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★ Sport

5) The legend of Muhammad Ali began in Rome in 1960.  ibid.  


4) Lance Armstrong … a rat.  ibid.


3) Leicester City: 5,000/1.  ibid.


2) OJ Simpson’s white Bronco chase.  ibid.  


1) Manchester Union’s Munich air crash.  ibid.



Six months ago I got into a Twitter row that I wasn’t prepared for.  I posted comments and wrote a newspaper article about my issue with transgender competitors in women’s sports.  It started a public spat between me and a trans-cyclist.  The Trans Women Athlete Dispute with Martina Navratilova, BBC 2019


The idea that I hurt people with my comments  that bothers me.  ibid.


I’m concerned that in the future trans women athletes who have not had surgery or hormone treatment could compete against women based simply on how they identify.  ibid.   


A growing number of trans-female athletes have been competing at the highest level.  ibid.  


Just when you thought the whole testosterone debate couldn’t get any trickier, along comes the recent controversy surround the Olympic champion Caster Semenya.  ibid.  



There’s been a lot of media hype surrounding the concept of veganism recently, so I’m going to see what becoming a vegan actually means and see if it can benefit my life.  I want to find out why so many sportsmen are adopting a vegan lifestyle in some shape or form. Jermaine Jenas, Football Going Vegan, BBC 2019



For many black people being on four wheels is like black-eyed peas and greens on New Year’s Eve.  Storyville: United Skates, fan, BBC 2020


I’m considered a rink rat  you know, you’re born and raised in the rink.  So now my kids got the same thing.  ibid.  single mum


Skating rinks held 2,000 and 3,000 people.  So they were the first big arenas for rappers to perform in.  ibid.  Vin Rock  


It’s the end of an era.  After more than a decade the last indoor roller rink in our area is holding its final lace-up tonight.  ibid.  1980s news report  


In the state of Illinois we are the last two African-American-owned-and operated roller-skating rinks.  ibid.  owner   



Throughout my sporting career I was harbouring a secret: an eating disorder I now believe started as anorexia later developing into bulimia.  And I am not the only one in sport to have gone through this.  Panorama: Sport’s Hidden Crisis, Colin Jackson reporting, BBC 2020



Sport ... was one of the foundations of the empire ... The British public school practised two religions: Christianity and Sport.  Jeremy Paxman, Empire III: Playing the Game, BBC 2012



On November 19th 2004 there was an incident between players and fans at an NBA game.  The raw footage was not made available to the public.  Untold: Malice at the Palace, Netflix 2021


O’Neal grows into big role with Indiana.  ibid.  newspaper headline  


I had depression and anxiety.  ibid.  Artest


Where’s security at?  ibid.  O’Neal


And they’re throwing everything they can possibly get their hands on.  ibid.


He [O’Neal] charged Ron and we ended up breaking it up.  Iibid.  player



I’ve always had these issues running through me.  But without them I don’t think I could ever accomplish what I did.  Untold: Caitlyn Jenner, Netflix 2021


Caitlyn was always living deep inside.  ibid.


1976 Montreal: You have an Olympic gold medal on the line and you’re supposed to lay down and sleep.  It poured all night long.  ibid.  



2004: I remember getting a phone call: there was somebody in Connecticut, a gentleman by the name of Jimmy Galante, who was putting a hockey team in Danbury.  Untold: Crime & Penalties, Netflix 2021


He bought the hockey team for his seventeen-year-old son who is a senior in high school.  And the second he walked in I was dumbfounded.  What was my first impression?  He looked like a punk.  ibid.


… A minor-league hockey team and a convicted gangster …  ibid.  TV news 


It was a place to show I belonged.  ibid.  Son of Galante        


Danbury Trashers: General Manager and President of the team.  ibid.  injured player


We decided the first player had to be Gretzsky … The younger brother of Wayne Gretzky.  ibid.  


At Your Disposal.  ibid.  banner in boss’s office


Every player was getting paid under the table.  ibid.  former player  


Body bag!  Body bag!  ibid.  crowd chant     


Owner Arraigned in Hockey Fracas.  ibid.  newspaper headline


I had no idea what I was getting into.  ibid.  Mike Rupp  


As the investigation widened, the undercover was the key to getting inside of this criminal conspiracy.  ibid.  investigator  



2012: I’m a couple of hours away from the biggest match of my career.  The biggest match of my life.  I was just curled up in a ball trying desperately to figure out a way to just stop having these thoughts.  And I’m about to play the greatest player of all time.  Untold: Breaking Point, Mardy Fish, Netflix 2021


The Roddicks were nice enough to say you can live with us.  ibid.



Christy Salters Martin: Most of the time I feel safe.  But I still have my weak moments … The only place I feel safe is in the boxing ring.  Untold: Deal With the Devil, Netflix 2021


Let me introduce to you the first lady of boxing  Christy Martin.  ibid.  Don King  


Christy Martin’s fight that night [Tyson/Bruno bill] put women’s boxing on the map.  ibid.  Mike Tyson  


The Lady Is A Champ.  ibid.  Sports Illustrated front cover  


My personal and private life  it was quite the opposite … He shot me.  ibid.  Christy


I went from one fishbowl town to another.  And I wanted nothing to do with football.  ibid.  Johnny



This is what it’s at.  New York City.  Street basketball: this is our culture.  Untold: The Rise & Fall of AND1, Netflix 2022


I don’t know what happened to it.  And I was part of it.  ibid.


Nike had that whole market on lockdown.  ibid.


AND! Mixtape tour … We had our best five.  ibid.


We were playing in front of 100 people … Trying to do everything we could to get people to the event.  ibid.      


I wanted to captivate people like Hot Sauce.  ibid.  


Professor: Suburban legend: A short, white guy with a dazzling game and is redefining streetball.  ibid.  newspaper article  


ESPN: Streetball is the Number One TV show.  ibid.  player


Nike: They are copying us.  ibid.


The players: I didn’t get paid for that.  It was the downfall of everything.  ibid. 



Manti Te’O had an astounding senior year, without question.    Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist, Netflix 2022  


His mother and girlfriend had died the same night … One problem.  His girlfriend didn’t exist.  ibid.  


What started as an inspirational story deteriorated into a cruel twisted hoax.  ibid.  TV news  


At the time of filming, subjects were not aware that Ronaiah identifies as a transgender woman.  ibid.


The number one outside linebacker [prospect] in the nation.  ibid.  TV news      


In 2009 no-one knew anything about catfishing.  ibid.  Manti  


Everybody was telling me, You are the man.  ibid.  


That’s when everything went chaotic.  ibid.  



This tip is different … She physically did not exist outside of being Manti Te’O’s dead girlfriend.  Which was the whole story to me.  Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist II, reporter Tim Burke 



Allegations against one basketball ref [Tim Donaghy] of betting on and even tilting the outcome of games is rocking the NBA.  Untold: Operation Flagrant Foul, Netflix 2022


I was well aware of the rules that referees were not allowed to bet on anything.  ibid.  wife


Tim was going to be a major player in a very very significant undercover operation.  Tim would be wired up … There was a leak in the press.  ibid.  FBI dude