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UFOs are being seen all over the world.  Not just the silver disc but all sizes and shapes.  Watchers TV 8: The Physical Evidence for UFOs & Extraterrestrials, 2016


Turkey 15th May 2009 2:19 a.m.: What we saw was absolutely mind-blowing … In each porthole you could actually see beings; and some of them was the typical black-eyed greys but other beings were there also.  ibid.  Roger Leir   


Yep, four-fingered hand prints here and here … not created by a human being.  ibid.  Leir  


Moon oddities, Aristarchus: It’s a structure of some kind … I managed to download 850 photos of the 1.4 million photos they took in 1994 … Nasa claims it’s luminescent dirt!  It’s always lit up like this.  ibid.  researcher Jose


It will be ETs 24/7.  ibid.  comment



[Whistleblower]: … Antigravity, advanced weapons systems … they’ve been doing that successfully for over 50 years.  George Knapp, Investigation Alien I: Why Are They Here? Netflix 2024


There is an enormous amount of evidence to suggest that we do have a non-human intelligence interacting with us on this planet.  ibid.  narrator George Knapp       


‘The government has retrieved between 10 and 15 actual flying saucers; they have between 30 and 50 alien bodies, in cryogenic storage.  They represent at least 5 different civilisations.’  ibid.  John Lear


The New York Times, December 17 2017: Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program.  ibid.  headline     


Congress starts having hearing behind closed doors.  ibid.


Figuring out why they’re here and what they want from us.  ibid.


They could be coming to monitor our capabilities.  ibid.  


The animal mutilations is maybe the most perplexing part of the whole larger UFO pictures.  These things have happened all over the world.  ibid. 


Someone is harvesting bits and pieces from cattle.  ibid.  


The Colares, Brazil, incident might be the most extraordinary of them all.  In late 1977 hundreds of people along the Tocantins River were attacked and injured by these things that came out of the sky.  Some reportedly died from their encounters.  Images of the injured people went out all over the world.  ibid.  



One of the most dangerous UFO encounters of all time: the Colares Event where hundreds of people were reportedly attacked by UFOs in the late ’70s, and activity has recently ramped up.  George Knapp, Investigation Alien II: The Brazil Connection


Half the people who live here have seen these things.  ibid. 


The Brazilian Air Force went to the scene.  They were there for months.  ibid.



[Television News]: No comment from the Pentagon in regards to the now so-called video of the Jellyfish UFO.  George Knapp, Investigation Alien III: Alien Waters


What happened to the Jellyfish video, the other section of the video that the public has not yet seen?  ibid.  George to source


The Tic-Tac case is maybe the best documented and most important UFO case of all time.  ibid.    


One of these hotspots is the Gulf of Mexico.  ibid.


USS John Kennedy, 1971: Crewmen saw a large glowing sphere, 200 feet in diameter, that was never explained.  ibid.  


We may have drawn somebody’s interest.  ibid.  Investigation vessel sights UFO overhead           



Don’t tell me it’s going to go in the water  I’ll be damned.  George Knapp, Investigation Alien IV: The Counter Report, George reviews video from investigation vessel    


What non-human intelligence might be doing in our oceans …  ibid. 



The Council Bluffs material  it is not a smoking gun.  We don’t know who made this stuff and why.  George Knapp, Investigation Alien V: The Phoenix Lights     


Phoenix Lights: Perhaps one of the most significant mass sightings of all time … seen by thousands of people and a lot of them got photographic evidence of it.  ibid.



Why did this intelligence  wherever it’s from  why did they allow them to be seen by so many people over a major city?  George Knapp: Investigation Alien VI: Alien Identity         


1964, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California: They shoot a missile with a dummy nuclear warhead on top, and something comes out during the test  a flying saucer … That footage was seized immediately.  ibid.  



Alien Encounters: UFO Case Files E aka Top 25 Alien Encounters: UFO Case Files Exposed, 2023: 


The Pheonix Encounter: February 21st 2021: American Airlines 2292 Cincinnati to Phoenix: long-cylindrical object;


A mysterious object appeared moving towards the International Space Station … transmission suddenly terminated;


The USS Trepang Event;


The Israeli Incident, 2015: mysterious aerial object;


Alien Craft on the Moon;


The B-29 UFOs sightings;


Australian Cylinder, 1992, recently declassified: an unusual cylindrical object hovering over the ship’s bridge;


The Galactic Alien Mothership: Interstellar object passing through solar system, cigar-shaped object: Oumuamua;   


The Varginha Case, 1996, Brazil: captured aliens;


Jackie Gleason’s Amazing Secret: Shown UFO & alien by Nixon;


The Gordon Cooper Confession: film of UFO; where are the films today?


UFO Witness Injuries: the biological effects of UFO sightings on humans;


The Mojave Hidden Base: secret base inside mountain; encounter with aliens;


The 1860 Mothership Scare, Wilmington, Delaware;


The Arizona Mystery, 2019: UFO captured on video for 30 minutes; smaller ball-shaped craft flew with it;


Walter Kronkite’s Encounter: UFO 50-60 feet in diameter;


The Meeting With An Alien: Alien sitting in on 1960s conference;


The Flushing Meadow Zoo Massacre, 1987: UFO lights precede surgical mutilation of zoo animals;


The USS FDR Case: ball of light with figures inside craft follows ship;


The Military Base Intruder: Glowing red object outside gate;


The Alien Technology Agreement: Eisenhower contracts with aliens;


The Shuttle UFO;


The Crashed UFO Recovery Account;


The Vietnam Saucer;


The USO abduction;



[John Craven’s Newsround]: An investigation has begun into a claim that something strange came out of the skies and landed in the West village of Broad Haven, near Haverfordwest.  Encounters I: The Broad Haven Triangle, Netflix 2023


There was a lot of activity, a lot of sightings.  ibid.  comment   


And this is where it landed.  Here.  ibid. 


In 1977 the tiny Welsh village of Broad Haven became the epicenter of the largest mass sighting event in the history of the UK.  At least 450 people reported seeing mysterious crafts and strange beings in the area, sparking decades of investigation.  It all started in a field behind a school.  ibid.  captions


Silver.  Cigar-shaped.  About 45 feet long.  ibid.  comment 


UFO landed in a field, say boys.  ibid.  newspaper headline


I legged it home.  It really freaked me out.  ibid.  man meets alien


You had 120 cows teleport from one field to another?  ibid.  interviewer to farmer


The most frightened family I have come across.  ibid.  rozzer re farming family 


There are a number of locations around the county where the same thing is going on.  ibid.  comment



1994, Zimbabwe: Following a sighting of a peculiar object in the skies over Zimbabwe,the ZBC were overwhelmed by callers …   Encounters II: Believers    


And I saw this … person.  And it had big eyes.  ibid.  girl  


Something happened to these folks.  ibid.  investigator   


There were over 60 kids that saw what I saw.  ibid.  teacher   


‘He [Dr Mack] felt certain that this was not something people can easily make up.’  ibid.  comment     



What I am seeing here is similar to sightings that they had by guys in the Air Force.  Encounters III: Messengers, comment  


I was present on the USS Theodore Roosevelt for the Gimbal event.  ibid.  Matthew Roberts, cryptogropher


In January 2008, 300 people reported seeing mysterious lights in the sky over Central Texas.  Researchers call this event the most siginificant civlian sighting of the last 30 years.  ibid.  captions  


Stephenville, Texas, 8th January 2008: What I saw in the sky that night changed everything.  ibid.  Steve, witness  


Two F-16s came in hot pursuit.  ibid.


We were inundated with media from all over the country.  ibid.  witness



‘Many visitors have spotted UFOs at this temple … I saw it with my own eyes.  It was undeniably real.  Encounters IV: Lights Over Fukushima, chief monk  


The UFOs came after the [nuclear plant] explosion.  There were so many of them.  I was shocked.  ibid.   


In the days surrounding the Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown, hundreds of people reported seeing mysterious lights in the sky.  ibid.  caption        


In addition to hundreds of tweets, a video surfaced that allegedly captured unexplained lights over the Fukushima nuclear accident site.  ibid.