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★ Stone & Stones & Rock

Why and how could ancient people have dragged these railway-car size of stone, stacked them up together into these giant buildings?  Ancient Aliens pilot episode Chariots, Gods & Beyond with Erich von Daniken, Childress  



Massive stone structures built to reach for the heavens.  Strange figures buried deep in the earth.  And globally connected spheres creating the energy to travel to another world.  Are ancient monoliths simply the product of historic man’s hard labour?  Or are they the manifestation of a more profound power?  Ancient Aliens s5e12: Monoliths


Single-standing massive stones are known as monoliths.  And millions of them were used to construct monuments all over the ancient world.  ibid.


90 miles west of London in the English countryside.  Stonehenge: Here on the Salisbury plains stands the most sophisticated prehistoric stone circle in the world.  According to radio-carbon-dating this striking arrangement of monoliths was placed here more than 4 thousand years ago.  It consists of more than 100 stone blocks.  And these monoliths create a larger structure known as a megalith.  ibid.


South-west England: Just 17 miles north of Stonehenge is Avebury, the largest megalithic stone circle in the world.  ibid.


Easter Island, isolated in the Pacific Ocean and more than 2,000 miles west of Chile, this tiny landmass is home nearly 900 monolithic stone statues.  ibid.   


Palmar Sur, Costa Rica: Crews discovered hundred of monolithic stone spheres.  ibid.



A tribe that disappeared.  A city mysteriously abandoned.  An entire culture that seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth.  Throughout history there have been accounts of mass disappearances that defy explanation.  Might these people have suffered some horrible fate, or could they have been taken by other-worldly beings?  Ancient Aliens s9e11: The Vanishings


Easter Island and stories of a lost tribe of Giants … Scattered around the edges of the island, mostly with their backs to the sea, stand nearly 300 massive stone figures known as the Moai.  Mostly between 15 to 20 feet tall, but the tallest stands over 70 feet, and the heaviest weighs up to 165 tons.  ibid. 



[Giorgio]: ‘They types of walls, they exist all over the world.  The building style is not similar, it is identical.’  Ancient Aliens s12e4: The Alien Architects         


Were alien structure built on Earth as part of a masterplan?  Could they reveal an extraterrestrial connection?  ibid. 


‘You have the civilisation in Cambodia and the civilisation in Meoamerica.  They are so many parallels it’s incredible.’  ibid.  


Could it be that these seemingly unrelated sites, located thousands of miles apart, share a common architect?  ibid.  


Does evidence of a master builder exist in other parts of the world as well?  ibid.                


The Inca weren’t the only people to achieve such building proficiency.  ibid.  


What makes these structures so impressive is not only their design but also the fact that they were built with megalithic stones.  ibid.  



[Japanese guide]: ‘This monolith is said to be related to one of the first gods that descending from the Heavens to Japan.  And he travelled over the country on a sky-ship made out of a giant rock.’  Ancient Aliens s12e14: A Spaceship Made of Stone



‘Gobekli Tepe is the smoking gun of a lost civilisation.’  Ancient Aliens s12e16: Return to Gobekli Tepe, comment, History 2017   


‘Gobekli Tepe is an incredibly sophisticated site.’  ibid.  


The stone structures could be as much as 12,000 years old.  ibid.


Derinkuyu: A vast underground city known as Derinkuyu… It extends for some 13 storeys underground, and had the capacity to support 20,000 people.  ibid.    



Seven stone giants standing guard over a Pacific island.  But what are the protecting and from whom?  Ancient Aliens s13e10: The Sentinels



Mysterious stone structures that defy explanation, exhibiting electromagnetic anomalies that have even been linked to UFO sightings.  And perhaps most incredible of all, these ancient sites are located in the north-eastern United States.  Could an extraterrestrial culture have existed in America centuries ago?  Ancient Aliens s14e7: The Druid Connection


The hundreds of stone structures that dot the area, and their possible connection to an ancient people known as the Druids.  ibid.  


Barry Fell: America B.C.  Druids in Vermont.  Phoenicians in Iowa before the time of Julius Caesar!  ibid.


Did Druids visit America centuries before Columbus and build these structures?  ibid. 


Stone Age in Connecticut.  Two Complete Skeletons of Great Antiquity Dug Up by Prof. Moorehead.  ibid.  The New York Times August 19th 1922       



It is the Earth’s most mysterious monument.  Megalithic stone columns that have stood for an estimated 5,000 years.  But could Stonehenge have been something more than conventional historians have assumed?  Ancient Aliens s14e17: The Secrets of Stonehenge  


It is also the centre of the crop circle phenomenon with dozens of unexplained crop formations appearing in the area every year.  ibid.  


Gobeli Tepe: It was deliberately buried.  But why?  ibid.     


Throughout the world enormous stone monoliths have stood for thousands of years.  Many were built to align with the stars.  Some are said to have strange powers … Might they have a more profound purpose?  Ancient Aliens s18e2: Mystery of the Standing Stones


A Weird Monolith Is Found in the Utah Desert: A team surveying bighorn sheep for Utah’s wildlife agency found the strange object, 10 to 12 feet tall, embedded in the ground in a remote part of Red Rock Country.  It’s probably art, officials said.  ibid.  The New York Times online article    


Carnac, France: The most famous and mysterious collection of standing stones found anywhere in the world.  ibid.



A mysterious underground temple that holds gigantic stone coffins.  A 16,000-year-old monument that appears to float in midair.  Ancient engineering feats far ahead of their time. Ancient Aliens on location s18e11: Incredible Structures


Saqqara, Egypt: A tomb complex ... [of] 24 giant stone sarcophagi … The prehistoric megaliths of Japan … Puma Punku, Bolivia, weighing more than 100 tons … Sardinia: Thousands of mysterious stone towers, large statues and even an ancient pyramid … The megalithic walls of Ferentino, Italy … Sacsayhuaman, Peru … Abydos, Egypt … Easter Island … Surpur, India …  ibid.    



Sardinia: Featured in the museum’s collection are a number of enormous stone statues.  Aliens on location s18e12: Extraordinary Encounters     



Incredible megalithic sites unearthed after thousands of years.  Mysterious subterranean dwellings that stretch for miles.  Could recent discoveries provide evidence of a civilisation that existed for earlier than ever imagined.  Ancient Aliens s19e3: Mystery of the Lost Civilisation     


Abu Shahrayn, Iraq: 6,000 years ago, this ancient mound was the site of Eridu, the oldest city of the Sumerian empire.  ibid.              


And one key source is the writings of the Sumerians themselves.  Ancient cuneiform tablets list kings that ruled tens of thousands of years ago.  And they tell of an earlier age when humans lived among powerful beings that came down from the sky called Anunnaki.  ibid.       


Much like Gobekli Tepe, Derinkuyu was thought to be an anomaly.  ibid.


A subterranean network known as Kaymakli which spans several miles and extends thousands of feet below the earth.  ibid.        


‘Kerahan Tepe is really something quite spectacular.’  ibid.  comment  



Incredible stone monuments erected thousands of years ago.  These ancient monoliths display mysterious electromagnetic power.  And ancient traditions connect them to interstellar travel.  Ancient Aliens s19e4: The Power of the Obelisks            


‘Every obelisk you look at, it is a perfect mathematical equation.’  ibid.  Egyptologist



Enormous megalithic structures of mysterious origins.  A vast underground complex containing the remains of what some believe to be other-worldly beings.  Could the ancient mysteries that exist on the Mediterranean islands of Malta be connected to local legends of alien visitations and giant hybrid beings?   Ancient Aliens s19e10: The Giants of Malta


Mysterious carvings found throughout the area called Cart Ruts.  ibid.


‘The biggest [stone blocks] are the oldest.’  ibid.  Giorgio        


The Temples of Ggantija on the island of Gozo.  ibid.


Curiously, similar accounts of giant beings mating with humans can be found in traditions of ancient civilisations all over the world.  ibid.          



Massive megalithic structures built thousands of years ago.  Advanced engineering knowledge that defies conventional explanation.  And an almost identical architectural style found all over the world.  Ancient Aliens s19e11: The Top Ten Pyramid Sites   


The Top 10 Pyramid Sites:


El Castillo, Mexico; Pyramids of Teotihuacan, Central Mexico; Sican Pyramids of Peru; El Mirador, Guatemala; Pyramid of Hellinikon, Greece; Step Pyramid of Djoser, Egypt; Hidden Pyamids of China; Gunung Padang, Indonesia; Temple of Borobudur, Java; Giza Plateau, Egypt.  ibid.     



Mysterious ancient stones shaped into perfect spheres.  Many show clear evidence of being manmade.  And some of them completely defy explanation.  Why is it that these strange artefact are found in all four corners of the globe?  Ancient Aliens s20e10: Mystery of the Stone Spheres


Across the ancient world are mysterious monolithic monuments carved of solid stone.  ibid.


Stone spheres: They exist in a vast range of sizes.  ibid. 


What purpose did they serve?  ibid.


Costa Rica, 1939: Workmen find dozens of giant stone spheres.  ibid.


How the Bosnian stone spheres were created remains a mystery.  ibid.


Many are made of granite.  ibid.


Hundreds of stone spheres in Mexico … ‘Sun-baked clay that has been rolled in pyrite dust.’  ibid.