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★ Sport

Lots of girls surf in Hawaii and many of them are very good.  ibid.


Hawaii is truly a land of an endless summer.  ibid.


You should have been here yesterday!  ibid.  dudes in Australia



‘I don’t care what we have to do I wanna win.’  The Dark Side, athlete Tim Montgomery, Al Jazeera 2015


A box of drugs banned in sport  we’ve just bought them from medical professionals who say they work with top level athletes.  ibid. 


We infiltrate a network who claim their scientific expertise can cheat the system.  ibid.


What athletes call the Dark Side  the secret world of doping.  ibid.


‘The NFL is the US  that’s the kind of a market we’re going after.’  ibid.  doping doctor  


His most astonishing allegation concerns an icon of American sport [Peyton Manning].  ibid.  



Lanced!  Armstrong to be striped of 7 Tour wins.  Icarus ***** The New York Post front page, 2017


Teammates Testify Against Armstrong.  ibid.  newspaper


Unfortunately, the drugs work.  ibid.  Tester


We talk a few times.  He’s in Moscow.  And that set off this whole chain of events.  ibid.


You should be able to see a 15-20% improvement.  ibid.  supervisor


German TV Alleges 99% of Russian Olympians Doping.  ibid.  newspaper headlines


It is not too good to show our camera to them.  ibid.  at Russian lab


‘Overwhelming portions of the allegations made on the ARD programme have been found by the Independent Commission to be true.  It’s worse than we thought.’  ibid.  Dick Pound, press conference


‘State-sponsored doping.’  ibid.  News


CNN Visits Secretive Russian Lab.  ibid.  CNN report


‘I need to escape and to walk the walk.’  ibid.  Russian dude


‘I was part of a system.’  ibid.   


May 7-10 2016: Grigory spends three days with the US Department of Justice providing detailed information about state-sponsored doping in Russia.  ibid.  caption


‘Our KGB officers brought all the clean urines of our athletes.’  ibid.  Russian dude


‘Putin was very much happy.’  ibid.


‘Putin will kill me.’  ibid.


May 17 2016: The US Department of Justice officially launches an investigation into Russian doping allegations based on Grigory’s testimony.  ibid.  caption


There never was anti-doping in Russia.  ibid.



This is Yuliya Stepanova and Vitaliy Stepanov and their small son Robert.  In their native Russia they don’t feel safe any more.  Because they’ve given away a secret.  The Secrets of Doping: How Russia Makes Its Winners, ARD 2015


Vitaliy Stepanov loves his job at the Russian Anti-Doping Agency.  ibid.


‘You must dope.  That’s how it’s done in Russia.’  ibid.  Vitaliy


The fairytale of clean sport will be refuted for all time.  ibid.


I even receive audio files of conversations between top coaches and athletes.  ibid.  


‘The athlete has no choice.’  ibid.  Coach


It looks increasingly like a system.  ibid.


RUSADA is part of the fraud scheme which he experienced as an employee.  ibid.


I now receive growing evidence from Russian informants.  ibid.


Fear and intimidation appear to belong to the system.  ibid.



He [Eddie Merckx] was disqualified for a positive drugs test.  Sporting Greats – Eddie Merckx



1988 Prahran Skate Park, Melbourne: They just got on the ramp and started pumping … They were called Ben and Tas [Pappas].  All This Mayhem, 2014, contemporary


To be a part of that US skating culture was our dream.  ibid.


They were doing new tricks that in some respects were better than the pros.  ibid.


Me and Ben are chopping coke non stop, skating, partying, you couldn’t escape it in those days.  ibid.


Platinum was my dream team: it was a sick bloody team.  ibid.


Ben Pappas is the best skater in the world right now.  ibid.  commentator



The world of bogeys, googlies, breaststrokes and big tackle has always been full of shocks.  From naughty footballers on the pitch to naughty footballers off the pitch.  Caught out cricketers.  To hungry boxers.  All New Most Shocking Moments in Sport, Channel 5 2019


40) In 2005 the England cricket team were basking in the glory of dramatically winning the ashes: Freddie Flintoff  play hard, party hard.  ibid.


39) Cheryl and Ashley Cole: loyalty wasn’t his strongest point.  ibid. 


38) AJ v Ruiz: no-one saw this shock coming.  ibid.


37) Paralympics: In 2000 one basketball team from Spain almost ruined the party for everyone … Ten of the twelve members of the squad pretended to have learning difficulties.  ibid.


36) Eric Cantona: The Frenchman as a great player perhaps but notoriously volatile … The news-stands were full of outrage [sic].  ibid. 


35) Boris Becker: On 30 June 1999 legendary Boris Becker retired from competitive tennis … ‘He has to file for bankruptcy.  ibid.


34) 1976 Bruce Jenner’s gender identity.  ibid.


33) WAGs at the World Cup.  ibid.


32) Fabrice Muamba’s [Bolton] heart attack … The sportsman who quite literally came back from the dead.  ibid.


31) Erika Rowe: the legend … A 24 year old Hampshire lass with a lot of front.  ibid.


30) Take the knee: 2016 a politically divisive moment.  ibid.


29) Mike Tindell and players hit town at Rugby world cup … and a ‘mystery blonde’ … his ex-girlfriend.  ibid.


28) David Moyes at Real Sociedad ... Wally with the brolly Steve McClaren … Joey Barton’s French accent …  ibid.


27) Zola Budd & Mary Decker at Los Angeles Olympics … ‘and then the boos and the whistling.’  ibid.


26) Giggs and the super-injunction … ‘his brother’s wife!’  ibid.


25) 1990: ‘John Barnes is the best sports-based rapper ever.’  ibid.


24) The kidnap of Shergar … ‘one of the great unsolved mysteries of sport’.  ibid.


23) 1966 World Cup … we ‘lost’ the World Cup … [and] Pickles the dog.  ibid. 


22) Sven-Goren Eriksson … and the 1-5 match in Munich …  ibid. 


21) Billy Jean King: The battle of the sexes.  ibid.


20) 27 May 2015 Zurich: the arrest of the FIFA highrollers.  ibid.


19) Eddie the Eagle: ‘I came 58th out of 58.’  ibid.


18) 2019: Liverpool 4 v Barcelona 0 & Tottenham v Ajax …  ibid.


17) 1968 Olympics Mexico: Smith’ & Carlos’ Black Power salute.  ibid.


16) Ian Botham on tour … scandalous allegations emerged in the press.  ibid.


15) A vicious rivalry 1994: Kerrigan v Harding.  ibid.


14) Gascoigne at the World Cup …  ibid.


13) 2004: Wayne Rooney … ‘Roo in a Vice Den’.  ibid.  Daily Mirror


12) 2012 London Games opening ceremony.  ibid. 


11) Death of Ayrton Senna.  ibid.


10) 1997: Brand Beckham … and the 2004 Beckham affair.  ibid.


9) Mike Tyson … two defeats, a high profile divorce and three years in prison for rape … Tyson v Holyfield.  ibid.  


8) The Tiger Woods scandal.  ibid.


7) Oscar Pistorius: a global icon … All that changed on Valentine’s Day 2013 … The trial lasted longer than six months.  ibid.


6) 1986 Mexico World Cup quarter-final: Maradona’s Hand of God.  ibid.