For nearly a century people have reported contact with unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial beings. Alien Encounters Declassified, Quest 2022
The Pentagon UFO Report: Tonight, the highly anticipated report on unexplained aerial phenomena is here but the answers are not. ibid. news
Could our government and Nasa be working on top-secret programmes involving the moon and even Mars? Is it possible that there is something even more dangerous they are trying to hide? UFOs: Secret Missions Exposed, History 2022
Apollo 11 encounters 21 July 1969: Hundreds of amateur ham radio operators pick up a censored transmission from Apollo 11 reporting the sighting of multiple UFOs on the lunar surface. ibid.
Are we alone or not in the universe? Are we being visited by extraterrestrials? Are governments involved in a decades-long conspiracy to cover up the truth about an alien presence here on Earth? Indistinguishable from Magic, History 2022
No single individual could speak for planet Earth … No single message. ibid.
The camera … but they are also recording something else – a missile-like object or creature able to appear out of nowhere for a fraction of a second before disappearing again. To researchers they are simply called rods … one to six feet long with a cylindrical body. MonsterQuest s1e11: Unidentified Flying Creatures, History 2008
It appears again in 2003 over Baghdad. ibid.
A surprising numbers of rods found in and around military operations or where aircraft are seen. ibid.
Rods have been around for a long time. ibid.
There’s an ominous presence in the skies above North America. This mysterious beast has carried out horrifying attacks on people. And a startling discovery may be physical proof. The creature defies identification. MonsterQuest searches for proof of the existence of a terror from above. MonsterQuest s3e21: Terror from the Sky
Large human-like creatures floating or flying hundreds of feet above them. ibid.
Unidentified flying humanoids. ibid.
The UFO reality can no longer be denied. The secret has been managed and garnered by a select few for over 75 years. Advanced technologies, biological and physical materials, have been recovered. Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations, History 2024
Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program. ibid. The New York Times article Cooper & Blumenthal & Kean 16th December 2017
Some believe that this new rollout of information was a carefully crafted set of events being orchestrated by hidden hands. ibid.
UK Ministry of Defence: The Calvin UFO Reports: Released without the photo. ibid. caption
Newsweek: ‘Best’ UFO Picture Ever, the Calvine Photo, Found After 30 Years Missing. ibid. article 15th August 2022
Since the early 1900s there have been reports of crashed UFOs. For over a century hundreds of witnesses have shared their accounts. ibid.
‘We have crash retrievals and they’ve been analyzed. The program was terminated for lack of progress in reverse engineering.’ ibid. Dr Eric Davis
Miami, Florida, 2022: An extraordinary and unexpected visitor … ‘The speed of the object, I was shocked.’ Evidence of the Unexplained s1e1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, 1918: The 550-feet-long USS Cyclops and her 309 men vanish without trace. ibid.
The object captured on Miami beach certainly looks and moves like one of these so-called Fastwalkers, not emerging out of the distant ocean but right up by the coastline. ibid.
October 6th 2021, Chicago: One of the strangest UFOs ever recorded. It looks like a sphere with unearthly tentacles … It’s staying stock-still … eerily silent. ibid.
Chicago Airport November 7th 2006: ‘A saucer-like object was spotted.’ ibid.
August 9th 2019 Dunedoo, New South Wales, Australia: 43-year-old Damien Knott is rushed to hospital … Medics are even more shocked when they asked how Damien got his injuries [shot from UFO] … ‘Almost like a microwave, radiation burn.’ ibid.
The creature got so close to Salma [Siddick] she could almost reach out and touch it. ibid.
In 2021 a Pentagon-funded study was declassified under the Freedom of Information Act. It detailed reports of military personnel who had got too close to a UFO. ibid.
September 16th 1994, Ruwa, Zimbabwe: Three gleaming orbs overhead. The orbs disappeared in the flash of flight and reappeared in another part of the sky … 60 pupils reported seeing something very similar. ibid.
24th November 2021: A US military pilot reacts to a disturbing phenomenon in the skies: ‘Just about the clouds are these three lines of lights’ … These things are above the clouds. Evidence of the Unexplained s1e2
And just three months later the disturbing lights seem to reappear [Taiwan] ibid.
Right back to World War II when pilots called them Foo Fighters. ibid.
South America: Mysterious lights bring panic. And then the army moves in … 2020, Brazil: ‘Thousands of people saw strange brightly lit objects in the night sky over the mountains.’ Evidence of the Unexplained s1e3
‘One of the UFOs apparently crashes and the whole horizon is lit up by this explosive green light.’ ibid.
‘When people wake up in Mage, they find the area has been cordoned off by the Brazilian military.’ ibid.
Malmstrom Air Force Base: America’s arsenal is apparently at the command of whatever is piloting this craft hovering about the base. ibid.
Very similar experiences to those at Malmstrom were being reported over 5,000 away [Ukraine]. ibid.
Why is the US military so wary of releasing the information it has on these phenomena? ibid.
May 2021 Jangkar beach, Indonesia: Out of the sky and into the sea a UFO captured entering the water before hundreds of beachgoers. Evidence of the Unexplained s1e4
There’s no sound and no sign of heavy impact. ibid.
Object that can move through the air and then through the water at the same speed have been tracked by military equipment in the past. ibid.
What makes the events in Milford Haven even more strange is that this sleepy Welsh town has been menaced by UFOs before. ibid.
Who or what are the Nordics? Evidence of the Unexplained s1e5
January, 2022: Alarm bells sound at one of Sweden’s three nuclear power stations … They’re observing unidentified aircraft operating near the nuclear power plant. But this is just the beginning. A further craft appears over another of the country’s nuclear power stations. ibid.
UFOs start appearing over the country’s other strategic sights. ibid.
2022: US Congressional hearing into UFOs. ibid.
The Lovett [alien mutilation] case report was said to have been filed in a document called the Project Grudge Report 13 in a series of files of UFOs made by the US government. ibid.
September 2020 St Louis, Missouri: 29-year-old Lily Nova is about to be confronted by what she believes is an alien life form. ibid.
Costa Rica: A mysterious craft rises out of the jungle. Does its weird behaviour give away the secrets of UFO engineering? Evidence of the Unexplained s1e6
The footage shot of the tilting flying saucer in Costa Rica seems show the anti-gravity method of flight (almost exactly as Lazar described it). ibid.
June 2nd 2022, London: Britain is celebrating her 70 years on the throne, her platinum jubilee. Overhead, the world-famous Red Arrows display team salutes the monarch with a fly-past … A strange sphere suddenly emerges from the right of the frame at a speed that seems to match the RAF jets. Evidence of the Unexplained s1e7
Brazil, Amazon jungle, July 30th 2014: ‘A large disc-shaped object in the sky above; it descends and hovers over the village.’ ibid.