genuinely believe it to be real.  And that there’s an ongoing monumental conspiracy to keep the truth from us, with shadowy powerful agents pulling the strings behind the scenes.  Dan Schreiber, The Great UFO Conspiracy, History 2019


He [Timothy Good] says he was leaked top secret US intelligence documents from the 50s that exposed a shadowy elite of 12 high-ranking military officials.  The documents known as the Majestic 12 files allege that extraterrestrials have visited earth and that the US military have covered it up.  ibid.  



This story is extraordinary.  Especially if it’s true.  And it all started in the desert just north of Las Vegas.  Bob Lazar, Area 51 & Flying Saucers, Netflix 2019


‘His real name is Robert Lazar.  He says he was hired to work in an area called S4 which is a few miles south of Groom Lake.  At S4 he says are flying saucers, anti-matter reactors and other working examples of technology that are seemingly beyond human capability.’  ibid.  news report    


‘I’m trying to tell you exactly the way things were.’  ibid.  Lazar  


‘The science was something we were trying to figure out.’  ibid.  


‘The big thing is the suppression of extremely advanced technology and the suppression of unknown science.’  ibid.


‘Four different tests … no attempts to deceive.’  ibid.  Knapp


‘The SWAT team invited themselves to our home.’  ibid.  Mrs Lazar



For many the consequences of speaking out are greater and more dangerous than their other-worldly encounter.  UFO Cover-Ups: Secrets Revealed, History 2019


‘There’s an ultimate authority that is very invested in denying the public our right to know the truth about UFOs.’  ibid.  Jimmy Church, radio host


When coercion and intimidation are involved, it leaves many to wonder what could they be protecting and why?  ibid. 



On June 24th 1947 an Idaho businessman named Kenneth Arnold was flying his private plane near Washington’s Mount Rainier.  He saw nine disc-like objects moving rapidly along the horizon.  Arnold said they moved erratically like saucers skipped across a pond.  Flying saucers thus became part of our language.  In Search of s1e21 … UFOs, 1977



A family in Utah claims they were abducted from the safety of their home and held prisoner aboard a UFO.  Other people have also reported being captured by extraterrestrials.  A man in Wyoming claims that while he was hunting he came face to face with alien beings and was forcibly taken on board their spacecraft.  In Search of s3e1 … UFO Captives, 1978  



Sceptics however pose an important question: If flying saucers are so common, why haven’t we captured one? … A persistent rumour holds that the United States government has recovered and is concealing fragments of alien spacecraft: fragments and more.  In Search of s5e1 … UFO Cover-Ups, 1980



UFOs with extraordinary capabilities are present in our skies, according to a team of former US government insiders.  This program features military eyewitnesses describing these unidentified craft for the first time.  Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation s1e1, captions, History 2019


In 2017 this New York Times headline shocked the world: a clandestine US government program had been investigating UFOs.  ibid.  


‘It looked like a giant Tictac.  Maybe forty feet … so unpredictable, high G, rapid velocity …’  ibid.  witness  


The $22 million Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.  (AATIP)  ibid.  caption   


The ability to fly without wings or an engine is one of the five characteristics … Observables: Anti-Gravity, the Ability to Fly Without Apparent Means of Propulsion or Lift, Instantaneous Acceleration, The ability to reach a high rate of speed in a short amount of time, Hypersonic Velocity … Low Observability … Trans-Medium Travel …  ibid.   



‘And they [government] released video.’  Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation s1e2, news  


US airspace is being violated by evils of unknown origin and advanced capabilities.  ibid.


November 2004: USS Nimitz carrier strike group 100 miles SW of San Diego, when Kevin Day dispatched to intercept an unidentified craft he had picked up on radar … Tictac-shaped object.  ibid.


‘It was if they wanted to be left alone.’  ibid.  witness


The Princeton had already picked up three strange objects.  ibid.


Kevin Day says he watched as many as a hundred of the mysterious craft fly through the Navy’s airspace with impunity over the coming days.  ibid.


Catalina has a secretive history … of strategic interest.  ibid.



They all changed position and then they were gone.  Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation s1e3, pilot


They tell you that something encountered is not real and that you’re crazy, and you have nowhere to go.  ibid.  


The fisherman all point to one location 28.91N 188.26W Guadalupe island … A fleet of UFOs had disappeared off his radar in 2004.  ibid. 



An active duty Navy fighter pilot who’s agreed to disclose for the first time details of an extraordinary series of UFO encounters captured on video over the Atlantic ocean in 2015 … [#2] Who says he had a similar a UFO experience in 2014 over the Pacific. Unidentified: Inside America’s Investigation s1e4: The UFO Fleet


‘Go Fast’ shows an object speeding just above the water; the other is known as ‘Gimbal’.  ibid.    


Lt Graves says a fleet of UFOs followed his carrier from the summer of 2014 to 2015 off the east coast.  ibid.


Objects off the coast of San Diego, you have objects potentially off the coast of Virginia, and these objects now somewhere over the Middle East … a global presence wherever they want to be.  ibid. 


During the War mysterious flying objects were recorded by American pilots over Europe and the Pacific.  These Foo Fighters were often described as small spheres.  ibid. 



Is there a connection between the appearance of these unidentified craft and America’s most powerful weapons?  Unidentified: Inside America’s Investigation s1e5: The Atomic Connection  


‘All of the nuclear facilities … all had UFO incidents.’  ibid.  George Knapp      


‘The best and most interesting cases of the modern UFO era involve military assets.’  ibid.