Philby’s life was on the line. As was the meaning of Elliott’s. Not to forget the reputation of the Intelligence Services. A Spy Among Friends II: The Admiral’s Glass, Lily
You are asking me to spy on my closest friend. ibid. Elliott to Kim’s wife
No, joint effort with Fleming. ibid. Elliott to Kim
You bloody well missed it. ibid. Flora to Elliott
You were always one step ahead of him. ibid.
If you do confess and confess in full, every secret you ever passed, every death you caused, if you do that, then you will be allowed to return home to live out your days in peace and anonymity. Nice country cottage. Village cricket team. Friendly local pub. Where no-one, not even your family and especially not your children, will have the slightest idea of the things you’ve done. However, anything less than a full confession and then you will be tried for treason. When they will scream for your blood … A Spy Among Friends III: Allegory of the Catholic Faith, Elliott
Mark my words, Nicholas Elliott is up to something. ibid. Flora
And may I introduce Sir Anthony Blunt. Purveyor of the Queen’s pictures. ibid.
For services to the Soviet people. ibid. Russian medal for Kim
This drama is based on Ben Macintyre’s nonfiction book A Spy Among Friends. A Spy Among Friends IV, caption
Philby Talks. ibid. Pathé Newsreel
Sir Anthony Blunt is another agents of the Russian Intelligence Service. He is in custody awaiting further questioning. ibid. Lily’s telegram
You are our man in Washington. ibid. Elliott to Kim
If anybody should have seen through him, it should have been me. ibid. Kim to Elliott
You’re not the only traitor. There are two more of you still in play. ibid. Elliott to Kim
I’ve been a nervous wreck these last thirty years. ibid. Kim
Now the communists are in, in among us, and in far greater numbers than we ever thought possible. ibid. Angleton
So lovely to see you again, Guy. ibid. Kim in bar
All that’s left now is their vodka. ibid. Guy to Kim
You shouldn’t have run when you did. You ruined everything. ibid. Kim
We now have a man in the KGB. What did I tell you? ibid. Angelton
There’s no way for them to address the elephant in the room. A Spy Among Friends V: Snow, Lily
We believe Elliott has found out about Blunt. ibid. Hollis
Kim is a traitor. A double agent for the KGB. Has been for thirty years. Had me fooled since we first met in 1940. ibid. Elliott
MI5 have lost Blunt. ibid.
Stalin was a monster. You happy now? ibid. Kim
Go back to Washington before it’s too late. And leave Blunt to me. ibid. Elliott to Angelton
You’re the fourth man. ibid. Elliott to Blunt
Why? You haven’t gone and lost him, have you? A Spy Among Friends VI: No Man’s Land, Elliott to Hollis
It all began in Vienna, February 1934. ibid. Kim to Elliott
To protect you, because as we both know, you’ve been very busy for the KGB until right fucking now. ibid. Elliott to Kim on balcony
Are you implying there are more? ibid. Hollis to Elliott
We are duty bound to recognise the patience and discipline of the Russian Intelligence Services are never again to be underestimated. ibid. Angleton
At any given moment, you’re far more switched on than you let on. Which is what makes you so dangerous. Tell me you’ll make something of all this. That in the end you were in fact always one step ahead of him. ibid. Flora
Sir Anthony Blunt’s treason was kept secret until 1979, when Margaret Thatcher exposed him in a speech to Parliament, forcing the Queen to strip him of his knighthood. ibid. caption
James Jesus Angleton infected the CIA with paranoia and mistrust until he was fired in 1974. ibid.
Sir Roger Hollis left MI5 in 1965. He was long suspected to be a Soviet agent, until a later investigation cleared him. ibid.
Kim Philby never spied again. He died in Moscow in 1988. ibid.
Nicholas Elliott was cleared in respect of Philby’s defection and retired SIS/MI6 in 1968 – his reputation as an excellent and loyal Intelligence officer, with a penchant for filthy limericks, intact. ibid.
Lily Thomas never existed. ibid.