UFO landed in a field, say boys. ibid. newspaper headline
I legged it home. It really freaked me out. ibid. man meets alien
You had 120 cows teleport from one field to another? ibid. interviewer to farmer
The most frightened family I have come across. ibid. rozzer re farming family
There are a number of locations around the county where the same thing is going on. ibid. comment
1994, Zimbabwe: Following a sighting of a peculiar object in the skies over Zimbabwe,the ZBC were overwhelmed by callers … Encounters II: Believers
And I saw this … person. And it had big eyes. ibid. girl
Something happened to these folks. ibid. investigator
There were over 60 kids that saw what I saw. ibid. teacher
‘He [Dr Mack] felt certain that this was not something people can easily make up.’ ibid. comment
What I am seeing here is similar to sightings that they had by guys in the Air Force. Encounters III: Messengers, comment
I was present on the USS Theodore Roosevelt for the Gimbal event. ibid. Matthew Roberts, cryptogropher
In January 2008, 300 people reported seeing mysterious lights in the sky over Central Texas. Researchers call this event the most siginificant civlian sighting of the last 30 years. ibid. captions
Stephenville, Texas, 8th January 2008: What I saw in the sky that night changed everything. ibid. Steve, witness
Two F-16s came in hot pursuit. ibid.
We were inundated with media from all over the country. ibid. witness
‘Many visitors have spotted UFOs at this temple … I saw it with my own eyes. It was undeniably real. Encounters IV: Lights Over Fukushima, chief monk
The UFOs came after the [nuclear plant] explosion. There were so many of them. I was shocked. ibid.
In the days surrounding the Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown, hundreds of people reported seeing mysterious lights in the sky. ibid. caption
In addition to hundreds of tweets, a video surfaced that allegedly captured unexplained lights over the Fukushima nuclear accident site. ibid.
Klondike Highway, Yukon, Canada, 11th December 1996: The object moves off directly towards Billy and John Smith. Close Encounters s1e1, Amazon 2024
‘Billy is in awe of this thing as it passed directly overhead’ ibid.
More than 30 witnesses came forward with similar accounts. ibid.
The largest craft ever registered in a UFO report. ibid.
Malmstrom Air Force Base, March 1967: It moves directly over the base … The entire Oscar flight system shuts down. ibid.
Kecksburg, Pittsburg, 1965: Locals report a ball of fire streaking across the sky and falling into a nearby forest. Close Encounters s1e2
Phoenix, Arizona, Triangular UFO: ‘This case is unique because we have not only hundreds but potentially thousands of eye-witnesses.’ ibid.
Liberty County, Texas, 1980: Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and her 7-year-old grandson Coby … The object never leaves their sight … ‘A diamond shape of some sort’ … ‘lightning bolts seemed to radiate’ … The experience leaves a lasting effect. Close Encounters s1e3
Whiteshell Provincial Park, Manitoba, 20th May 1967: ‘He [Stefan Michalak] looked up and saw two disc-shaped objects … One of them starts descending … About 30 feet in diameter … Some sort of exhaust vent or grill was directly in front of his body … The object took off vertically … He was very very dizzy, he had a headache, he was nauseous, he was in intense pain in the upper body … Second and third degree burns on his upper body … in the shape of the exhaust vent …’ ibid.
Classic symptoms of radiation poisoning … At the site, they discover a 15-foot diameter of worn grass … traces of radiation inside the circle. ibid.
November 27th 1986, Alaska, USA: Captain Kenji Terauchi and his Japanese airline crew make their way towards Alaska … The object suddenly reappears … ‘It’s coming after you’ … Captain Terauchi gets his first full look at the craft that’s been following him … The crew is forced to deal with increasing turbulence … Close Encounters s1e4
August 27th 1979, Marshall County, Minnesota, USA: ‘He [rozzer Val Johnson] was driving on one of the small back country roads he noticed a light slightly over the trees … The light comes right at him … A hit and run by an unidentified object.’ ibid.
11 a.m. Westall School, Melbourne, Australia: ‘Something in the sky above their heads and they looked up and saw this unusual-shaped object … appeared out of nowhere … The shape was nothing like an aeroplane … A classic flying saucer … Sure enough over in the paddock is a flying saucer … made of one seemless piece of metal …’ Close Encounters s1e5
Christmas Lights, November 25th 2009, Port Jervis, New York, USA: John Hudson heads home … He noticed a light in the sky … larger and larger … It slows to a crawl … ibid.
Delphos, Kansas, USA, November 2nd 1971, Johnson family: He [Ron] sees this mushroom-shaped object right above the ground … Eight to nine feet across … His mother and father look up in the sky … They saw this glowing ring on the ground … The tree limb has the same glow as the strange ring … One of the most lab-tested UFO cases in history. Close Encounters s1e6
Lebanon, Illinois, 5th January 2000: A craft that appears to change shape in seconds … The object morphs into a long triangle … All three officers submit. ibid.
Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, December 1980: Sergeant Penniston races towards Rendlesham Forest, the recorded crash site … ‘Burroughs and Penniston went in to check it out’ … One hundred metres away they see flickering lights … ‘This is essentially a small triangular-shaped craft, maybe about nine feet high and the same across the base.’ Close Encounters s1e7
Suddenly, Penniston notices that Burroughs is back. As the object disappears, their radios come back to life. ibid.
Sergeant Penniston returns to Rendlesham Forest the next day. He finds scorched marks, broken branches and triagular indentations in the ground. ibid.
Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia: ‘Norm [Smith] arrived at the shore. By that time there’s 14, 15, 16 people there including the Mounties. Everybody standing there looking at the water, looking at this dark object with a pale yellow light on the top … They don’t find bodies or wreckage; instead they discover something much stranger [thick green foam] … ibid.
Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, October 27th 1975: Danny Lewis works the night shift … ‘He sees some lights in the sky … moving around the base’ … The object that they’re watching circles around the base and then it disappears … And just like the first night he sees an object … The fifth and sixth witness on the strange sight follow the light as it once again circles the base … Close Encounters s1e8
Kolmjarv, Sweden, 19th July 1946, Ghost Rocket case: ‘It was flying straight into the lake’ … The object didn’t look like a V-1 … ‘Not a scrap of metal’ … ‘They found nothing’ … The Swedish military sends a team. ibid.
As many as 30 similar crashes are recorded across Sweden in the summer of 1946. In all cases no debris is ever recovered. ibid.
January 19th 1966, Tully, Australia: ‘He notices a flying saucer. He describes it as two saucers inverted’ … ‘about 30 feet in diameter’. Close Encounters s1e9
April 4th 1996, Maryborough, Australia: ‘Something strange happens to his [Ron Sullivan] car headlights … ‘drawn towards this object’ … His strange trip is far from over ... ‘He sees that the white light grows in size’ … Of course he is rather upset, rather frightened’ … ‘Something extraordinarily strange and life-threatening happened to him.’ ibid.
A reporter claimed to find a saucer-shaped impression in the earth. ibid.
Soccoro, New Mexico, April 24th 1964: Officer Lonnie Zamora is a five-year veteran of the New Mexico police force … ‘Zamora hears a blast in the distance’ … ‘He’s looking down on what he describes as an egg-shaped object on four legs sitting on four legs’ … ‘He sees these two beings’ … ‘He kept approaching the object’ … ‘He sees a flame coming out of the bottom’ … ‘He turned around and ran’ … ‘There’s four marks that could have been landing pads … [and] a slab of what looks like fused sand … Close Encounters s1e10
Plauen, Germany, 21st May 1994: ‘Circling around very bright white lights … They’re out on the balcony and they see this object’ … ‘Kind of like a yo-yo’ … ‘Laundry drying on the balcony was covered in black soot’ … The strange object begins to rise up the disappears above the clouds. All that’s left behind is a hole in the cloud … Both drawings are remarkably similar. ibid.
One new witness comes forward … [and] independently describes both the object and the hole in the cloud; his sketch of the craft perfectly matches the drawings from Anna and Martina. ibid.