The bombing of the USS Cole. It is one of the first of a series of deadly strikes by Al Qaeda on US targets. The organisation responsible is quickly identified. CIA Declassified s1e8: Killing the Bombers
How the CIA used cutting-edge technology in one of the most inhospitable regions in the world to hunt down the terrorist mastermind behind the attack on the USS Cole and deliver lethal justice. ibid.
A suicide bomb has ripped a 40-foot hole in the hull of the Cole nearly sinking the ship. Eventually the death toll rises to 17 with 39 injured … Prime suspect: Al Qaeda. ibid.
The name of the organiser, the leader of the cell … is Abd al-Nashiri. ibid.
Nashiri has set in motion another attack. This time his target is the investigators themselves. ibid.
Yemen becomes a front line in the War on Terror. ibid.
The CIA’s classified mission is to help Yemen’s Special Forces find and take out as many Al Qaeda operatives as possible. ibid.