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★ Spy Films

Gambon: The Americans are meant to be our allies.


Nighy: I’ve never suffered from that delusion.  Page Eight 2011 starring Bill Nighy & Rachel Weisz & Holly Aird & Ewen Bremner & Judy Davis & Tom Hughes & Felicity Jones & Marthe Keller & Alice Krige & Saskia Reeves & Michael Gambon & Ralph Fiennes et al, director David Hare


Because thats the job  deciding who to trust.  ibid.  Nighy



Your price is dependent on the quality of information.  Complicit 2013 starring David Oyelowo & Arsher Ali & Rupert Proctor & Wahab Sheikh & Asheq Akhtar & Kaleem Janjua & Nasser Memarzia & Olivia Sparks & Paul Ritter & Denise Gough et al, director Niall MacCormick, spy to Mr Omar


I believe there’s a compelling case that a plot is now underway, yes.  ibid.  spy to committee


If my intelligence is right, we could have Ricin on the way to the UK right now.  ibid.  spy


The Director General has no option but to present this to the Home Secretary as a case of one bad apple.  ibid.  boss 



000-7-17-12-0-14-26 Gemeinschaft Bank Zurich. The Bourne Identity 2002 starring Matt Damon & Franka Potente & Chris Cooper & Brian Cox & Clive Owen & Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje & Gabriel Mann & Julia Stiles, director Doug Liman, number from removed chip


I want Bourne in a body-bag by sundown.  ibid.  CIA bloke


I don’t know who I am; I don’t know where I’m going, nothing.  ibid.  Bourne to bird in car


We will burn for this; both of us will burn.  ibid.  CIA bloke



It’s finished.  Bourne.  The files.  The fingerprint.  The Bourne Supremacy 2004 starring Matt Damon & Franka Potente & Brian Cox & Julia Stiles & Karl Urban & Gabriel Mann & Joan Allen et al, director Paul Greengrass, assassin


Notes: Aborted Mission.  Deserted.  Possible Diagnosis – Amnesia.  ibid.  file



So we have a dirty section chief who kills Bourne’s girl.  Bourne comes back for revenge and tapes out his confession … Now Bourne is gunning for us.  You couldn’t make this stuff up.  The Bourne Ultimatum 2007 starring Matt Damon & Julia Stiles & David Strathairn & Scott Glenn & Paddy Considine & Edgar Ramirez & Albert Finney & Joan Allen & Daniel Bruhl et al, director Paul Greengrass, opening scene


Do you have any idea who you are dealing with?  This is Jason Bourne.  ibid.  Pamela Landy



People, listen up.  We have an imminent threat.  This is a national security emergency, priority level five.  The Bourne Legacy 2012 starring Jeremy Renner & Rachel Weisz & Edward Norton & Stacy Keach & Dennis Boutsikaris & Oscar Issac & Joan Allen & Albert Finney & Scott Glenn et al, director Tony Gilroy, CIA chief


We are morally indefensible, and absolutely necessary.  ibid.  CIA controller



Loss of Confidence in the CIA: Senate intelligence committee probes agency’s readiness.  Jason Bourne 2016 starring Matt Damon & Tommy Lee Jones & Alicia Vikander & Vincent Cassel & Julia Stiles & Riz Ahmed & Ato Essandoh & Scott Shepherd & Bill Camp & Vinzenz Kiefer et al, director Paul Greengrass, The Washington Post online


You’ve tortured yourself for a long time now, Jason … You need to read those files.  ibid.  her to him  



Your mission Jim, should you choose to accept it, is to obtain photographic proof of the theft.  Mission Impossible 1996 starring Tom Cruise & Jon Voight & Emmanuelle Beart & Henry Czerny & Jean Reno & Ving Rhames & Kristin Scott Thomas & Venessa Redgrave & Emilio Estevez et al, director Brian De Palma, destructing tape


These guys are trained to be ghosts.  ibid.  Eugene



Recovery of a stolen item designated Chimera.  Mission Impossible II aka M: 1-2 2000 starring Tom Cruise & Dougray Scott & Thandie Newton & Ving Rhames & Richard Roxburgh & John Polson & Brendon Gleeson & Anthony Hopkins & William Mapother & Dominic Purcell et al, director John Woo



To find Lindsey and bring her home.  Mission Impossible III 2006 starring Tom Cruise & Philip Seymour Hoffman & Ving Rhames & Billy Crudup & Michelle Monaghan & Jonathan Rhys Meyers & Keri Russell & Eddie Marsan & Simon Pegg & Laurence Fishburne et al, director J J Abrams, mission tape



Cobalt – you have to alert the Kremlin that one of their strategists has a nuclear launch device.  Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol 2011 starring Tom Cruise & Simon Pegg & Jeremy Renner & Paula Patton & Michael Nyqvist & Vladimir Mashkov & Samuli Edelmann & Anil Kapoor & Josh Holloway et al, director Brad Bird, Cruise in van



Good evening, Mr Hunt.  The weapons you recovered in Belarus were confirmed to be VX Nerve Gas, capable of devastating a major city.  Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation 2015 starring Tom Cruise & Simon Pegg & Rebecca Ferguson, Cruise in record shop


We only think we’re fighting for the right side because that’s what we choose to believe.  ibid.  him to her  



She’s been passing military information to the agent … He’s Mister Big.  Pickup on South Street 1953 starring Richard Widmark & Jean Peters & Thelma Ritter & Murvyn Vye & Richard Kiley & Willis Bouchey & Milburn Stone et al, director Samuel Fuller, rozzer


You know what was on that film?  A new patent for a chemical formula.  ibid.  Joey


I’ve kissed a lot of guys.  ibid.  her to him  



In one year Iran will have a nuclear weapon.  What, I’m supposed to ignore it?  Just sit back and let it happen?  Salting the Battlefield 2014 starring Bill Nighy & Helena Bonham-Carter & Rupert Graves & Ralph Fiennes & Ewen Bremner & James McArdle & Judy Davis & Felicity Jones & Valeria Vereau & Saskia Reeves et al, director David Hare, prime minister


Britain’s Intelligence Service: Well the last ten years have been a bit bumpy.  It used to be very clear who the enemy was, and so also it was clear what the job was.  And then we got caught out … We were meant to be fighting a worldwide movement.  Let’s just say we got a bit careless about distinguishing between people who would like to do terrible things and people who were actually doing them … An apparatus of bad practice that is out of control.  ibid.   



You are here to sabotage our nuclear ambitions.  Salt 2010 starring Angelina Jolie & Liev Schreiber & Chiwetel Ejiofor & Daniel Olbrychski & August Diehl & Hunt Block & Andre Braugher & Olek Kruppa et al, director Philip Noyce


A master spy who had devised the greatest plan a Russian patriot could ever invent: the plan to destroy America.  It had all started with an American named Lee Harvey Oswald.  In 1959 he emigrated to Russia.  ibid.


The name of the Russian agent is Salt.  ibid.  bloke in cell