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★ UFO (II)

‘That night over 80 Air Force personnel, all trained observers, assigned to the 81st Security Police Squadron witnessed the take-off.’  ibid.  Jim Penniston, re Rendlesham Forest



The Greeks and Romans also are known to have made observations of such things as phantom chariots.  UFOs: Past, Present & Future, [later director’s cut], 1974


The first such major wave occurred over Scandinavia in 1946; there was a major wave in this [US] country in 1947 mainly in the western states; and then there have been waves in the US in 1950, 1952 and so on; and there have been intense concentrations of sightings in Africa, in Latin America, in Mexico, in the Soviet Union …  ibid.


All you have left is a nagging sense of mystery, of uncertainty.  ibid.  


Thousands of bizarre animal mutilations have been discovered not only in this country but in Africa, Australia, Brazil and many European countries, in fact all over the world.  ibid.  Jacques Vallee 



What if we were not alone?  What if the hundreds of thousands of people claiming to have seen unidentified flying objects in fact had been witnessing extraterrestrial spacecraft?  What if the thousands of people all over the world who tell about their encounters with alien beings through friendly contact or even forced abductions were actually telling the truth?  What if our governments had known about an ET presence for more than half a century?  The Day Before Disclosure, 2010


In May 2008 the British government opened its first batch of UFO files for public inspection … Other nations have just recently opened their files.  ibid.


Washington, 1952: A series of UFO observations were made during a period of two weeks.  Objects were traced on radar flying at thousands of miles per hour and they suddenly executed a ninety-degree turn and other manoeuvres that no aircraft could do today.  ibid. 


The pilot Kenneth Arnold had already in 1947 introduced the name Flying Saucers when he claimed to have come across a formation of nine unusual saucer-like objects near Mount Rainier in the state of Washington in June that year.  ibid.


1986: ‘A Japanese Airlines plane … encountered three large shelled-walnut-type-objects; the largest was described … the size of one or two aircraft carriers: they were pacing the plane, they were making aerodynamic movements which were scaring the pilots … a possible five different agencies were tracking these objects.’  ibid.  Bob Vanderclock


‘The evidence is overwhelming … The subject of flying saucers represents a kind of cosmic Watergate … None of the arguments made against the first two … stand up under careful scrutiny … This is the biggest story of the millennium.’  ibid.  Stanton Friedman


It’s almost impossible to tell the real from the fake.  ibid.



All over antiquity and the Middle Ages we have reports about the fiery spheres, flying shields and bloody-red spears.  UFOs: The Secret Evidence, 2005


On June 24th 1947 Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot, reported his sighting of ‘nine glittering objects flying in formation around Mount Rainier in Washington state; he described them as looking like flying saucers.  ibid.    


Officer Lonnie Zamora was driving along a quiet stretch of road skirting the edge of the White Sands missile range in New Mexico.  Suddenly he caught a glimpse of something strange in the sky.  He left that road and set off for the desert following the craft.  He caught sight of a shiny object now landed about two hundred yards away.  ibid.



10) Though unidentified flying objects first gained a place in modern culture with Kenneth Arnold’s sighting in 1947, and the thousands upon thousands of sightings ever since, the phenomenon itself was known long before that.  Best Evidence, Top 10 UFO Sightings, 2007


9) Probably the only unexplained astronaut UFO case on record is the Skylab 3 case from September 20th 1973.  ibid.


8) Multiple independent witnesses … December 11th 1996 in three separate areas along the Klondike highway in Canada’s Yukon territory dozens of witnesses observed a massive UFO that has been estimated to be almost a mile in length.  ibid.


7) Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana: A nuclear missile launch site … March 1967 … ‘Sir, there a large red glowing object that’s hovering right outside the front gate.’  ibid.


6) The tiny fishing community of Shag Harbour on the southern tip of Nova Scotia … orange lights … suddenly and rapidly dive in a sharp 45% angle towards to water’s surface … leaving a yellowish foam in its wake.  ibid.


5) These different angles allowed researchers to triangulate the location of the object … a 200-foot-long black flying wing-shaped object hovering motionless over Santa Barbara channel off the south coast of California.  ibid.


4) McMinnville, Oregon May 11th 1950 taken by farmer Paul Trent.  ibid. 


3) Rendlesham Forest: One of the best documented and most famous encounters by military personnel.  ibid.


2) Tehran: Several telephone reports from citizens of strange lights in the sky.  ibid.


1) 17th July 1957: A United States Air Force spy plane had a close encounter.  ibid.



Steven Greer: When I was with Laurence Rockefeller at his ranch in 1993 he turned to me and said, ‘The implications of this are so vast and so profound that no aspect of life on Earth would be unchanged by its disclosure.’  Sirius, 2013


This came to us in the last couple of years … He came into possession of a little [skeletal] creature; it is humanoid; it does not look human … This was found in the Atacama desert.  ibid.    


The problem is not proving that UFOs exist it’s when you begin to expose the energy and propulsion systems.  ibid.



According to a report by the United Nations, since 1947 more than 150 million people have been witnesses to UFO sightings throughout the world.  More than 20,000 of those have been documented landings.  Fastwalkers, caption, 2006


A Rope poll conducted in the United States reported that 70% of the US population believe that the government is not telling the public everything it knows about UFOs and extraterrestrials.  ibid. 


For nearly 60 years denial has been the only official position of the governments of the world.  ibid.


The Belgium Wave, October 1989-1990: Hundreds of reports of lighted objects frequently described as enormous and triangular in shape.  Air Force F16s chased many of these objects.  ibid.


‘Fast walkers are these very rapid moving electromagnetic and anti-gravity discs.’  ibid.  Steven Greer



Nasa is forbidden therefore to spend its time, resources and money on seeking out contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence.  The Secret NASA Transmissions: The Smoking Gun, 2001


Capturing a UFO on film has now become commonplace.  ibid.  


1st December 1996: Space Shuttle astronauts on board STS80 filmed something remarkable: scores of anomalous objects could be seen skirting Earth’s upper atmosphere below, but then from beneath a high bank of cloud emerged a large sphere.  ibid.


These shooting stars change direction.  ibid.



June 24th 1947: The pilot of a single-engine plane, a salesman named Kenneth Arnold, was amazed to see nine metallic objects zooming past Mount Rainier in impossible speeds, flying he said like saucers.  UFOs: The Secret History, 1.05.20 Youtube, 2010


A series of sightings called the Green Fireballs began over sensitive military installations in New Mexico.  They were seen by dozens of scientists.  ibid.


The team at Project Grudge did their best to shoot down any and all sightings.  ibid.



Most of us believe we are not alone … More than 80 million Americans believe that the Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials, visitors from outer space; more than 40 millions Americans say they have seen or know someone who has seen an Unidentified Flying Object, a UFO; and many Americans believe that they themselves have been abducted by aliens.  UFOs: Seeing is Believing, Peter Jennings, ABC 2005


Six people including five police officers saw an object over southern Illinois that night; they all describe what they saw as a massive triangular object flying in total silence.  ibid.


Ufologists argue that the sheer volume of eyewitness sightings is proof that something extraordinary is happening; but mainstream scientists categorically reject eyewitness testimony.  ibid. 



National Press Club, Washington DC, 9th May 2001: ‘The truth is out there … The truth is in here.’  The Disclosure Project, 2001


Steven Greer: We can establish through these witnesses whom we have identified which now number over 400 … all divisions of the Intelligence and military community … technologies that can change the world for ever.  ibid.


He says, We don’t tell the public about this; it would panic the public.’  ibid.  John Callaghan, FAA head of accidents & investigations


We had ground visual, ground radar, airborne visual and airborne radar, confirmation of some of these sightings.  ibid.  Lt Col Charles Brown, US Air Force


1970: They were watching a UFO on the radar that was hovering at about 80,000 feet etc. for about ten minutes.  ibid.  Michael Smith, US Air Force radar controller