Mysterious spheres that are not from this planet … Expedition off the coast of Papua New Guinea … ibid.
Harvard scientist finds alien artifacts at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. ibid. Earthcom article 2023
The spheres were found to contain extremely high levels of Beryllium, Lanthanum and Uranium. ibid.
University of Sheffield, England, 2015: Astrobiologist Milton Wainwright and his research team release scientific balloons 25 miles up into the sky. Once a balloon reaches its target altitude, a capture mechanism will collect samples of material within the Earth’s stratosphere. ibid.
‘A tiny sphere … Titanium and Vanadium … It was actually a shell that had now broken, and coming out of it was this strange ooze that they felt was biological in nature.’ ibid. comment
‘There’s no Earth material associated with them. And they are too large to be carried from Earth to these altitudes. They must be incoming from space.’ ibid. Dr Wainwright
Graham Hancock: Ancient Apocalypse: The Most Dangeorus Show on Netlix (2022) Prebunking Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse season 2 in the Americas with Professor John Hoopes, interview Archaeology with Flint Dibble, Youtube 1.57.03
I want the main antagonist and that’s John Hoopes from the University of Kansas. ibid. Hancock
Archaeology is a journey of discovery. We’re constantly learning new things. But it’s one in which we also gain an appreciation for what archaeologists do, and what the data tells us, and the evidence tells us, which is constantly being expanded upon. ibid. Hoopes
Fluted Clovis and Fishtail Projective Points from Costa Rica. ibid.
Underwater archaeology needs more funding. ibid.
A C Roosevelt: The Amazon and the Anthropocene: 13,000 years of human influence in a tropical rainforest. ibid.
The story of the Americas is how people adapted. ibid.
There is a lot of diversity early on. ibid.
You do exacavations at the site of the rock art. ibid.
Ideally, multiple lines of evidence … Archaeology is multi-disciplinary. ibid.
We’ve known about many of these places for over 100 years … It’s not a new discovery. ibid.
That’s what archaeologists do – we record the evidence of the past in a way that we are creating data that other people can use. So this ‘discovery’ trope! ibid.
Machu Pichu: And the way that it looks is thanks to archaeologists. ibid.
There’s been a lot of discussion online about megalithic architecture of the Incas … This is amazing stonework … The artefacts that we find around these are Inca artefacts … It was not done with lasers, it was not done with ancient high technology, it was done with a lot of elbow grease, a lot of hard work … A labor tax that provided an unlimited amount of unskilled labor … This is done through massive organisation of human labour – that was the technology, how labor was organised, now coming up with lasers. ibid.
The power of labor orgnisation! ibid.
We’ve seen these tropes again. These are being revived in the context of a new Netflix series which is going to say that in fact, you know, that there were ancient civilisations in the Americas … ibid.
Explorers Enter Jungles To Seek Lost White Race: Fawcett Party Will Pose as Gods to Overawe Savage Natives; Heat Kills River Fish … ibid. Newspaper
Fawcett was also deluded by fake artefacts. ibid.
There were large settlements in the Upper Xingu, Brazil … A lot of the Amazon was occupied by people who were farmers. ibid.
Blowing us away with how large these populations were – that’s one of the main things that come from these LIDAR surveys. ibid.
We do care about astronomy! ibid.