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Ship & Shipbuilding (II)
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★ Ship & Shipbuilding (II)

I’m on a river cruise sailing down the Rhone from Burgundy to Provence on board the Avalon Poetry II.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s2e3: Rhone River


My French cruise starts on a train in London and via Eurotunnel to Paris, a bus to Dijon and Beaune, and finally to Lyon where we join the ship.  Then a meander down the Rhone.  ibid. 


Avalon Poetry II: This ship is all about intimacy with room for 128 passengers along 2 full decks of suites, with wall to wall panoramic windows, perfect for watching the world float by.  ibid.


Wine, chat and cheese all in the same place.  ibid.



I set off for my next cruise around the party island of Cuba … so where better to start than the Spanish colonial capital of Havana.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s2e4: Cuba   


The Celestyal Crystal is an older vessel … She’s living the dream here in the Caribbean … This is old-school cruising … We’re sailing right round Cuba starting in Havana, then south to Cienfuegos, then a quick day trip down to Montego Bay in Jamaica, then back to Santiago de Cuba in the south, then home to Havana.  ibid. 


Apart from Florida 103 miles away, Jamaica is Cuba’s closest Caribbean neighbour … It’s paradise … It’s just completely relaxed.  ibid.  



This time I’m way out west … I’ll be starting my journey in Los Angeles; and getting my teeth into the hottest dog in Holywood; I’ll be going to sensational San Francisco … California dreamin’.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s3e1: California


Ruby Princess: over 1,000 crew, x3 passengers, and more than enough bars and restaurants to satisfy anyone … outdoor cinema and even a theatre.  I love the feel of the ship …  ibid.      



Iceland about The Ocean Diamond: With only 100 cabins this ship is on the small side.  It’s got everything you need: a lounge, got two restaurants, and even an outdoor swimming pool … The welcome already is just lovely.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s3e2: Iceland


The water here can reach 40 degrees, perfect for a soothing soak.  ibid.


To see the whales we’ve got to out towards the Arctic Circle.  ibid.   


A night to remember: The Northern Lights … They’re absolutely amazing.  ibid.  


The largest puffin colony in Europe … Every year thousands of the little ones get lost inland … Children come to the rescue.  ibid.  



Vietnam: beloved of backpackers and a favourite of foodies, it’s surrounded by sea, and has over two thousand rivers.  It’s also become a top choice for cruises.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s3e3: Mekong                    


A trip into the unknown.  From Ho Chi Minh it’s a quick drive to My Tho from where I’ll be sashaying up the Mekong … My final destination  the Temple at Angkor Wat … this place takes your breath away.  ibid.  


The AmaDara … 302 feet long … She’s got a style all of her own.  The are over 50 crew … Balconies: I’ve never seen that on a river cruise … Look at the size of this cabin! …  ibid.    


The silk excursion is one of the most popular on this trip.  ibid.  



It’s an eight-hour flight from Montreal down to New Orleans in the deep south … My next adventure: a cruise of the Mississippi.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s3e4: New Orleans


Pleasure boats have been transporting tourists along the Mississippi for more than 200 years … American Queen: Everything that you wanted it to be … She’s 6 decks high but only a modest 127 metres long … She still squeezes in 6 bars though.  ibid.



I’m going down under … Australia’s largest city and home to the biggest harbour in the world.  There’s tons to see here … The weather’s not bad either.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s4e1&2: Australia & New Zealand I & II


11 decks high the Noordam is equipped with 2 pools, a spa, a casino and even a basketball court, plenty to keep you busy, not to mention the 9 bars … 986 state rooms.  ibid. 


Welcome to Tasmania, ya little devils … Overnight, we’re heading 1,000 miles south-east  it’ll take us 2 full days to get to New Zealand’s South Island.  ibid.  


On this final leg we’ll be going around New Zealand’s North Island … Finally we’ll be heading back to Sydney where it all began.  ibid.  


Auckland: I am going to take a helicopter all around the city to see the wonders of this beautiful place.  ibid.   



I’m journeying to the bottom of the world … 19 days of Hispanic heaven.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s4e3&4: South America I & II       


From Valparaiso we’re going to be sailing south along the coast of Chile to the glacier of San Rafael, before reaching the outback town of Punta Arenas.  From there it’s on to a home from home, the Falklands.  And finally, I’ll be stopping off in Argentina.  ibid.  


I’m in Argentina … Beautiful skies, beautiful weather … The beaches, the views, all the animals we’ve seen here today …  ibid.  II    


It’s really weird to see a Welsh house in Argentina.  ibid.  



This time Greece is the word.  And I’m setting sail for seven days of summer loving … I’m hopping my way around five Aegean islands … From the splendour of Santorini to the madness of Mykonos.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s5e1: Greece


Athens: I’ve learnt more about Greece in one day than I ever did at school.  ibid.  


Celestyal Crystal: There are 10 decks housing nearly 500 cabins, meaning they can squeeze 1,200 passengers on board.  And with a gym, sauna and beauty centre there’s plenty to keep them busy between stops … There are in fact 3 restaurants to choose from.  ibid.  



This time I’m in pursuit of purest Portugal taking a trip up the Stairway to Heaven, sizzling over the Spanish border, and sinking my teeth into luscious Lisbon.  Do you fancy eight days in a Portuguese paradise?  Cruising with Jane McDonald s5e2: Portugal  


Emerald Radiance: 46 suites … She’s barely 12 months old … This boat has everything you’d expect on a sea-going vessel: three levels housing a restaurant, a bar, and all your other cruising essentials.  ibid.



I’m taking a spiritual journey along India’s most sacred river to really live this stunning and unique country.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s5e3&4: India I & II


Kolkata: The sights and sounds are overwhelming … The bustle, the energy, and yes, the poverty … You see such utter colour and beauty.  ibid.  


Ganges Voyager II: At just three decks high … room for just 56 of us … all oldy-worldy … 28 cabins  ibid.   



One of the favourite departure points is Detroit, home of America’s auto industry and of course the birthplace of Motown.  A fresh water cruise around the great lakes.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s6e1: Great Lakes


The Victory II is 20 years old and feels like a cross between an ocean liner and a traditional river cruiser.  She’s got 5 desks and 101 cabins for up to 200 passengers.  ibid.  


So after saying cheerio to Ohio we’re now heading 180 miles north on Lake Erie to the Niagara River … Our excursion of the Falls comes as part of the cruise package.  ibid.  



A 7-day sail around the Mediterranean … Welcome to Rome, one of the world’s breathtaking cities: it’s beautiful … Cruising with Jane McDonald s6e2: Mediterranean Riviera


The Oceana Marina: Premium quality cruising spread across 16 decks and I’m one of 1,200 guests boarding for 7 days.  ibid.


Livorno from where we’ll pop into Pisa and Florence; we’ll race down to Monte Carlando, then Toulon before visiting Barcelona; next there’s Cartagena before we ending our Mediterranean meanderings in Malaga.  ibid.



Never mind the Balkans, I’m going down the Danube.  Seven days sailing through central and eastern Europe.  With some posh train travel thrown in.  Cruising with Jane McDonald s6e3: The Balkans        


Day 1: Budapest: the cruise has laid on an exclusive excursion … How beautiful Budapest is at night …  ibid.


Amaverde: 5 stars, 4 decks, 81 cabins, and 160 passengers … 440-foot long … also a fancy cocktail bar … Bratislava: absolutely stunning … the Carpathian mountains … Transylvania …  ibid.